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Celtic12 last won the day on December 21 2019

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  1. So it might be worth noting that Law enforcement, particuarly in small towns at this time period wouldn't have ranks. You would have had "Deputies" and the Sheriff
  2. There is an ambient version in Valentine fairly early. Let me see if I can find a youtube video
  3. It seems that pathfinding does work at a distance, at least some degree - I know with the RDO bounty hunt missions you can have the AI targets spawn miles off and be going to a location. I'm curious to see how it plays out. As for the Badges, yeah the ones that Arthur and friends have for a bit - which have the nice aspect of being their own thing and not tied to a model, as you can wear them with any clothes in the game, at least on the Arthur model.
  4. As far as uniforms go, outside of Saint Denis, once we have access to the "MP" Models, it seems that Basically any generic male with a badge pinned on his chest should do for that it seems to me? I do really like the idea of Dynamic response times - could that potentially be done by spawning a backup unit (if available) from the nearest Sheriffs office/police station? It seems that could naturally attend to be a small town out in the sticks sheriff, vice being part of an organised uniformed department. Granted, the whole how these backup guys would even know is something that I don't know how to address.
  5. IIRC in the more recent release of LSPDFR, I believe they'd coded that in - so that the simulation understood that an NPC had in fact did something 'wrong' now what We'd need for something similar in RDR is more NPC's who actually are committing a crime - essentially we'd need persistent actors taking the place of some of the random encounters that occur in single player, and for the encounters to trigger when the player is off doing their sheriff thing: For instance: NPC is help up by "Bad Bot" ---> NPC uses the existing witness function, but pointing at "Bad Bot" ---> Runs to sheriffs station to report crime ---> NPC finds Law enforcement entity (player or NPC lawman) and reports crime. Bounty is applied to "Bad Bot" and the game now recognizes them as criminal - now they just need to be saved and reused to do something else bad and the system repeats. Now, I've no idea if any of that is even possible, but that's one of the ways I see it playing out.
  6. Definitely going to have to rely on "witnesses" telling you what's going on, the dialogue lines exist - I distinctly remember hearing a townie going into the sheriffs office and saying how they "needed you to come quick" or something like that.
  7. I will say, of all the things that RDR didn't have is any courthouses even in St. Denis
  8. Going down the brainstorming route - Choosing different agencies / Enforcement roles, with different bonus and jurisdiction? Bounty Hunter: Can pursue throughout the 3 States (or maybe only in states where they've a license?) Has no control over Prisoners once handed over, But can Have greater latitude in their doings? Sheriff of XXXXXXXX County: Can pursue targets within their county, enforce laws, may be called to other towns to collect or drop off a prisoner. Can determine what to do with prisoners (I.E. Execute, fine, give community work of some sort ---Knowing this wouldn't necessarily be within their scope but we don't seem to have any actual judicial system) Federal Marshal - Full jurisdiction - similar to the way Bounty hunter works, but has some say of their prisoners. Revenue agent - Stops and inspects wagons (ships?) for contraband Gets tips about illicit operations in businesses?
  9. May have mentioned this before but instead of train tickets being a teleport, riding the train (or stagecoach) to destination
  10. That feeling when the Lemat is actually one of the older models of weapon available in the game.
  11. I don't like the weapon lock thing, I understand it....doesn't mean I like it. If I've got the cash - just let me buy the gun damnit
  12. actually a mod that I really want to see is when you buy a train or stagecoach ticket is actually having an option to ride the thing to your destination
  13. Here's the the question: What would you do as a 'sheriff' in RDR?
  14. My point being is there is no real way to implement a "police mod" a la LSPDFR that wouldn't seem jury rigged, while the bounty hunter functions like what we have in RDR:O are an okay alternative and are appropriate to the lore, and era.
  15. I'm actually thinking the various roleplay focused mods are where it'll be at for RDR2...take the 'camp' mechanic and expand it some to setup a homestead? Expansion upon the 'needs' functions so that you actually feel obligated to keep them filled? I'm actually somewhat against a "police" or sheriff mod outside of an expansion of the existing bounty hunter functions simply because you can't get 'call outs' and I think anything in that vein would seem jury rigged.
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