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Everything posted by LMS

  1. If you have LML installed, it should not allow you to load multiplayer.
  2. Can you send me your files and where I would expect the change to show up?
  3. Does the log indicate replacement? Also if you use the file as streaming and not replacement it should automatically replace the correct one for you if there are multiple.
  4. The tutorial is based on an older version of RPH that, at the time, was a few weeks old and hence the API has changed. The RPH version from the website should be compatible with the latest game patch, so you can use that. As you noticed, some calls have changed, though. I believe the keyboard functionality is now in the Input class. There might also be a few comments on the tutorials or tutorial projects where people have asked similar questions, that might help you too. I do not have the time to update the tutorials right now, but Visual Studio's IntelliSense should hopefully help you quite a bit with figuring out what functionality is available.
  5. You could try to rebind the key while in-game using the console (I am not 100% if the RDR2 RPH console supports in-game rebinding, but it might).
  6. You are using a two year old game version, most mods will not be compatible with that anymore.
  7. Can you post your vfs.log and lst.log? Also make sure you are running the latest game version.
  8. That looks like you have a font mod installed. Check your LML folder.
  9. What do you mean the root file is showing up? Are you able to locate your game folder?
  10. I don't think your mod is only partially loaded, but it is possible that perhaps your previous version does some changes to the game world that then affect the mod being reloaded. Does it work for you when you do a clean game restart?
  11. I am not aware of any issues with this mod. Can you go to eventvwr.exe -> Windows Logs -> Application and see if there are any RDR2 related entries? Sometimes there are two per issue. Please copy their details, if any. You can also PM me as they might contain some slightly sensitive information.
  12. Thanks, I think it is due to the name/path of one of the mods. To verify, could you please send me a copy for your LML folder (via Google Drive for instance)? Feel free to PM it to me. Thanks.
  13. Thanks, that was helpful. It crashes when trying to check if one of the request mod files fails to exist. Based on your log, it should be the third file it is trying to load since that never makes it to the vfs.log. Can you attach the ModManager.log, which was the full list of everything that is supposed to be loaded? Then I can see which file it is and maybe deduce why the check fails. If you have made any changes to your LML mods since you last posted your vfs.log, please include that too.
  14. Those are basically the game encountering an issue that it cannot recover from and are different from a real process crash due to a segmentation fault. While one can speculate about what has caused the "game crash" by looking at where it happened in the code, it can be difficult to without a lot of reverse engineering. It could also just be something like heap corruption and which point you will not easily able to trace it back.
  15. Thanks for confirming. Now please rename it back to asi and make it crash. Then go to Event Viewer (open start menu and type in eventvwr.exe -> Windows Logs -> Application and check if for recent RDR2 crashes. Usually there are two entries per crash. Please copy them here or send me a PM with the details.
  16. Hard to say, it is possible this was changed deliberately to prevent others from opening it in OIV. You could study it in a hex editor and see if you spot some obvious discrepancies and then manually fix them, like the resource version. But it might be hard task.
  17. You could use png, just anything that is not asi so it is not loaded automatically when you next load the game.
  18. It should not have anything to do with whether they are encrypted or not. But it looks like something else is off with that file judging by the resource version. I suspect that the header or something else is changed in a way where OpenIV refuses to open it.
  19. Change the extension to something different than asi.
  20. Only mods that have an install.xml file will be displayed in the mod manager. Mods in stream or replace are considered "loose" files and have no additional metadata available.
  21. Yeah that looks OK. And when you rename vfs.asi the issue does not happen anymore?
  22. You can use OpenIV to explore the files in the game.
  23. Are you on the most recent game version? The vast majority of issues comes from older games and newer mod loader versions. If you are, post your vfs.log.
  24. Nice, I did not see that one. You can probably get it to work to find most/all points by looping over that function with different positions.
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