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conspiracydawg last won the day on October 1 2021

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  1. I definitely get it on the trainer front. I meant more like, catching your horse properly out in the wild, then instead of stabling it, saving it and loading it later when you want it, but even that doesn't have the same feel. I don't tend to be one of those gamers who complains about my immersion all the time, but loading a horse from a trainer really does take me out of the game instantly. Also, even though it's the same model and texture and ID and all that, my brain still goes, "But that's not MY Iron Grey Roan Ardennes." Re: less-than-legal games, I'm pretty much of the same mind. I'm not generally an advocate of game piracy (somehow, despite the industry's size, I continue to feel like it's small enough where what I buy might make some kind of impact to somebody), but I make exceptions for the Sims and other games of that type that would cost hundreds of dollars to buy all the DLCs. It helps that I own the base games for them, I guess. For RDR2, it was partly that I'd been waiting for a good sale for a couple years at that point and realized that I was unlikely to get one anytime soon, but mostly it was just on a whim. The crack, when it eventually came, was a huge deal for game piracy; RDR2 was infamously uncrackable for a long time. Unfortunately, the version that was cracked has several troublesome bugs, such as a problem with horse eyes not rendering properly, and it's missing some online content, so I can't use as much online stuff as I'd like in single player. Buying the game properly is still on my to-do list, is my point. For the fleeing horses, I actually realized I'm an idiot who didn't play for a bit and forgot the order of operations for having the maximum amount of horses following you. The steps should be to 1: have your regular horse who's registered at the stables (horse 1), 2: catch a new horse (horse 2), 3: get horse 2 to the first bond level, 4: catch a third horse (horse 3), 5: mount horse 3 and have the other two follow you, optionally lassoing horse 2 in case you end up bonding with horse 3, which would result in the game setting horse 3 as your temporary horse and having horse 2 wander off so it can clear the horse out of its memory. I was lassoing horse 3 because I remembered having to lasso a horse, but not why, and when you lasso an unbonded horse, it gets agitated and you can't tow it along. So that's that problem solved, anyway. I'd still like a way to have more horses follow you, though, and of course a way to have more horses at stables, so if anyone finds this thread and has any ideas...
  2. Update: okay, my horse follow limit spontaneously decreasing was definitely something I did with mods/cheats somehow, I'm trying to work out exactly what. Any information on increasing the limit further (or more stable space, as ever) would still be appreciated.
  3. Yeah, I would also love a stable limit increase. I'm a horse lover, and RDR2's insistence on giving you dozens and dozens of gorgeous horse variations and four godforsaken stable slots infuriates me. I also get really attached to my horses, and it hurts to always have to be thinking about which one I'll sell if I find a new must-have. That said, you can... kinda fudge it with trainers like Rampage that have a "save horse" function. I don't really use those functions, because they never seem to quite have the bonding situation figured out and it feels really awkward to spawn in horses with a trainer instead of getting one from the stable, but it's available if you're desperate. I thought I was desperate enough by far, but not quite desperate enough, I guess. I'm actually using, uh, a less than legal version of the game (I know, I'm sorry, it's on my list), so the decrease in follower horses definitely wasn't an update. I've used a couple cheats, but nothing I can think of that would cause this. I've also been thinking, since it is a new playthrough, that there might be an achievement or something that I've forgotten about that might affect this. I'll go through and do the horseman challenges, see if that fixes it. Might also load up my old playthrough and see if the problem is there, too, in which case I might just reinstall entirely and start fresh. Bit nuclear, but I really want my two temporary horses back.
  4. It doesn't seem like there's been any luck in increasing the stable limit since I last looked into it, but I was wondering if anyone knows a way to increase how many unowned horses can follow you. When I started playing the game, I could have my main saddled horse, run into a new horse in the wild, catch and ride it, run into another new horse, and put a lasso on that one and bring it with me, too. If I tried picking up horses past that, the game wouldn't let me; one of the horses, usually the newest, would get stuck in a state of permanent distress and flee until I just had my three horses again. At some point in my new playthrough, that changed (no idea what happened), and now I can only have my main horse and one "wild" horse before other horses start doing the flee-thing. Apart from being mildly concerned that at some point the game might just decide to not let me catch new horses, I'm wondering if there's a way to increase this limit. Horse catching is my main activity in RDR2, and I'd love to be able to have three or for following me. Anyone know any mods that address this, or possible workarounds? In addition, any information on what might have happened to my own horse-following situation would be appreciated. Thanks!
  5. Thanks very much for the trainer! Is it possible to stable the online horses in story mode? I can spawn, ride, and bond with them, but when I try to put them in the stable, their details don't show up, and they become inaccessible while still taking up a stable slot. Failing that, is there a way to "save" horses in the trainer--with bond level, equipment, and so on?
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