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  1. I can confirm this too! Also if you let him stay a little bit longer in this state he will start to do some kind of 'dance' 😄
  2. Well hello again. Another thing that I've observed is that Sheriff Malloy always walk like he's been shot. Whenever he has the gun out he put the other arm around his belly looking like he is shot . I must mention that if I remove PDO he is alright, and also I'm using the latest files you posted. Am I the only one? I dont have another mods that would make a conflict with the PDO... Edit: If anyone else have this probleme I managed to fix it by changing the npc health value from 75 to 105 as it was in the version 1.57
  3. Well, a strange situation happens with my game now with this .asi. The NPCs are limping. They walk like they were shot. The .asi from 25 march didn't do this. Am i the only one?
  4. I can confirm that it's working on 1311.23.
  5. Works fine for me. So far it's the best version. Good Job and thanks!
  6. @AnymYo Please post your settings if you manage to fix that weird shock state/bad standing. You'd save a lot of people I'm sure of it. Thanks :D
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