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weesnaw last won the day on December 2 2020

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  1. I have no desire to play online but I want to see/use the new accessories. Anyone figure them out? Any chance of them getting added to Pimp My Horse?
  2. A_C_Horse_Mustang_Buckskin, A_C_Horse_Mustang_ChestnutTovero, A_C_Horse_Mustang_RedDunOvero, A_C_Horse_Mustang_BlackOvero, A_C_Horse_MissouriFoxTrotter_DappleGrey, A_C_Horse_MissouriFoxTrotter_BlackTovero, A_C_Horse_MissouriFoxTrotter_BlueRoan, A_C_Horse_MissouriFoxTrotter_BuckskinBrindle
  3. Any chance of being able to get the IDs for the new manes and such that came in the online update?
  4. For some reason backing up while playing as a horse isn't working anymore? Double tapping R1 used to work just like riding them but now it just makes them walk forward in an uncontrollable direction
  5. A mod that lets you make certain animals not vocalize as frequently (or at all) would be neat, if doable. Elk almost constantly scream when they're spawned in, dogs in towns are almost always barking, wolves are a LOT more quiet in real life than in-game (why do they viciously bark all the time like dogs??), cougars are some of the stealthiest predators in real life but yowl and scream the moment you're in range, foxes merely existing = noise radiating from them. A mod that either makes these more rare or even completely silences the "normal" vocalizations of these animals (i.e completely silencing wolves' weird constant barking) would benefit hunting and immersive gameplay, imo. I've never been ambushed/snuck up on by any of the predators in the game, nor has it ever been even a slight challenge to spot/hunt a fox when every step they take is punctuated by barks. With how much hunting was built up in the first act, I wish there was more of a requirement for paying attention instead of listening to the animals' screaming and chasing them.
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  6. Is there any reason why the "hands up" action seems to be a permanent fixture? If I remove it from the actions list and add my own custom actions, Hands Up is still at the top of the list above everything else. Also is there any way to hotkey actions, or at least hotkey Stop Action? It's fun and immersive to use em, but not so much to have to dig through the menu every time. ^^;
  7. Yeah, it definitely has something to do with the invisible walls being spawned in and never being dropped. I played around with it more, it happens on any kind of animal when switching back and forth between movement types, MP and SP variants. Best of luck to you if you go searching for whatever function calls the walls, hopefully there's a way to make them drop when switching back to the old movement. Hell, if it's not fully dependent on the movement type and the invisible barriers could be removed from the animals in general since it seems more model dependent and not control scheme dependent, that'd be rad.
  8. The animal control fix and the binding are working great! There's still one thing that's weird about animals though, regardless of which control mode you're in you can't: - Enter buildings - Enter trains - Walk into tents - Enter certain alleyways in Saint Denis - Walk up any set of stairs you can't take your horse up - Walk under certain overhangs or under bridges - Walk under any object as a small animal - Enter gazebos in Saint Denis None of these things used to be a problem before R* added the new movement; I think there's still something checking whether or not your model is Arthur or an animal despite having Arthur's controls. I haven't tested bird flight yet but I feel like there's going to be a lot of accidental crashes and death trying to fly under something only to hit an invis wall. Hopefully this is something that can be looked into eventually-- I miss being able to stow away on a train when one passes by as I'm running around as a critter, and I miss being able to get into saloon bar fights as a wolf/cougar/bear/etc. Causing mayhem in Saint Denis isn't the same either now that I can't turn and run into the alleys. 😕 Edit: I'll add that the issue with MP animals being invisible unless the mp items were set to true has been fixed with the latest update! 🙂 Edit 2: After more testing it seems the invisible walls only happen with the MP animal variations, aka the new legendary coats. Is there something in the code differentiating them from the normal ones? This white panther can't enter the saloon, and trying to walk inside with Arthur + switch back pushes me through the floor (and world). However, the normal panther can walk up the stairs just fine. https://i.gyazo.com/8f978f4287ba0850be719ef84f82773e.mp4 Edit 3: Whoa okay, more testing, discovered something funky. If you spawn in as an MP animal with old movement already enabled, you can go into buildings/up stairs fine. HOWEVER, if you switch to new and back to old, invisible walls pop up and will either force you out of the building through the floor or ceiling or won't allow you in again. This means it's pretty much impossible to seamlessly switch to new movement for roaming, old movement for attacking, and back to new movement if you want to enter buildings or do much of anything-- you'd have to go through the entire song and dance of turning movement to old, changing your model to something new and then back to your previous model, using the outfit changer menu to set your skin, and then enter the building... Every single time.
  9. I've been thinking on it; if you're able to get a working toggle, could it be something bound to one of the F-buttons (F1/F2/F3 etc, or something customizable in lst) instead of being something tucked into the Player menu? Being able to switch modes on the fly would probably be the most efficient if you need to be able to quickly flipflop between the more precise movement controls and being able to get in buildings/under obstacles/utilize the satchel and attacks and whatnot.
  10. Sure thing, whenever I play next I'll remember to give it a go. ^^
  11. That'd be awesome and much appreciated! Keep up the good work!
  12. Positive! The reason I'm so positive is because I previously had all of my mods uninstalled to play RDO, and reinstalled them the very day I made the post. I could try setting it back to false next time I play and see if they go back to being invis, not sure why it required that in the first place. :0
  13. That's so intriguing. I'm glad to hear that's something that can be fixed in the future! Honestly I'd really like to keep the new movement system or have some way to toggle between the "on-foot" behavior and the animal controls-- that way we can toggle the animal controls off for satchel use, flying, and entering buildings and be able to toggle back on the new movement system, but like you said, we'll see what they've got planned. Possums can now play dead too-- I think both them and rabbits can drink? I wonder if they're going to be adding this new functionality to everything or just these four creatures. Super exciting stuff.
  14. Director Mode, or something else? Playing as certain animals (deer and boar are the two I've found so far) let you perform misc animations I've never seen before with circle, drink at water sources with triangle and attack with the right trigger. All animals now move with the same control scheme as horses; tapping X for different speeds and R1 to slow to a stop. Is this something new with animals in general, or Lenny's trainer? Is it proof of a future director's mode? It's interesting only herbivores have the new animations so far. Dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, big cats and so on are lacking them. Horses lost the ability to kick as well, cougars can't crouch anymore, etc. All animals also behave like horses in the sense that they can't go into buildings, or even onto certain things like patios... Which imo is kind of annoying. There's no reason a cat should get stopped by an invisible wall when trying to walk onto the patio of a house, or why a dog can't go into a room. There are full invisible walls preventing you from going onto or into these places as animals... I wonder if that's something that can get fixed with mods? Not sure. There's no reason this should be stopping me: https://i.gyazo.com/2e9ae996040962c93e7e96cd1f0f37e1.mp4
  15. I actually figured out what the invisible issue was the other day! You NEED to have the multiplayer items set to true or else they're invisible. This also required a total restart of the game to activate. ^^ There's a new issue now though with the satchel not being usable on certain models, making it impossible to refill health and stam cores. Not sure what could be done about that other than maybe adding a refill cores option to the trainer, if that's possible. Heal & Clean unfortunately doesn't affect the cores at all (if it's even supposed to)!
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