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  1. I'm sure you have already heard of this issue, but trying to use female outfits on the female mp model doesn't work at all. The only time I was able to switch was when I disabled this mod in the Mod Loader. I made sure all of my other mods were at the most recent update. I figure this has something to do with how your team added the multiplayer clothing to Arthur/John. Strangely I do not have the same issue as other users, where they are unable to use the male clothing either. I have also noticed that I am not able to even choose options along with the female clothing, ex. Rolled Sleeves, and will just stay as default. I apologize if this comment seems haphazard, I am writing everything I am finding as I find it. I am assuming that there won't be a fix for this, as this mod is purely for adding mp elements seamlessly into the game, which I do appreciate. A fix for this would be pointless as your team has already done what they set out to do. I do hope for a solution, but I am aware of the limitations to modding games like this.
  2. I really don't want to sound like I'm whining or whinging, and I understand you do a lot, but I wanted to let you know that the issue I brought up last week hasn't been fixed with the port, so I will explain it again, since I don't think I was very thorough. When I switch from Player_Three to MP_Female, the dead-eye doesn't work at all. The core is there, but whenever I take a dead eye restorative, it does the whole screen effect, showing that the core is empty, and I am not even able to activate it at all, not like it's empty, but that it just doesn't function. And when I switch to another model I know doesn't have this problem, like Player_Zero or MP_Male, the dead-eye is also not able to be activated. I only bring this up, as you said the problem would be fixed by porting over RDRFR fix you did, which I read in the changelog. If you were talking about something else, I would be happy to delete this comment, as it just adds to the clutter for other people.
  3. Just a question. Is there a Stubble option for Male MP characters? I cant seem to find it in the Mustache options. If anyone could tell me the ID for it, I would greatly appreciate it. Not game breaking or anything.
  4. Thanks for the reply, I just thought it was weird since the MP_Male model has working Dead Eye and the MP_Female doesn't, even using Dead-Eye restoratives doesn't work. No rush to port it, you do great work around here.
  5. Hey, I have less of a problem, and more of a bug report I guess. When you switch to the MP_Female model, the dead eye doesn't work. Due to this, the model does the "Out of Dead-Eye" animations (ie. rubbing eyes, hunched over, panting etc.) I dont think it would be any other mod affecting it, and I am using it in tandem with the Outfit Changer, so IDK, something to look into. Might just be me, but i would be grateful to know if this could be fixed
  6. This truly is the Golden Age of RDR modding. Very good work, just one question. Are you going to be reviving (for lack of a better word) other places, like Cornwall Kerosene and Tar, Tanner's Reach, or Wapiti Reservation? Or even Guarma, like removing the debris from the Fort, or unlocking the doors for the Plantation and Town? Very excited to see continual updates for this mod.
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