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  1. @Hoodhim I've just read your comment on Lenny's simple trainer (To anyone having problems with the game and crashes on the loading screen for story mode, in the LennysSimpleTrainer text file it should say "[INFO] Invalid weapon: 7E945C8" I figured out what was causing it. In the .ini file you need to look for the Weapons and delete the Moonshine Jug and you should be able to start story mode with the trainer. I had the issue and played around with it until i found it. ) I have deleted the moonshinejug but the same issue. Then I deleted all weapons game still crashes during loading. Any hints.? Also do I need to delete the text(invalid weapon) from the log file?
  2. Thanks for your wonderful work. Dude the mod doesn't work it keeps on crashing even after removing the moonshine jug I have this message in the logfile 2020-07-30 21:08:56 TRACE Patch:67: Failed to find memory region for 1e30ec60000, falling back to manual allocation
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