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  1. pickups.meta files are scattered all over the .rpf files, each of them lists items, it has glow settings... <GlowRed value="x.000000" /> <GlowGreen value="x.000000" /> <GlowBlue value="x.000000" /> <GlowIntensity value="x.000000" /> <GlowRange value="x.000000" /> The weapons and items specifically are.. Is that any help? Hope so!
  2. any progress on this? was playing RDR2 in first person with UI turned off the other day, those flashing glowing dropped enemy weapons, glowing throwing weapons/arrows and it is the same for dropped enemy hats! They were infuriating and very unattractive while playing in some an otherwise realistic mode! No need for them, too, given the clarity and realism of graphics, I can see enemy weapons, hats and my arrows, and if I cannot, then so be it, just like RL.. completely deterimental to my experience. So I am confused. I used to do a bit of OPENiv modding on gta5... openIV now supports rdr2... is that what you're using? I don't even know what program or rdr2 package or whatever to use any of the clues from above... where 0x7DFB49BCDB73089A might be useful for example, or GRAPHICS::_SET_PICKUP_OBJECT_GLOW_ENABLED(content, false); ^ yet you guys sound like you know what you're talking about. I hope someone can eventually make this - I am looking into trying to disable this dropped item glowing effect overall from all rdr2, lol, myself... but it is maybe above my pay-grade lol, i only just installed latest openiv 10minutes ago so i will have to see if that's even the right direction, given the vagueness of the info i'm working off..., and also I am seriously suprised, because the flashing glowing effect is very cheesy in such an otherwise HD and amazingly realistic game... I hope if i can't do it... in the great words of Homer Simpson, at least "can't somebody else do it?"..
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