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Feller (1/10)



  1. Btw, there's two entries in your post for D95CE3F5(labelled as Military Mountie Hat and Mountie Cavalry Hat). Everything else is correct if i'm not wrong. As long as you have 49 stolen hats, you got them all.
  2. Oh, and to correct the OP, and to further add on to the Whittemore outfit, here's some revisions: Whittemore Red(Low honour) 6743BFCB tie 8117E8AA red vest Whittemore Blue(High Honour) C92DA59A tie 5CB81FEB blue vest Everything else is correct. I added the vest codes here because I believe one/both of the patterns are unattainable before the mission, and possibly after. No satchel code is 00000001, if I remember correctly. Again, let me know if I made a mistake anywhere, or if I can somehow be of any further help. Cheers! PS: ❤️ you GSID, your threads/posts regarding new hat discoveries(on GameFAQs I think) were awesomesauce!
  3. Yeah, sure. GILDED CAGE TUXEDO 00000001 no satchel(i think) 8DD16589 necktie 91B2F27B fancy shirt 176EC610 vest 8A6A702A coat 38C1B3F pants D716034A shoes outfitchanger.ini code: GUARMA A8D83213 satchel E5404163 gunbelt 27771AE0 shirt BAF93206 suspenders B6215765 pants 38277461 shoes 281A5C46 ankle chains(optional) 9B3E539B holster 6EF028D1 50C2A06F 15B5D51 (the last three codes are unlabeled because I'm not sure what components they are and I'm too busy to check at the moment) outfitchanger.ini code: Let me know if I made a mistake anywhere, or if I can help in any other way.
  4. I have the codes for Guarma/Gilded Cage, does anyone still want them? Hope I'm not resurrecting a dead thread here =/ In case someone does want them, my name is lynn#7194 on the mod-rdr Discord server, you can PM me there(I doubt I'll be very active at all on the forums here)
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