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  1. How can I get the hash items, which can be found under "broken" in "OutfitChanger"? The fact that I want to know the hash of "Beta Duster Coat", located under "broken" in position 18 at the top and fit it in outfitchanger.ini because when I choose it in the game, the body and clothes of Arthur lost and only needed my coat and scarf on the neck of the invisible body. This coat is not recorded when saving the suit in a text document outfitchanger.ini, while everything else leaves its hash in the document. The coat I have in mind is a model of the usual Duster Coat (black), which is in Arthur's wardrobe from the very beginning of the game, but at the same time allows you to completely unbutton your shirt with a scarf set there, as was shown to us in the early images of the game and in version 1.00 on the console. In the final version, we can only unbutton the collar and hang a scarf on top. To get the desired result, I have to constantly adjust other components of clothing through the "outfitchanger", as they disappear in this coat (including the entire body), and this is very inconvenient. Video showing the difference:
  2. How can I find out the hash of clothing components from the "Broken" section, and in general be able to find it myself?
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