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  1. omega-necro-bump! this was my issue too! modlist was long and worked except for as described. I'd get a flicker and then many script-based keystrokes would cease to be registered with their scripts. e.g. Immersive Minimap II which uses AB Script hook SSM (simple slow motion) which uses ScriptHookRDR@DotNet-V2 turns out I was using ThirteenAG's Ultimate-ASI-Loader which I found in pinned comment on kepmehz's nexus here This caused me a PILE of needless binary search removals in a row until I was close to down to just these problem mods. All other script-based keystrokes also stopped working probably, just these were the ones I instantly noticed. now it works, oh happy day. modding is great when it's great and just as bad when it's bad. Asi's ------- AmbientRandomEvents.asi Banking.asi Boats.asi Bountydialogues.asi BucketWash.asi CampAnywhere.asi CampfireWeaponLocker.asi CollectablesInRange.asi Companion.asi Contracts.asi CutVoicelineRestoration.asi DisableCameraShake.asi DisableHorseHolstering.asi DogComapnion.asi DragPeds_Natural.asi DumpThatCargo1.1.asi EarlyFishing1.0.asi EquineDucking.asi Fisherman.asi FishingRodGripToggle.asi GatlingWagons.asi Graves.asi GunTricks.asi HatBlip2.0.asi horseLantern.asi HorseLoadout.asi Houses.asi HuntingCamp.asi InteractionTargetMarker.asi LOS Enemy Blips.asi Minimap.asi MoreZoomWhileAiming.asi NativeTrainer.asi NoBulletTrail.asi NoDeadEyeEffects.asi NoHitmarker.asi NoHonorLossForLawAnimals.asi NoInvisibleSnipers.asi NoReticleSpread.asi NoWeaponDegradation.asi Pay.asi PedDamageOverhaul.asi PredatorsRework.asi QuickDraw.asi RDR2.asi RemoveSpeedLimits.asi RestoredCutContent-Quiver1.6.6.asi SafeShopping.asi ScriptHookRDRDotNet.asi ShoveInsteadTackle.asi StashThatLantern2.8.asi TieYourLasso.asi vfs.asi WalkingControlComplete.asi LML ------- 25% Faster Holstering Unholstering 4.75 (RDR2 scale 5.1) 7.5 (RDR2 scale 7.85) Actually Long Long Barrels Ambient Gang - RDR1 Gang ambient gangs + realistic loadouts patch animations Best_TAA_and_Visual_Effects beta douglas fir Better Camera better-pumps bountyhunterDEI ChapterVideos CleanHorse Coat Physics Fixes CompsonsPistol Corpse Spawn Distance cowhandFix Cut Content Dogs Unlocked for SP Deputy's Badge - Merge Detach Disabled all map culling DWW Soundtrack v1.1 easier_gold EquineDucking EXTRA_LITE_Multiplayer Asset Enabler FastMapZoom FirstPersonFOVMod Floating Horseshoe Fix + Placeholder Posters Fix Gameplay Graphical issue fixes Herbalist HideOnlineButton Higher Res Ui Higher Resolution Vegetation Horse Animation Fix Horse Eye Draw Distance Fix Horse Overhaul Mod 1.03.23532 Horse Overhaul Mod Compendium and Challenge Fix HORSE_LITE_Multiplayer_Asset_Enabler Hovering gun fix ImprovementsInBlood JailBreak Fix Javier Poster Fix JM R&E JustFuckingBleed JustUseTheCrossAlready Legendary Channel Catfish Restored lodscale 1.75-2.0 Longer Girthier Springfield M91 Carcano Model Fixes mods.xml movies_0 No More Medals in Notifications (Black) No Police Whistle Sound No_More_Grindy_Challenges Online Bears Unlocked for SP Patch (ambientpedmodelsets.meta) Patch (goals_sp.meta) Patch (metapeds.ymt) Patch (systemsettings.ymt) Patch (timecycle_mods_1-2.xml) Patch (visualsettings.dat) patterns.dat PDO v2.0 Extended Features Ped Accuracy Fix Period Accurate Currency PhysicalWorldMaps QoL - Artie and Johnny R.W.A.O Real Catalog Rework RealisticStDenisSchedule Realistic_Loadouts v2.4 for Ambient Gang Refitted Bandoliers - Shirts and Vests replace Sheriff Dialogue Restored shutupalready SkyVideos Smaller DBS Snappy.UI stream Stutter Fix Terrain Textures Overhaul Terrain Textures Overhaul - South Textures Ultra Realistic Live Leak Ragdolls Uniform_Fix VESTIGIA VFX W.E.R.O WhyEm's Particles Wickiup POI - Working Minimap Wrong Angus Bull Fix
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