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  1. Ok thank you for your help I will try other things and if I find a solution I will share it here.
  2. Ok so I tried this params = {} params.speechName = "FAREWELL" params.voiceName = "0479_U_M_M_VALGUNSMITH_01" params.v3 = 1 params.speechParamHash = 0x67F3AB43 params.entity = 0 params.v6 = true params.v7 = 1 params.v8 = 1 Citizen.InvokeNative(0x8E04FEDD28D42462, cl, params) and got this error SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid Lua type in __data Pointing to the line where I Invoked the native.
  3. Yes you can use this line I had in my example Citizen.InvokeNative(0x283978a15512b2fe, clerk, true) -- You can invoke natives like this too
  4. Exactly! It doesn't make any sense. and it's not only lua I thought I could write it in c# but it doesn't work either. They put your c++ solution in description but it can't be achieved with what they gave. In both lua and c# params is a returned value by the native.
  5. This function PlayPedAmbientSpeechNative() Used to be called. PlayAmbientSpeech1() (They recently changed the name of the function.) And it basically invokes the native _PLAY_AMBIENT_SPEECH1. Here is a link to the native document: https://vespura.com/doc/natives/?_0x8E04FEDD28D42462 The problem is even though it's in the natives document I cannot pass any parameters into it. I see that you have to give it a struct that holds the parameters in c++ but you can't do that in lua. And here is a code example that spawn peds at pre-defined positions: Citizen.CreateThread(function() clerkHash = GetHashKey(store.ClerkModel) pos = Config.Stores[1].pos heading = Config.Stores[1].hdg if IsModelInCdimage(clerkHash) and IsModelValid(clerkHash) then RequestModel(clerkHash) while not HasModelLoaded(clerkHash) do RequestModel(clerkHash) Wait(0) end clerk = CreatePed(clerkHash, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, hdg, 1, 1, 0, 0) SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(clerkHash) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x283978a15512b2fe, clerk, true) -- You can invoke natives like this too end end)
  6. There is this line in Natives local retval --[[ boolean ]], params --[[ Any ]] = PlayPedAmbientSpeechNative( ped --[[ Ped ]] ) And this as a description struct ScriptedSpeechParams { const char* speechName; const char* voiceName; alignas(8) int v3; alignas(8) Hash speechParamHash; alignas(8) Entity entity; alignas(8) BOOL v6; alignas(8) int v7; alignas(8) int v8; }; static_assert(sizeof(ScriptedSpeechParams) == 0x40, "incorrect ScriptedSpeechParams size"); Example: ScriptedSpeechParams params{"RE_PH_RHD_V3_AGGRO", "0405_U_M_M_RhdSheriff_01", 1, 0x67F3AB43, 0, true, 1, 1}; _PLAY_AMBIENT_SPEECH1(PLAYER_PED_ID(), (Any*)&params); When I found the code in the description here I thought there was a way to do it in lua for RedM but I guess not. I cannot give params to this function no matter what I do. I think this function just doesn't work in RedM.
  7. Oh, I see... I am creating a resource in redm and I don't know if I can do that.
  8. Since all of my resources are in lua I would like to do this in lua too. If there is no other way I can change it to c++. If you can think of any other way to do it in lua please tell. Thanks.
  9. Hi, I know this topic is solved but is there anyway I can use this in lua. Because lua version of PLAY_AMBIENT_SPEECH1 only accepts ped as param.
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