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The Cheat

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  1. +rep this dude's name is nutnutnut, I like it.

  2. Thanks, feller! It's always fun to imagine what could be possible. ☺
  3. All I can say myself about that is, there's a difference between a "beta" & what they have in their hands at the moment, which is more than likely closer to a pre-alpha, probably not even able to be launched easily by the user. Pure speculation because I don't personally know what stage they're in, but there's usually a pretty chunky part of development where it's technically 'playable' by devs because they can launch the scripts for stuff as they go, but that doesn't make it playable for the front-end user, if any of that makes sense to anyone lol.
  4. Just a new idea that popped into my head. Has anyone thought of the possibility of adding another personal layer of depth by being able to recruit, in some fashion, deputies and other lawmen to your precinct that have their own names? If it's ever possible, maybe give them dedicated stats that grow and increase over time, unless they are fatally shot? Maybe for balance, they could be "killed" a few times, but really just be under bed rest and come back with, say a bandage on their head or hand for a while like I've seen the shopkeepers do? After a few downs, they die forever, if the option is/can be enabled? I think that could even be implemented wherein only members of your direct posse of lawmen have stats, so as to lessen the programming burden and spread.
  5. Indeed! At the very least, even if we can't watch it all happen at first, we do need the ability to choose the severity of punishment for any crime, once it's possible to mod in 😁
  6. I expect hangings could be a real task to script properly, however I do hope the feature will be possible at some point! It would be really cool to be able to jail 1-2 people per cell awaiting trial/execution depending on what they've done, then see the prisoners carry out their sentence. If, for example, they had caused a minor indiscretion like getting drunk and destroying some property, then you would see them in place of the man in Valentine repairing that fence (as an example). Perhaps prisoners belonging to gangs could be riskier to hold, as they could co-ordinate a breakout (with several gang members locked up at once), or pull a reverse Dutch's Gang & blow a hole outta the wall if you don't guard them closely enough. Haha all fun ideas at least in our imaginations 😊
  7. I'm sure I speak for most all of us when I say, we absolutely adore your hard work! This looks all too good to be true. Seriously, anybody who can spare it should donate to your Patreon. Best of luck men! You've got this, & you've got our support.
  8. I'd like to see an AI change where NPCs don't draw their gun and instead either surrender or run away when you have the drop on them. If you have your weapon on them by the time they notice you they should almost always surrender in my opinion
  9. Does anybody know if any of the current cheat codes will spawn any of the new weapons in? Worth a shot
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