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File Comments posted by LMS

    RDR 2 Outfit Changer

       377,213    573
    18 hours ago, kaskal1994 said:

    Yo Lenny. Can you add the new update outfits? Quick Draw Club Clothes.


    I can update the mod next week after the larger update.

    • Like 2

    Red Dead Offline

       689,717    438
    7 hours ago, Bonkskey said:

    I seem to be unable to launch the game with this installed. I've uninstalled every mod but the Outfit Changer and this one and when try to launch it through Rockstar's launcher, it says "loading", I hear the beeps, and then after several seconds it says "quitting" and the game never launches. I don't have this problem with just the Outfit Changer installed or other LML mods so I assume it's something to do with this one specifically.


    Sounds like the game is silently crashing, though this is nothing the mod should be able to do. Can you open eventvwr.exe, go to "Windows Logs", "Application" and look for recent crashes relating to RDR right after it closed itself? Please post the details here. Usually there are two entries.

    Navy Revolver (SP)

       68,036    93

    @Nozbig @whiteedge @JammyDodger & others: Please download the latest LML update from today which should fix icons disappearing.


    On 5/27/2021 at 7:56 AM, PillBilly said:


    Same thing happened to me, I screwed up LML/LST. Ending up doing a fresh install.


    No need to reinstall, you were probably just missing the LML version that added ymt support. 

    Navy Revolver (SP)

       68,036    93
    1 hour ago, JammyDodger said:

    NO! This mod completely breaks my game. My horse's saddle is gone, stables are broken, all quick access menu icons are gone, I have no money....who knows what else. I installed this exactly as instructed. Not cool. Oh and I can also no longer interact with NPCs at camp. This all happened only after I installed your Navy revolver and the required Lenny Trainer and Outfit Changer. Nothing else.


    Install latest LML for ymt support.


    49 minutes ago, AJLEKC said:

    Can confirm, the game works fine, the gun shows in the shop, but it stays locked, so you can't buy it anyway


    Download my trainer and move version.dll to your game root folder.


    9 hours ago, Brumsly said:

    I noticed that after first purchasing and editing the revolver, you can no longer return to the gunsmith and modify the revolver, because it wont show up on the list with your other firearms. Do you think you'll be able to find a solution to this? Appreciate this mod regardless, because I've been waiting for someone to add this weapon without any bugs EAGERLY, far more than I was hoping for/anticipating other additions..

    Redownload please, I fixed that last night.

    Lenny's Mod Loader RDR

       2,068,322    736
    On 5/16/2021 at 12:50 PM, foraging for nuts said:

    any chance that i can make a request for a slight change in the mod manager software please being colour blind i cannot see the red checks in the boxes to enable/disable

    mods fanx


    You can change colors and theme under settings, maybe that helps you already.

    Lenny's Mod Loader RDR

       2,068,322    736
    3 hours ago, apxise said:

    On 5/13/2021 8:30am EST, I found trojan malware within the modloader files of this file. People, be wary.


    Trust me, if I wanted to bundle a trojan it would not get picked up 😛

    • Haha 1

    Lenny's Mod Loader RDR

       2,068,322    736
    10 hours ago, SugaryPhoenixxx said:

    When I install mods into the /stream folder manually, the mod manager does not detect them. & my game crashes on startup?


    The Mod Manger UI does not work for the legacy stream and replace folders, only for new mods using the install.xml system. See the examples.


    11 hours ago, a shady hermit said:

     ah ok, i figured id just pop it into the stream folder and let your mod work its magic haha, do you think that could solve the stuttering issue?

    Neither should have anything to do with stuttering. If you are on a slow drive, perhaps the extra work of checking if a file exists on disk is causing issues for you. As mods migrate to the install.xml system instead of replace, I can add an option in the future to disable the replace lookup entirely.

    Lenny's Mod Loader RDR

       2,068,322    736
    22 minutes ago, SkinnyMcGee said:

    @a shady hermit Are you using the latest version? Because the latest version doesn't have the stream folder anymore, which is why I'm having trouble getting .ymt files to work. 


    The latest version still supports the stream folder just fine, just create it yourself. Ymt files would go into replace, though. Also keep in mind that they will only work correctly if all hashes are known or if you rebuilt the file first.

    Lenny's Mod Loader RDR

       2,068,322    736
    1 hour ago, m4xxxxxxxx said:


    When I delete VFS.ASI, the game runs normally again

    if i Copy the vfs.asi to rdr2 file. then cant open the game, plz help me


    I have received your message, but my current priority is not making LML work with older versions of the game. I will do it when I get the chance, but there is no need to constantly post here.


    23 hours ago, kaskal1994 said:

    Dude, that's great. I'm reddeaddesign, maybe you've seen it on instagram. I am re-enacting historical periods. Can I replace the texture and weapons modeled for Gta V with Lenny's Mod Loader? Or can I replace any weapon with a sledgehammer, pickaxe, shovel or pitchfork and hold it in my hand? Can you add the shortcut to this? For example, can there be some ready-made objects?


    The format for GTA V is slightly different, but there are definitely converters out there which should help you get these loaded. I am the wrong person to ask about that though, as I do not do any file modding.

    Lenny's Mod Loader RDR

       2,068,322    736
    23 hours ago, KristianD3 said:

    Is it possible to replace animations with this?


    You most likely can, if you can produce a valid animation file. If not, you can just swap them out I guess.


    12 hours ago, GovernedSquid6 said:

    when using an edited ymt file exported as xml it pretty much makes the file not work, not sure how to go about editing those


    I expect that to vary on a per file basis and depending on that specific code bit and whether it will take a non-pso file. If you want, you can attach your edit here and I can try to look if you made any obvious mistake or if it is just a limitation in general of the parser.

    Lenny's Mod Loader RDR

       2,068,322    736
    2 hours ago, RDR2FanBoi said:

    You're a God!

    I'm reinstalling RDR2 now that this has been released 🙂

    From the readme, it sounds that all .dat files are unsupported, is this correct?

    I was really hoping to modify visualsettings.dat, there's a lot of juicy stuff in there.

    Regardless, great work.


    The loader itself is file type agnostic, but you will need to be able to supply a valid new file. Visualsettings.dat is a plain text file afaik so you can just export it with OpenIV, edit it with notepad and use LML to load your changed version. Should work just fine 🙂


    Edit: Tested it by changing ped.lod.distance.*, works great.

    Low Priority Props Loader

       2,094    6
    1 hour ago, jstnj said:

    Thanks for the mod! It appears that this mod sometimes breaks triggers in missions.


    For example, in "Revenge is a Dish Best Eaten", when you eventually find Bronte in the tub...the trigger that would usually start the cutscene never plays...so you get stuck. In another example, "Banking, The Old American Art", you get stuck at night time trying to make your way to the boat, before the cutscene where Javier distracts the Pinkertons. That cutscene never triggers, and you are stuck.


    It was the only mod I've installed recently, and toggling it off allowed me to proceed. Hopefully that can be fixed!


    Unfortunately, I don't think there is much I can do as I am just allowing the game to load in these props, no fine grained control or anything. But thanks for sharing, hopefully helps someone stuck there!

    Basic Callouts

       14,807    26
    7 hours ago, Phaxol said:

    @LMSdo you have any ideas for dealing with this bug where the ped isnt marked as arrested even though they are? I am using isPedArrested and isPlayerArresting currently to check the ped's status but it seems somewhat unreliable.



    I am not entirely sure, it could be that our detection code for arrests not done via RDRFR is not as reliable as we would like. I will double check.

    Basic Callouts

       14,807    26
    29 minutes ago, DotsV2 said:

    Would it be possible to make a menu where we can select which callout we wanna do? And of course add a 'End Callout' button in the same menu too!


    Not a menu, but you could use the console command StartCallout

    • Like 1

    RDR 2 Outfit Changer

       377,213    573
    26 minutes ago, avelinon said:

    @LMS i downloaded the  right update and everything seems okay, just i cant find the newest bounty hunter outfit, i was planning on making something , but its not there i looked in the coat section, only the previous bounty outfits are there


    I have no idea about individual outfits or what the update actually contains, I just put in the current list of components. Do you know of any other new components so that we could verify some at least exist?

    RDR 2 Outfit Changer

       377,213    573
    4 hours ago, Penfreak98 said:

    THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH, Im a patreon btw, I havent really been checking out your new stuff and Im still waiting for the full RDRFR release. Keep up the good work 


    It should be updated, please check it out. And thank you for your support 🙂

    RDR 2 Outfit Changer

       377,213    573
    16 hours ago, Penfreak98 said:

    Hey when are you gonna update this mod? I'd love to be able to customize my Arthur with the new Bountyhunter outfit that looks like an Assassin from Assassins Creed


    I'll see if I can update it this week with the new components.

    • Like 1

    Ped Damage Overhaul

       157,812    1209
    1 hour ago, HughJanus said:


    Thats weird.

    Maybe because the task id for being hogtied changed.

    I will try to fix it in the next version (cant reproduce it though, so I dont know if its really fixed).


    I don't think that is on you, that is usually the MP loading gone wrong in older versions of my trainer. Newer versions should not have the issue, but perhaps it can still occur sometimes. Not entirely sure why the MP animations being loaded cause this issue, but I have definitely seen it happening.

    • Like 2

    RDR First Response

       111,897    125
    3 hours ago, JohnnyTurbo said:

    So 4 months with no update, I'll have to assume this is dead in the water?


    Not really, but I have to divide my free time between my mods here, RDRFR and my GTA 5 stuff. As a sole dev I can only do so much 🙂

    • Like 1

    Lenny's Simple Trainer

       1,071,319    1348
    13 hours ago, Lycanias said:

    So I noticed when looking around at the settings label in the 'Ist' file, there was a part reading 'Toggleanimalcontrol=None' any idea what that means..? Im wondering if it has to do with animal ped abilities. 


    That is a setting to assign a key to toggle the old and new animal controls. Old controls will allow you to fly again as a bird and attack as other animals, whereas the new ones have a more refined movement scheme (horse like).

    Lenny's Simple Trainer

       1,071,319    1348
    1 hour ago, CoffeeBulb said:

    How can I play as a male elk with antlers as well as male moose? The A_C_Elk_01 and A_C_Moose_01, are only female models, Is there a certain code for it? And the numbers at the end of the code, example 01, is that the "outfit"? I noticed if i put the Elk code in the spawn peds section I can filter through the 'outfits' and spawn different colors of male and female elk. Same with the new multiplayer animals, for example,   MP_A_C_Panther_01 I can only play as the black panther model but when I spawn it under spawn peds i can spawn the other colors and the leopard. 


    Once spawned, you can use Outfit Changer to fully customize your appearance.

    Lenny's Simple Trainer

       1,071,319    1348
    On 9/6/2020 at 6:17 PM, VictorShade said:

    I really don't want to sound like I'm whining or whinging, and I understand you do a lot, but I wanted to let you know that the issue I brought up last week hasn't been fixed with the port, so I will explain it again, since I don't think I was very thorough. When I switch from Player_Three to MP_Female, the dead-eye doesn't work at all. The core is there, but whenever I take a dead eye restorative, it does the whole screen effect, showing that the core is empty, and I am not even able to activate it at all, not like it's empty, but that it just doesn't function. And when I switch to another model I know doesn't have this problem, like Player_Zero or MP_Male, the dead-eye is also not able to be activated. I only bring this up, as you said the problem would be fixed by porting over RDRFR fix you did, which I read in the changelog. If you were talking about something else, I would be happy to delete this comment, as it just adds to the clutter for other people.


    It was indeed a different feature that was ported first (the reload fix). The core fix I still haven't ported, but I haven't forgotten about it 🙂


    21 hours ago, DotsV2 said:

    I don't know if I'm blind, or if it's just not there. But the mp_male now finally works for me, and it's amazing actually, I was wondering if there's is a page somewhere to edit facial and body features like in online?

    If not, is that gonna be available or are we stuck with the default body and the heads within the 'heads' menu? Apart from that, thank you and deterministic_bubble for that. Been wanting to use those ponchos and now I can!


    I don't quite recall the online editor, but if it is similar to GTA V then I think there is a separate way that faces are done. Outfit Changer only supports the component system.


    16 hours ago, Yosikuma said:

    So when I try to teleport anywhere, I get a message mentioning the harsh conditions telling me to go back to my camp; even with unlimited stamina and God mode on I drop dead. Any help?


    Perhaps you enter a territory that is hard-coded to kill you by the game? Try super god mode.

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