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  1. Miguel,Hello I'm hoping you can help me with the editor. I don't understand the Task= for peds. By default they all start out as Task="0", which I guess is default. Changing that number, except to '1', has no effect. Change it to '1' and the ped attacks the player. Also, I need information on the Scenario="" section for each ped. I have tried typing in the text as shown here on RDR2mods - without result. I have tried typing in the hash numbers, again nothing. Can you advise me? I'd like to get them doing something besides wandering around, such as scenarios or perhaps mounting a horse or vehicle. test23c.xml
  2. Just noticed reference to Steam version. That is the online version of RDR. You can't use mods.
  3. Do you have version.dll in your game root folder? I once had an issue with all mods and that was the issue. You should have that file.
  4. LockerTag Check if you have both version.dll and d8input.dll, which might cause problems. I use only version.dll I am no expert, just a thought.
  5. So, thanks to the super work of others, we have wagon and stagecoach missions, contracts, Bounty hunting, and train missions. What we need are contract missions using the boats in RDR2. Ideally, it would involve more than canoes or rowboats. This would be an involved development, since we cannot yet have waypoints in the waterways. The challenge is on!
  6. I have a problem that may or may not be LML. I have made map changes in the mod editor that worked fine as .xml files, loaded by the editor. When changed to .ymap files and put into LML/stream folder, nothing shows up. I test this by eliminating all from LML/stream except my five .ymap files. Then I rode around to each location and saw no sign of the buffalo, cattle, or people that I had created. Any idea why?
  7. Just save the file to desktop and then copy paste it to the game folder. The game folder is set to admin ownership as the game runs in administrator mode.
  8. HI Getting player current position. I want to make something happen if the player is nearby, in story mode, single player. How do I get the current x,y position?
  9. Thanks. I've got that mod, but it hasn't been working lately. However, I've learned that you can recover your wagon with the mod that lets you take delivery jobs. You go to the store, where you would take a wagon job, and talk to the storekeeper. Retrieve my wagon will also put horses in position. I know that some mods conflict and others could use more directions. It is still fun to discover 'hidden' abilities.
  10. How do you put new horses to pull a wagon? My horses got killed in an ambush. My wagon is left in the middle of the desert. Lesson learned, have a saddle horse follow along. I had to walk to the nearest railroad and use the Train Engineer mod to get a ride to town. I now want to return with more horses and get my wagon. Any ideas?
  11. I don't know what a "blip" is in the game. I'm getting blip errors ! [Note] Starting to load map:MapEditor/Maps/cattle.xml [Error] [LoadMap][Object] - blip Attribute error! [Error] [LoadMap][Object] - blip Attribute error! [Error] [LoadMap][Object] - blip Attribute error! [Error] [LoadMap][Object] - blip Attribute error! [Error] [LoadMap][Object] - blip Attribute error! [Error] [LoadMap] - Failed to create the ped! Help?
  12. I'm so new that when I started playing with mods, I didn't know what a PED was. I never played GTA, so needed to know. Thanks for the information, to they one who responded. Now I have questions regarding the map editor. I've made a few that worked as .xml files. I was able to save from the editor as .ymap files, but not always. Sometimes (often) the game freezes at that point. Any idea why? Next, I put a few .ymap files into my LML\stream folder, seeing that there are several of them, I wonder if .ymap files all load in together, or just one of them. I'm trying to do simple things like put some buffalos out there, some cows, a few people in towns. Each of these ideas were saved into new .ymap files. Should they all load and my 'creations' be in place? The map editor also uses the term groups and allows adjusting how each group reacts to others. Does this mess up any groups already existing in the Story game? I just don't know enough to use things properly. I know enough to be dangerous!
  13. Thanks. Looking forward to Mexico being alive, and driving a train across your bridge.
  14. Where can I find version 1.6 now?
  15. The latest map editor that I have will not save ymap without freezing. Please tell me/direct me to the version map editor you used for this. The version I have is 8.0 with the menu option to save as ymap. It only fails when I try to save that type. XML maps save fine.
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