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    United States
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Feller (1/10)



  1. Ok so I know this has already been asked about the "character clothing changes". I jsut want to point out something like a army person using F7+downarrow does change the apperance to another version of the npc. Now someone like Sadie using F7 and down arrow does literaly nothing. Are there plans to possible fix this issue if you can even call it that? *EDIT* I looked at the ped list and noticed you guys commented and said you were working on it.
  2. @LMS just so you know I just downloaded the new update to fix the 100% issue but I still get the flashing screen and cannot move. Also just to make sure I uninnstalled all mod files and reinstalled them.
  3. Also when using a custom model, no matter which one I use I can't reload any gun.
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