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Chungo last won the day on January 6

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    United States
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  1. The worst and most embarrassing thing about swindlers and tricksters are their followers. They think without hesitation that a random dude, out of nowhere, came with the ultimate fix for everything. And that is what give those tricksters the fame and reputation, based solely on their lies and those braindead enough to follow them. I've seen everything.
  2. Why are so entitled and childish? Read through the last pages of this thread and you'll find lots of valuable information on this subject. It's also been talked about a lot over the Discord server. But please all of you who come here to talk wonders about "spawns fix" mod, refrain from spreading more misinformation. Thank you.
  3. Other fixes existing or not have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the mod doesn't do what it says it does. No, trams don't work like they should. No, trains don't work like they should. No, peds don't behave like they should. If you are okay with another placebo solution and want to desperately fall for this, that's on you, friend. It's super cute you are compassionate and all about the poor fella, but you clearly don't know what you are talking about. I don't even think you get what Chunk is saying. There is no witch hunt here, you are making it seem like we are putting all our hatred on some guy at random.
  4. "It is working for some people at least". I think you sound way more silly than he is. Okay, it's working for some people, sure, I guess. Let's then ignore the dozens of folks with deleted comments who did not found it useful at all, but detrimental. Why does the author sell it like it's the definite and ultimate super fix if it just "works for some people at least"? Some of us are just advicing anybody who comes in here to beware, since that mod is far from being the complete and definitive solution to fixing spawns, and more importantly, so everybody can read here the comments he would have deleted and actually deleted over Nexus.
  5. You are not the first modder who call out that syyyke fella for his total bullshit. Not only the author deletes comments which report issues on a daily basis, he 'updates" the mod everyday, adding nothing and fixing nothing of course, he does it just to make sure the mod is kept afloat and hot in the main page. Anything for clout. And people desperately and stupidly fall for this.
  6. The mod in question breaks more stuff than it fixes. I can't really say it fixes anything sadly. Odd how quickly was the author to say it fixed everything (according to mod description it even gives you a "performance boost" lmao), when there have been already multiple reports of crashes, HUGE memory leaks (even on high end GPUs), ambient peds behaving erraticaly, more evident spawning issues than ever before (from wildlife, to trams, trains, passengers... you name it). I tried the mod on four different rigs, every possible update that the author put out. All of those PCs with completely different setups, but forementioned problems persisted anyhow. Besides -and most importantly- mod author spent a good couple of days deleting comments of people reporting issues and calling the dude out for his bs. Pretty hilarious how he seems very sure and tautological claiming how he has fixed this old, complex issue, but then proceeds to shield himself by saying the magic words "every system is different" when you report some bugs. It's also quite funny because not even the author seems to know how the train system works, despite being an active modder. There is a very recent comment from him saying that if you see or rather hear trains as soon as you load a save, then your trains are working correctly, regardless if you see them or not out in the wild or near cities. So yeah, I would advise everyone to be a bit more nitpicky when it comes to these self-proclaimed messiahs; mod authors who randomly pop in the scene and seek for fame and clout by gulling and fooling everyone with their miraculous snake oils.
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