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    United States

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  1. Any way to make it not be 12:00 in game every time you start it up?
  2. I know, I just was hoping for a way to do it. The only thing I want for my first playthrough is to slow the timecycle. And I don't want to accidentally have a violent sneeze or some ridiculous spasm and corrupt my save file by accidentally model swapping or something similar. I'm sure someone will make a timecycle-only mod eventually, but I was hoping to save the wait and find out if there was a way to do it here. I definitely don't have the knowledge of how to make a mod on my own, so I'm relying on far more skilled people to make it happen.
  3. Maybe I'm the only one who wants this, but is there a way to only use the timecycle modifier without even having the rest of the trainer active? I don't want to use any of the cheats (at this time anyways) and I don't want to even have the ability to accidentally activate something if I start mashing my face against the keyboard or something. I'm wondering if I can leave out some of the files or edit the .ini somehow to make this happen. Great work though and I plan to use this either way! Edit: I meant timecycle instead of timescale. I guess we now have both options available.
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