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  1. Was wondering if it's at all possible to get an option under the vehicles tab to change the variables for vehicles, like their livery and "extras." By extras, I mean what spawns in them. I notice that the vehicles spawn in their basic form, which for many if not all is empty. Things like cargo wagons, lumber wagons, coal wagons etc would be real nice if we could change the objects in the back via an option in the menu.
  2. I'm curious if it's possible to change the carriage layouts of trains/add extra layouts to the spawn pool in RDR2. I ask mainly because of the unique "bar car" train which spawns in exactly one mission - the one where you confront one of the famous gunslingers. It's a shame that such a detailed train car goes otherwise unused and thought it would be nice to see spawning naturally among trains from its company.
  3. Found this while going through components and even spawned it on an MP ped to look at it, however I'm curious as to what or when its ever used on RDR Online? I've not seen a single mention of the badge nor company so I'm really curious what the Special Agent badge is for, or what "Special Agents" for a stagecoach company are even meant to be. Security I presume?
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