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Everything posted by LMS

  1. I haven't really worked with components in a long time, but you should be able to toggle them via category hashes: NativeFunction.Call(0x0DF631E4BCE1B1FC4, ped, slotHash, 0, 0); NativeFunction.Call(0xCC8CA3E88256E58F, ped, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
  2. RDRFR with your mod enabled :)
  3. That looks really cool! Looking forward to police hell 😛
  4. It could be an on screen effect that needs to be applied. Perhaps looking at the screenshot mode script could help, it allows to toggle various effects. I believe all of it is script controlled.
  5. Can you PM me your LCPDFR.com user account please?
  6. Pretty much 😛 Thank you for your support!
  7. You need to pass the entity handle to _PROMPT_GET_GROUP_ID_FOR_TARGET_ENTITY, I am not sure if that's what you are doing. Try spawning a ped for debugging purposes and attach the prompt to it instead.
  8. Just half a year late, we are happy to release our official trailer for RDRFR! We hope to make the mod available publicly soon™ Thank you to all of our Patreon subscribers for the support and special thanks to willpv23 for the trailer. Check it out here:
  9. I would recommend the R* version as that was released first and hence is probably the version most people interested in modding the game have.
  10. LMS

    Name change

    You should be able to change your account name but it's best to leave that answer to @Cyan
  11. Interesting - so you are saying when using Pimp My Horse all components work but when normally mounting a wild horse they do not? I suspect it is because horse/animal components are the same for SP and MP and the game presumably uses the SP flag whereas Pimp My Horse can use the MP one.
  12. The way it is done in my trainer, there is no workaround for the side effects. It would need a different approach for that.
  13. This could work similar to an "alert" system in other games, where you make a noise to distract an enemy. Perhaps a whistle sound to make them investigate an area?
  14. You can attach a prompt to an object so that it shows when you interact with it. To get an entity's group, use _PROMPT_GET_GROUP_ID_FOR_TARGET_ENTITY. Then use _PROMPT_SET_GROUP to give the prompt the group.
  15. Could you name the game mission by any chance? I still haven't played much of the game, so unfortunately I do not know. That might help me figure out a way.
  16. How do you guys envision that process?
  17. Are you able to confirm that when they die, their health is still high?
  18. To better understand: You are setting the health back to 100 after every shot (and have verified it gets reset to it), but they will still die from a leg shot?
  19. Does it work when you finish the mission where you switch characters without the trainer and then use the trainer again on the next game load? The model change introduced by the game can confuse the trainer. PageUp/Down should work to move quicker.
  20. You could try installing your own exception filter (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/errhandlingapi/nf-errhandlingapi-setunhandledexceptionfilter) and see if that catches your crashes. Generally speaking C++ does not out of the box provide you with a nice stack trace combined with debug information like Java does.
  21. I believe that the hitmarker is controlled by the scripts. You could try terminating a few scripts, see if it still shows, if not, try to narrow down.
  22. You still need to use the trainer to give yourself the weapon 🙂
  23. It's not my video and no, I haven't tested anything really. Keep in mind these things are only broken as long as you have the option enabled, so no harm in temporarily enabling them. If you find more things, feel free to add them here 🙂
  24. I have updated the trainer to include an option load in MP weapons. Due to the way I have to hack them in other stuff in the game will break, so up to you if you want to use it.
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