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  1. Id love to see lennys trainer NOT have to be inside the game directory , and started from some other launcher like the first trainer that came out on nexus , that would make for switching between SP and MP much easier ..( and safer) also have trainer support gamepad like Menyoo's trainer for GTA 5
  2. Id love to see lennys trainer NOT have to be inside the game directory , and started from some other launcher like the first trainer that came out on nexus , that would make for switching between SP and MP much easier ..( and safer) also have trainer support gamepad like Menyoo's trainer for GTA 5
  3. Can this trainer be used with the Scripthook by Tuxick that u dont have to put in game directory
  4. The ability to load this mod from outside the game install directory like the other trainer on Nexus would be great . Keeping all the modded files outside the game directory would be super helpful when switching between modded single player and online.
  5. Do u think this mod can be loaded from a folder outside the install directory like the other trainer on Nexus . Having the ability to keep all modded files outside of the install would definitely help when switching from online and single player.
  6. The ability to make all animals 3 stars no matter what or how they are killed , would be fantastic !
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