When I look at the Ponchos in my wardrobe or in Clothing Shop catalog game crashes FFFFFFFF error . Online guns are purchasable also when going to the Trapper doesnnt give me any extra menus for Offline items .
TThe lag and FPS drop is due to Lenny's Simple Trainer for people who added it to get Red Dead Offline to work . I have fixed this FPS drop issue to do so u just have to remove the file NativeInterop.dll if u don't need the trainer to pop up when u press F5 remove EasyHookPatch.asi also
Mod Loader just deleted on its own for some reason. The lag and FPS drop is due to Lenny's Simple Trainer for people who added it to get Red Dead Offline to work . I have fixed this FPS drop issue to do so u just have to remove the file NativeInterop.dll if u don't need the trainer to pop up when u press F5 remove EasyHookPatch.asi also
hers my vehicle list. with Hot air Balloon but it only goes up ,no way to control it to move forward.
GATCHUCK, GATCHUCK_2, COACH3, ARMYSUPPLYWAGON, hotchkiss_cannon, BREACH_CANNON, GATLINGMAXIM02, GATLING_GUN, hotAirballoon01, keelboat, boatSteam02x,