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  1. Lenny's Mod Loader RDR

    The general idea of Lenny's Mod Loader is to provide an easy way to modify the game. In its current state for RDR 2 it will allow you to replace any file in the game, whether they are streaming files such as models or data files, font files etc. It also includes full UI support akin to the GTA V version.
    The three screenshots show replaced assets, replaced font and an altered meta file to change the police response in Valentine to Saint Denis police. These are all provided in an example download, see "Examples" further down below for more information. 
    1.) Copy all files from "ModLoader" into your RDR 2 game root folder so that files such as vfs.asi are in the same folder as your RDR2.exe.
    2.) The Mod Manager folder can be anywhere and does not need to be inside the game folder.
    3.) New mods go into lml folder or use the button "Download with Mod Manager" on the mod website if it is supported (see installation video for an example).
    Beta 11 highlights - Data file merge and manifest support
    A few new exciting features are part of this update. First, support for overriding files used very early during game load has been improved significantly. While I hope that this does not cause any side-effects, please let me know if mods that worked well previously no longer function correctly. For instance, it was not possible in previous versions to override the skydome textures to change the moon. Thanks to @VideoTech for testing.
    Second, data file loading allows you to separate your changes to certain files, such as assets_* or metapeds into individual files so that you no longer have to modify the existing one (effectively merging them). This should make it a lot easier to create mods such as custom peds since you can contain most changes to separate files. Please note that this does not magically work for all games files but only those where the internal game parser supports additions (so no catalog for instance). In addition, custom manifest files for peds and maps are supported now. The ped support has been tested extensively, but map support will only really become useful once CodeX can generate these files for you. An example for these features is provided in the download courtesy of BHmaster.
    Beta 9 highlights
    Very much a maintenance update, this version hopefully fixes the random DRM integrity crashes. Thanks a lot to @calledme.kev who spent tens of hours testing various builds to find the issue! It also adds a lot of caching for collection calls that rely on read-only data, so LML should be a little less demanding.
    Beta 8 highlights
    This version adds a few new features such as allowing you to override the _manifest.ymf and _cache.ych files found in RPFs. Support to replace hashed files has also improved and now includes ymaps among other file types. The streaming folder now loads pso files, such as ymap, as text files, too. Most data files that are forced to be loaded as pso by the game have been patched to support being loaded as text files, such as cameras.ymt or the archetype definitions. Due to heavy refactoring to improve startup performance, previous builds are still made available. See changelog for more details.

    Ymap & Ytyp support (beta 7)
    This version introduces experimental support for ymap and ytyp. Two very simple examples are included that move some of the blue barrels around Valentine (check behind the saloon) via a different ymap and that make the lights inside the Saloon much brighter (ytyp - thanks to Modifiver). For ymap modifications, if you unload the imap via script and modify the file on disk, the changes will be applied on reload so no need to restart the game.

    Bk2 support (beta 7)
    Bink files were technically already supported in previous versions but caused some problems. In the current version they still behave somewhat differently in that they need to have two '.' in their file name as the extension '.bk2' is part of the actual file name. So name your file "movie.bk2.bk2" to make sure it gets replaced correctly. An example for replace would be "replace\movies_0\movies\filename.bk2.bk2".

    Settings file (beta 7)
    A settings file has been added that is to be placed in the game's root folder and called lml.ini. It is mostly geared towards developers and allows for more verbose logging output (or less..) making it easier to identify files you want to replace. If you set the log level to 0 you can see most of the game's requests to load files and it should be much easier to correctly identify the path you want to replace. Please note that many files are only loaded via hash and not via their name. You can also choose to disable the streaming and replace folders if you do not use them for added performance.
    Ymt support (beta 5)
    The biggest new feature in this update is the support for ymt file editing even if the source file contains unknown hashes. In order to replace a file, export the ymt to xml with OpenIV and then either use replacement via install.xml or the replace folder to replace the original file. Since you are replacing the ymt file, make sure that your file also has the ymt extension even though it contains xml. For the replace folder method you also need to match the file name. Now you can edit the file in plaintext and the game will treat it as a ymt with all names fixed up when loading. See the included examples for more information.
    If you do end up finding a file where you feel that it is not properly fixed up by LML (for instance when exporting the file directly from OpenIV without any changes breaks the game), please let me know. The only file I know of that will currently cause problems is weapons.ymt, but this is not due to LML but because of an export bug in OpenIV which cuts off certain weapon flags. The High-Roller revolver example has these flags manually restored and hence works fine, but this is not the case when exported directly from OpenIV. I have notified the team and trust that they will fix this export problem in the future. Until then you will have to manually inspect the ymt, gather the flags and restore them manually in the xml for weapons if you plan to use them. Please note that this requires advanced knowledge of game structures.
    Ymt Examples
    This download comes with extensive examples courtesy of @Modifiver that modify various aspects of the game. Check them out in the included examples folder and copy them to your lml folder to try them out!
    Upgrading from earlier LML versions without install.xml support (beta 2 and earlier)
    This version of Lenny's Mod Loader introduces install.xml files to instruct LML on how to load your mods. Thus, mods can be separated in folders and no longer require nested folder structures. This is a proven concept from our GTA V version and has now been ported over. You can still use the replace and stream folder under your lml folder. Please note, however, that the Mod Manager UI will only pick up mods that use the new install.xml system so it is recommended to convert your mods to the new system. Only mods using install.xml support Download with Mod Manager. Consult the examples below to learn how to use the new system.
    You can find more examples by @Modifiver here:
    More examples with detailed documentation on the new install.xml system can be found here:
    Verify your file got replaced
    If you feel that your file is not being replaced properly, have a look at the log file and see if you can find any entry related to it. Perhaps the path was not correct and hence it did not work. Search for "replaced" for files in replace and "adding" for files in stream.
    Since this is the first release for RDR I expect there to be quite a few problems and certain files might not work as expected. If you have trouble replacing specific files, please do not hesitate to comment here or reach out and include your modified file and file structure so I can have a look.
    Installation Video
     Please find a detailed installation video including a guide through our examples here (thanks to @Gan Ceann)
    Detailed explanation of stream vs replace (older versions)
    In the lml folder you can find two subfolders, one called "replace" and one called "stream". Both can be used for the same thing but replace is ultimately more powerful, but also more advanced. The stream folder you might recognize from Map Editor or Rampage Trainer and just loads streaming files directly.
    As mentioned, similar to other tools available this merely loads streaming files into the game when the game is loading. For instance, model or texture files would go in there and will replace the existing assets in the game. If you do not know the name of an asset, but only its hash, simply name it 0xhash.ext (e.g. 0x9E54B506.ytd for w_melee_machete01+hi.ytd) and it will still be recognized and replace the asset correctly.
    This is the most convenient way to quickly replace streaming files as you do not have to worry about where in the game files they are located but only their name.
    This folder creates a virtual mapping of the entire game file structure and hence allows you to replace any game file, granted you know its full location. This is similar to the paths you can see in OpenIV when navigating RPFs, but not exactly the same. If you want to change the dispatch.meta file for instance, you will need to modify it in update.rpf, as the one in common.rpf is superseded by that. To do that, you would create the following structure: "replace\update\common\data\dispatch.meta". This is exactly the path you would use in OpenIV (without the .rpf ending for update). Now, whenever the game wants to access this file, it will load yours instead. It is that simple!
    If you want to replace the font file font_lib_efigs.gfx in scaleform_frontend.rpf for instance, you would create the following structure: "replace\update\x64\patch\data\cdimages\scaleform_frontend\font_lib_efigs.gfx".
    Word of caution: File paths do not always match their RPF names unfortunately, hence this is a bit more advanced but also allows greater control. Say you want to replace player_zero_coat_001_open.ydd which is present in both packs_1.rpf (original) and dlc.rpf (from patchpack001, an update to the file). Files DLCs follow a slightly different pathing scheme. The full path to this file would be "replace\dlc_patchPack001\x64\packs\base\models\component_models\player_zero_coat_001_open.ydd". As you can see, it does not match the file path directly, which is also why for many files using the stream folder is just simpler. This is because the game maps some files differently and when you open the dlc.rpf (in patchpack001) and its setup2.xml you will see why: the device name is dlc_patchPack001 which is the "root" of all files inside this archive. Thus the path starts at "dlc_patchPack001" and then follows the RPF structure until you arrive at "replace\dlc_patchPack001\x64\packs\base\models\component_models\player_zero_coat_001_open.ydd". Not that complicated, but certainly not as easy as the streaming folder and something to look out for.
    Thanks to NTA for his work on fwEvents, hooking, fiDevice and sysAllocator
    Thanks to listener for his work on fiDevice and advice over the years (hope you are well!)
    Thanks to the OpenIV team for OpenIV
    Thanks to dexyfex for CodeWalker
    Thanks to Gan Ceann, Will and GameRoll for testing as well as Jewels, GuiCORLEONEx794, jack.sharif and Modifiver for providing example assets


       (5 reviews)



  2. Custom Loading Screens Example

    This is just an example on how to replace the game loading screens since it seems it is not that straightforward. I highly recommend not using the artistic imagery I included, but suit yourself.


       (0 reviews)



  3. RDR First Response

    Shoot it out with bandits, hunt down outlaws and walk the streets with a star.  RDR First Response (RDRFR) is an all new experience we've created specifically tailored for Red Dead Redemption which ties in seamlessly with the game, turning you into the law.

    This first version of RDRFR puts the power of the law into your hands for the first time since Rockstar's flagship title arrived on PC.  Working in conjunction with our Patreon supporters and testers, we've built a number of core features into the mod for you to enjoy with the ability to arrest suspects, go on duty and request backup in a manner similar to LSPDFR for GTA V.  
    Being tailor made towards RDR, though, there's a couple of key differences in RDRFR.  One of the new concepts we've introduced is for providing 'missions' or 'investigations' to the player.  Instead of pretending that police radios existed in the 20th Century, you'll now find that civilians within the world will summon your help the old fashioned way - in person, calling out loudly for the assistance of the law.  Similarly, there are other noticeable deviations throughout especially as it relates to arresting suspects and the interaction options available.  Instead of having separate key presses or buttons, we've tried to keep things as integrated with the game as possible: most of the features and actions in RDRFR are accessed or performed through the game's contextual prompts.
    RDRFR Feature Guide
    More information about the features available in RDRFR.
    View the RDRFR Feature Guide  Installation Help & FAQ
    An online guide and tutorial video for getting started with RDRFR.
    RDRFR FAQ RDRFR Installation Guide  
    Want to discuss RDRFR?  Check out the RDRFR Forums Section here: https://www.mod-rdr.com/forums/forum/6-rdr-first-response/


       (15 reviews)



  4. RDR 2 Asi Loader

    A simple ASI Loader for Red Dead Redemption 2 to easily load your custom code into the game.
    Files are loaded after Arxan has finished its decryption stage so you can search for your favorite patterns right away!
    Put version.dll in your game root folder. When the game launches, you should hear a few beeping sounds indicating that it got loaded.
    Not supported for RDR Online.  Remove the ASI Loader file (version.dll) before playing Online.
    Native fixes (build 1436)
    Game build 1436 on July 13 2021 removed a few natives used mostly for text rendering making any mod using those crash. The ASI Loader update 0.2 fixes that by re-implementing the following natives with their original hashes. You still need a script hook!
    Let me know if any of those do not work as expected. Thanks to fingaweg for their help.
    Uploaded for www.mod-rdr.com, please do not upload it anywhere else.


       (5 reviews)



  5. Red Dead Offline

    Update 1.3: Blood Money out now!
    This mod brings all the good stuff from Red Dead Online to singleplayer and allows you to access it via the various vendors in the game. You can of course still use a trainer to access these items, but we have spent a lot of time to make everything fit in with singleplayer naturally so we believe this is the best way to experience this mod. The special weapons from MP are unlocked from the start, but only available at select merchants to fit in nicely with story progression. There are a few minor issues with a few items, which you can learn more about in the Known Issues section further below.
    We hope you enjoy the first version of our mod, we certainly had lots of fun making it! There are plans to update this mod in the future to expand it and address a few issues, so stay tuned! A very special thanks to @Senexis and @bolmin who are the true creators and masterminds behind this modification, I am just uploading it. No xml tags were harmed during development (we promise!).
    Item Locations
    The added weapons can be found available for purchase in the following location:
    NEW! Full Blood Money update compatibility NEW! All Multiplayer weapons are now available Left Rings, Right Rings, Gun Belt Accessories: Trappers (Accessories tab) Unique Half Chaps, Spurs, Ponchos, Gun Belts and Holsters: Trappers (Chaps, Ponchos, Weapon Accessories, Accessories tabs) All 42 Legendary Animal hoods: Trappers (Legendary Animals tab) Half Chaps, Spurs, Ponchos, Gun Belts and Holsters: Tailors and General Stores that sell clothing (Ponchos, Weapon Accessories, Accessories pages) Saddles, Saddle Bags, and Horns: Stables (Equipment) Manes and Tails: Stables (Appearance) Navy Revolver: Gunsmiths at Saint Denis Elephant Rifle: Gunsmiths at Saint Denis Lowry's Revolver: Fences Reinforced Lasso: Gunsmiths Bolas: Gunsmiths and Fences Special Bolas (renamed to the creators Bob, Bolmin and Lenny): Fences .22 Sedative Ammunition: Trappers and the Gunsmith Customize screen for Varmint Rifles Nitro Express Ammunition: Gunsmiths and the Gunsmith Customize screen for Elephant Rifles Animal Reviver: Trappers Tracking Arrow: Trappers Multiplayer Weapon skins, metals and wraps: Gunsmith Customize screens  
    Download with Mod Manager from here or drag and drop the extracted folder into your LML folder so that you have a structure like "Red Dead Redemption 2\lml\red_dead_offline". Please make sure to have Lenny's Simple Trainer or Outfit Changer installed to load all multiplayer components! Otherwise many components, such as the navy revolver, will not show up. If you have the Navy Revolver in SP mod installed, make sure to uninstall it completely. This mod supersedes it and having both installed will likely cause issues!
    Missing/Locked Guns
    If you are experiencing an issue where guns are not unlocked, or are missing, please make sure to try the following:
    Update the game:
    This mod currently supports game version 1355. If you are on an earlier version, some or all added guns will be locked or missing. Update Lenny's Mod Loader:
    The mod currently supports LML version beta 6 and higher. If you are on an earlier version, some parts of the mod may not work. Make sure Navy Revolver in SP is uninstalled:
    Like mentioned in the Installation section, this mod is not compatible with it and will cause guns to be hidden. Make sure other mods are compatible:
    Any LML-mod that edits the catalog_sp.ymt file without specific compatibility patches is currently not compatible. Make sure Lenny's Simple Trainer or Outfit Changer is installed:
    Without either of these, Multiplayer components will not show up, causing multiple items to be missing.  
    Known Issues
    Currently in the mod, there are a couple of known issues that may impact you while playing:
    NEW! Off-Hand Holsters will incorrectly display the Off-Hand firearm and will cause glitchy animations. NEW! Certain ponchos will display visual clipping, not all of them are as bad as some are. Some Saddles and Saddle Accessories combinations will cause clipping, "None" options have been added to fix this. When purchasing a Reinforced Lasso, you will be able to purchase them infinitely. You only need to buy it once for it to be unlocked. When purchasing any Bolas, the texture that appears on the right will be a placeholder texture. This can be ignored. In some cases, when purchasing a Burled Grip, it will appear invisible. This only happens on some guns. Bolas might cause weird clipping and/or physics, this can be ignored as it is just a visual bug. Bolas will not be picked up when hogtying people, unlike in Multiplayer where you will get them back. Tracking Arrows will not cause a path to be drawn in Eagle Eye. Weapon variants can't be applied. This is due to them not working properly (i.e. invisible, broken textures, unable to apply correctly).


       (12 reviews)



  6. Pimp My Horse

    Pimp My Horse is a mod for Red Dead Redemption II that lets you personalize your horse with many different components as well as save and load your creations.
    If upgrading from a previous version, always use the new pimpmyhorse.ini file.
    Change all components for your horse from saddles to stirrups Save your horse's current outfit Quickly load saved outfits Reset all your components Some convenience functions such as bonding with your horse, changing its gender, making it invincible etc.  
    Press F3 to open/close the menu (key can be changed in settings):
    Up/Down to navigate the menu vertically. Left/Right to change item options. Enter to select. Backspace to go back.  
    All you need to do is drag the files into your game root folder - the one where RDR 2 is installed.
    Pimp My Horse is loaded from the same folder and shares many of the same files as Lenny's Simple Trainer but works without it. When the game launches, you should hear a few beeping sounds, indicating that the mod is loaded. RDR Online is not supported for modding.  Don't attempt to play Online with this mod.  Remove all files from your game folder before playing Online.  
    Open the pimpmyhorse.ini file (found in your game folder) in a text editor to configure the mod where you can:
    Change the names of categories. Name your favourite clothing items to make finding them again easier. Manually edit/manage your saved outfits (although you can do this in the menu).  
    We are working on a Wiki page to document all of the clothing items.
    To load any changes to the pimpmyhorse.ini file, use the "Reload Settings" feature in the menu.
    Please don't upload or redistribute this mod, link here instead so that everyone has the most up to date version.
    Thanks to @Sniper296 for the logo!


       (1 review)



  7. RDR 2 Outfit Changer

    We are proud to release our latest modification for Red Dead Redemption 2: An outfit changer! Featuring all of the more than 1300 single player clothing items (and in version 0.2 all multiplayer components!), Arthur has never looked more unique. A word of caution: The component system in RDR2 is very powerful and even many parts of your skin are components which you might need to toggle to make body parts (re)appear! Please read the readme.txt file for more information on how the system works.
    Change clothing items in over 40 categories with over 10000 total variations! Save your current outfit Quickly equip saved outfits Reset all your components Change Ped Skin (see readme)  Enable Multiplayer Assets (try changing your model to mp_male or mp_female using our trainer to access them in all your glory) New! Change beard and hair length, untuck shirts and much more! New! Customize menu key  
    Press F2 to open/close the Outfit Changer menu:
    Up/Down to navigate the menu vertically. Left/Right to change item options. Enter to select. Backspace to go back.  
    All you need to do is drag the files into your game root folder - the one where RDR 2 is installed.
    The Outfit Changer is loaded from the same folder and shares many of the same files as Lenny's Simple Trainer but works without it. When the game launches, you should hear a few beeping sounds, indicating that the mod is loaded. RDR Online is not supported for modding.  Don't attempt to play Online with this mod.  Remove all files from your game folder before playing Online.  
    Open the outfitchanger.ini file (found in your game folder) in a text editor to configure the Outfit Changer where you can:
    Change the names of categories. Name your favourite clothing items to make finding them again easier. Manually edit/manage your saved outfits (although you can do this in the menu).  
    We are working on a Wiki page to document all of the clothing items.
    To load any changes to the outfitchanger.ini file, use the "Reload Settings" feature in the menu.
    Please don't upload or redistribute this mod, link here instead so that everyone has the most up to date version.
    Please note that you are not permitted to sell configuration files for this mod. This mod is free and so should be your files!


       (16 reviews)



  8. Lenny's Simple Trainer

    Lenny's Simple Trainer is a mod for Red Dead Redemption II that lets you do a bunch of awesome things in RDR 2, including clear your current wanted level, give yourself money, and much more.  If you've ever wanted to play as a wolf, soar in the skies as an eagle or have a personal bodyguard, then this is the mod for you.
    If upgrading from a previous version, always use the new lst.ini file.
    Play as any character model and easily switch between your favourites. Teleport to anywhere on the map, including your current waypoint. Nudge yourself forward through locked doors and walls. Change & pause the time of day. Change & freeze the weather. Give yourself any weapon in the game! Clear your wanted level. Never wanted setting. Toggle godmode on or off. Give yourself unlimited amounts of money! Change the game's timecycle speed. Quickly spawn a new horse to use. Spawn any wagon, coach, vehicle, etc. in the game. Speed up and slow down the game's time scale (slow motion!) Spawn an unlimited number of bodyguards! Command your bodyguards to attack people all at once. Make any ped enter or leave your vehicle (you can fill entire wagons!) Exploding, incendiary and super explosive ammo! Super Godmode - protects against ragdoll too. All settings can now be reloaded while in-game. Scaling options - play as tiny or giant characters! Call in a deadly flying eagle to rain death from above! Play hundreds of player actions and scenarios like swinging pickaxes! Choose gender when spawning horses! Change player gender when playing as an animal Option to disable the sniper in New Austin Always get perfect pelts when skinning Make your horse invincible, enable unlimited stamina and change horse gender on the fly Enable unlimited stamina and dead eye for the player Drop your current weapon Freeze weather and time Set formations for your bodyguards Make your bodyguards lasso people! Configure bodyguard control keys Instantly reveal the whole game map Instantly bond with your horse Change weapon damage Enable unlimited items Make bodyguards invincible (god mode) and explosion proof (super god mode) Make bodyguards hold their position Increase honor, decrease honor, set to min and max Freeze spawned peds in place Keep your changed model and outfits when replaying story missions (experimental - does not work for all missions and outfits yet)! Bond with gang horses Spawn legendary animals Select outfit for newly spawned peds Load multiplayer only weapons, such as the Navy Revolver (Set LoadMPWeapons to true in the ini, please note that this can cause severe side effects due to how we hack in the weapons) Select outfit for bodyguards New! Change amount of money to receive New! MP models work again (big thanks to deterministic_bubble)!  
    F5: PRESS to open or close the Trainer Menu.
    F11: PRESS to teleport to waypoint. 
    F12: Log your current position (and some other info) to the logfile.  Also works on peds/entites you target.
    NumPad 0: HOLD and PRESS Left/Right/Up/Down/PgUp/PgDn to nudge the player, forward, up, left, backwards, etc.  Go through doors with this.
    Menu controls:
    Up/Down to navigate the menu vertically. Left/Right to change item options. Enter to select an option. Backspace to return to the previous page.  
    Bodyguard controls:
    Hold and Release F9 to make your bodyguards regroup with you. Hold F9 to dismiss all of your bodyguards. Aim at a Ped and Press 1 to make all bodyguards attack them. Aim at a Ped and Press 2 to make the closest bodyguard attack them. Aim at a Ped and Press 3 to make the closest bodyguard lasso them. Aim at a Ped and Press 4 to make them enter your vehicle. Press 5 to make your bodyguards hold their current position.  
    Eagle gunship controls:
    Aim at a Ped and Press F8 to make the eagle attack them.  
    All you need to do is drag the files into your game root folder - the one where RDR 2 is installed.
    When the game launches, you should hear a few beeping sounds, indicating that the trainer is loaded.
    Do not attempt to play Online with this trainer.  Remove all files from your game folder before playing Online.
    Do not save your game as a changed character model.  We recommend that you disable autosaves before using this trainer.
    Character models, bodyguard models, weapon models, settings and teleport positions can be customized in the lst.ini file while the game is running:
    For a list of character models check: https://www.mod-rdr.com/wiki/list-of-rdr2-ped-models/ For a list of weapon models check: https://www.mod-rdr.com/wiki/list-of-rdr2-weapon-models/ For a list of teleport coordinates: https://www.mod-rdr.com/wiki/list-of-rdr2-teleports/ For a list of vehicle models check: https://www.mod-rdr.com/wiki/list-of-rdr2-vehicle-models/ For a list of player actions check: https://www.mod-rdr.com/wiki/list-of-rdr2-scenarios/  
    If you are having trouble running Lenny's Simple Trainer, please check the log file. If you see "System.OutOfMemoryException: STATUS_NO_MEMORY: Failed to allocate memory", please download this fix to your game root directory: www.mod-rdr.com/EasyHookPatch.zip
    If you do not get a logfile, please launch the game as administrator and make sure the folder is writable!
    Please don't upload or redistribute this mod, link here instead so that everyone has the most up to date version.


       (25 reviews)



  9. Navy Revolver (SP)

    This mod adds the navy revolver to singleplayer. You can fully customize it at the gunsmith and even purchase it in Valentine and Saint Denis. This is the first release, so please let me know if anything is broken. Also please consult the known issues below.
    Download with Mod Manager from here or drag and drop the extracted folder into your lml folder so that you have a structure like "rdr2\lml\navy_revolver_sp". Please make sure to have Lenny's Simple Trainer or Outfit Changer installed to load all multiplayer components! Otherwise the revolver will not show up.
    Known Issues
    The camera at the gunsmith does not always pan correctly for certain options such as barrel length.
    Most clothing items at the store will lose their icon (you can still view and purchase them). A fix for this is in development and requires an LML update.
    Support development & early access
    Interested in following more development news and testing early releases? Join our Patreon!


       (2 reviews)



  10. Examples for Lenny's Mod Loader

    This file contains basic examples for Lenny's Mod Loader based on the previous examples for the replace and stream folder. It is also part of our YouTube tutorial on how to use Lenny's Mod Loader which you can find below.
    1.) Replaces your duster coat to cover the holster (thanks to Jewels for posting that file).
    2.) Dispatch.meta replaces normal police backup in Valentine with Saint Denis police. Cause some trouble and you will hear their whistles soon enough. Pedhealth.meta massively upgrades your stamina bar regeneration.
    3.) Replaces the default RDR2 font with a custom one (thanks to jack.sharif for posting that file).
    4.) Replaces weather and thunder sounds with empty awcs.
    5.) Replaces your machete with knuckle brass from the game (which is not very useful and might glitch things out) using a mix of name and hash to show how both are to be used.
    Copy all files into your lml folder and they will be loaded automatically. Alternatively, open the Mod Manager and select "Download with Mod Manager" on the right. 
    The install.xml is fully commented to showcase the various ways you can use to load files.
    Installation Video (examples are covered from 04:07)


       (0 reviews)



  11. Low Priority Props Loader

    Much like GTA V, RDR 2 also suffers from a "feature" where certain props in the game world are not loaded, namely those marked as "PRI_OPTIONAL_LOW". These are often small objects that add a bit more life to the scene, but are not essential. It could be something like another stack of papers, a plant pot or a barrel that are defined in the game files but just never loaded in. This mod fixes that and allows the game to also consider these props at all times and spawn them in, subtly enhancing your gameplay experience. Drag the file into your game folder and enjoy. Please note that you need to have an ASI loader for this mod to work.
    Thanks to Yooungi who made me aware of this problem.
    I have not tested this mod much (< 5 minutes), so if something else breaks, please let me know.
    Please don't upload or redistribute this mod, link here instead so that everyone has the most up to date version.


       (0 reviews)



  12. No Dead Eye Effects Mod

    Yet another very simple mod removing the main screen effect when using dead eye. Drag the file into your game folder and enjoy. Please note that you need to have an ASI loader for this mod to work.
    I have not tested this mod much (< 5 minutes), so if something else breaks, please let me know.
    Please don't upload or redistribute this mod, link here instead so that everyone has the most up to date version.


       (1 review)



  13. RDRFR Callout Example

    This is an example on how to develop your own callout for RDRFR. It includes the full source code for our shootout callout.


       (0 reviews)



  14. No Bullet Trail Mod

    Yet another very simple mod removing the bullet trail when firing weapons. Drag the file into your game folder and enjoy. Please note that you need to have an ASI loader for this mod to work.
    I have not tested this mod much (< 5 minutes), so if something else breaks, please let me know.
    Please don't upload or redistribute this mod, link here instead so that everyone has the most up to date version.


       (2 reviews)



  15. No Hitmarker Mod

    Since it seems that a lot of people still want this and no one bothers to make it, here is a simple mod which removes the hitmarker when shooting. Drag the file into your game folder and enjoy. Please note that you need to have an ASI loader for this mod to work.
    I have not tested this mod much (< 5 minutes), so if something else breaks, please let me know.
    Disable any reticle color change
    In the .ini you can set "DisableReticleChanges" to true to disable any reticle color changes.
    Please don't upload or redistribute this mod, link here instead so that everyone has the most up to date version.


       (2 reviews)



  16. OpenIV

    With OpenIV 4.0 we introducing very basic level of support for Red Dead Redemption 2. First of all, currently, there is no editing capabilities. With OpenIV 4.0 you will not be able to edit any RDR 2 files.
    Since this is our first release with Red Dead Redemption 2 support, available features also very limited. With OpenIV 4.0 you can:
    Open and view RDR 2 RPF archives. (Not all file names are available, see below) Open and view RDR 2 Textures (.ydr) Open and view RDR 2 META/PSO files (.ymt, .ymf, .yas, .ych, .ymap .ytyp) Open and listen to RDR 2 Audio files (.awc) Open and view RDR 2 Language files (.yldb) Support for Red Dead Redemption 2 will be expanded in the future versions.
    Learn more on the OpenIV website!


       (0 reviews)



  17. RAGE Plugin Hook

    Develop modifications for Red Dead Redemption 2 in your favorite .NET language such as C#! Get it over at http://ragepluginhook.net/Downloads.aspx
    What is RAGE Plugin Hook
    RAGE Plugin Hook, as the name suggests, hooks into RAGE engine (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine) based games and allows developers to write plugins for the games in C#, VB.NET or any other .NET language.
    That was the original idea behind the name. We started working on RAGE Plugin Hook before GTA V was released, and the original internal hook was made for Max Payne 3 as it was the closest thing we had to GTA V to prepare.
    But when GTA V came out, the engine had changed quite a lot, and more importantly, GTA V was 64-bit, while Max Payne 3 was 32-bit. And at the time, we decided to scrap the Max Payne 3 part, and focus on just GTA V, with the hopes that in the future, we’d be able to support multiple games as originally intended.
    Well, that time has now come, and a preliminary version of RAGE Plugin Hook is now available for Red Dead Redemption 2.
    We also have some stuff to announce about Max Payne 3 at some point in the future 😉
    Using RAGE Plugin Hook for non-developers
    To use RAGE Plugin Hook. Extract the contents of the downloaded .zip directly into your game folder.
    Plugins are installed into the “C#Plugins” folder.
    Then launch RAGEPluginHook.exe. On the first run, you can choose whether to load all plugins, specific plugins, or none.
    Once the game has fully loaded with RAGE Plugin Hook, you can press F5 (by default) to open the console. Here you can type various commands, like SetTimeOfDay, SetWeather, TeleportToPosition, TeleportToWaypoint, etc. Use the LoadPlugin command to load plugins.
    NOTE: If you plan on using the console or developing, we recommend running the game in borderless mode!
    NOTE: There’s currently an issue where the game will crash if you attempt to load a save.
    Developer Information
    If you’re not a developer, you can stop reading now, unless you’re interested in technical and development stuff.
    It’s been a lot of work making support for multiple games for RAGE Plugin Hook, and we actually started working on multi game support before Red Dead Redemption 2 was even announced for the PC.
    It’s not been a “from scratch” kind of thing. We’ve had a massive API and backend that’s been so far tailored to GTA V, and it’s taken time to make this release possible, as unlike when making a piece of software like RPH from scratch for one new game, we’ve had to comment out and modify a lot of the backend code just to get it running for a game it wasn’t originally intended for.
    As such, the initial release is a simple native invocation hook (script hook, if you will), but with a few extras, like the vector classes, MathHelper class, etc. and a temporary API class called TempApi which contains a bunch of properties and methods to make things a little easier, until we can get the proper API up and running. There may also be certain console commands that don’t work at all, or error out for now.
    The following types are available in the preliminary API:


       (1 review)



  18. [Tutorial Resource] NPC Taxi Finished Project

    This file is an educational resource for mod development!
    NPC Taxi allows you to jump on any NPC's horse or wagon and enjoy the ride from a slightly different perspective. This file contains the finished project for our tutorial. Feel free to expand it in any way you like!
    The tutorial can be found here: 


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    1 comment


  19. [Tutorial Resource] NPC Taxi Empty Project

    This file is an educational resource for mod development!
    NPC Taxi allows you to jump on any NPC's horse or wagon and enjoy the ride from a slightly different perspective. This file contains the empty start project for our tutorial. Feel free to use it as a template for new mods. 
    The tutorial can be found here: 


       (0 reviews)



  20. Photo Mode Enhancer

    This mod removes all limits from Photo Mode in RDR 2, meaning you can move your camera anywhere in the world without distance restrictions.
    Put all files in your game root folder. When the game launches, you should hear a few beeping sounds, indicating that the files got loaded.
    You can now move the camera around freely in photo mode with absolutely no limits. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Please don't redistribute or upload elsewhere.  Link here instead so that you get the most up to date version!


       (1 review)



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