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Ryman last won the day on April 27 2020

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  1. so I assume since its been such a long time with no fix its not possible to prevent clothes from resetting during cutscenes? its really annoying and sucks to constantly have to reload my clothes just for them to get reset again when I get put in a cutscene. I've seen a couple people ask about this with no reply.
  2. I am using the crime rebalance mod, this damage mod, and a trainer and for some reason specific npcs do not die no matter what. I am on the mission where you get sheep with john and then use deadeye to kill cornwalls men outside the saloon, all his men can be killed except the two holding john and strauss hostage, no matter how much they are shot in the head they still just kill john and strauss and the mission fails. I had to just fail so many times that it gave me the option to skip cause otherwise I couldn't get past that part. It seems like any npcs that are engaged in a scripted animation are essentially invincible. If the mod causes this is there a fix? Has anyone else had this problem. I would think it's the PDO mod causing it but I am wondering if it's maybe a specific setting or something that causes issues, I skimmed through comments on the mods page and didn't see anyone reporting this issue. It seems that any npcs that are in a animation of some kind are essentially unkillable now. Even shot that one stranger guy who collects plants or whatever and he just sat there like nothing happened while he was sitting in his tent doing some kind of animation.
  3. Would be cool to see a mod like this. Essentially a rdr2 version of the zombie apocalypse mod from gta v where you could build bases, craft, eat and drink, recruit npcs, etc.
  4. I just read from someone that as of a recent update the mp male model is unable to be loaded in singleplayer. So that could be why it's crashing.
  5. The RP potential with the added animations is endless
  6. I am sure it is and I hope it is a mod one day cause it's soooo annoying to quickly jump off my horse and my weapons I had just selected are suddenly back on my horse.
  7. You guys are miracle workers. Seriously I never expected such quick results in terms of modding and updates but you guys are cranking these out.
  8. It's awesome to see how fast this is developing.
  9. Cannot wait for a mod that just unlocks all the guns from the start. I mean I am a gunslinger with cash falling out of my pockets yet I cannot buy a cool gun cause I am not at the right point in the game. If you ask me that's really lame, I know they want to make it feel like you have to progress and unlock things but I'd rather just be able to use whatever guns I want.
  10. Ryman

    RDR2 Simple Trainer

    Wow what great timing. I was just thinking to myself I wonder if anyone has made any mods yet and here it is. Great job guys!
  11. Ryman


    Yeah it seems the PC version is getting some extra content that was left out of the consoles.
  12. I am a simple man all I long for is a mod that finally allows me to close my jacket. The day I can freely button up my jacket is the day I can be a happy cowboy.
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