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JulioNIB last won the day on June 12 2020

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  1. first you must request anim set/dict, its also good wait until its loaded (checking with the HAS_ANIM_DICT_LOADED): Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.REQUEST_ANIM_DICT, sDict) then you can task to play (you must wait between calls to avoid issues, i wait 100ms between task play calls): Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.TASK_PLAY_ANIM, pedToPlayAnim, sDict, sAnim, startSpeed, startSpeed * -1, -1, flag, animStartTime, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) For startSpeed i use 8, when blending from one to another i use 4, 2, depending on desired result. Im not sure about the param with "startSpeed * -1", but here works LOL Flags that i found (not sure about all, just speculation based on decompiled files): Enum TAnimFlags normal = 0 repeat = 1 stopLastFrame = 2 unk2_air = 4 unk3 = 16 upperBody = 24 playsAboveMidZ = 132 stopLastFrame2 = 1042 repeatToo = 2065 stopLastFrame3 = 49154 repeatTeleToStartPos = 49153 unk1 = 66048 unk2 = 65536 diesInEnd = 131072 dontTurn_stopLastFrame = 1114114 unk4 = 4194324 unk_upper = 67108880 End Enum
  2. because if we just clone the target to the player model, depending on the target ped, the bones will get messed up, some bones seems to move away from their correct position causing some weird shapes
  3. yeah, its a odd issue, i also noticed that if i bring the SNT menu (the trainer that comes with scripthookRDR by AB) and then close it, the blinking is reduced, seems that im missing to call something somewhere lol
  4. i was working in a possession script for a vip and found out that this is kinda possible, at least the ped was without head lol. the idea is: dismember a target ped change player model to the same target ped model use the clone_ped... method to clone target ped to player ped
  5. thats the actual code: Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_SCALE, 0.0, scale) Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash._SET_TEXT_COLOR, col.R, col.G, col.B, col.A) Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_CENTRE, bCentered) If bDropShadow Then Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_DROPSHADOW, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) Else Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_DROPSHADOW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) End If '15533817421857667793UL the draw text method: Native.Function.Call(15533817421857667793UL, Native.Function.Call(Of String)(Native.Hash._CREATE_VAR_STRING, 10, "LITERAL_STRING", sText), x, y)
  6. about the WAIT implementation, this is what we have in ScripthookV RDR DotNet plugin: while (true) { // Yield execution and give it back to ScriptHookRDR2. scriptWait(0); // Switch to our CLR fiber and wait for it to switch back. SwitchToFiber(sScriptFiber); } this method "scriptWait" is imported from scripthookRDR: IMPORT void scriptWait(DWORD time); its very odd this issue, if we disable VSync the blinking is even more visible, more fps, other methods like DRAW_RECT works perfect
  7. the problem is that im not calling any Wait() in the tick, so, there is no pause, just the normal script interval, and the issue disappears after some script reloads, very odd
  8. Anyone have experienced a issue with scriptHookRDRDotNet where the draw_text method results in a blinking text like if there was a Wait() being called somewhere? I have this issue only in .net code, in .asi works fine. Also, if i reload scripts like 10 times, the bug disappears and text starts to appear as expected. This is the actual code that is called in a Tick Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_SCALE, 0.0, scale) Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash._SET_TEXT_COLOR, col.R, col.G, col.B, col.A) Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_CENTRE, bCentered) If bDropShadow Then Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_DROPSHADOW, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) Else Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_TEXT_DROPSHADOW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) End If '15533817421857667793UL = _DRAW_TEXT Native.Function.Call(15533817421857667793UL, Native.Function.Call(Of String)(Native.Hash._CREATE_VAR_STRING, 10, "LITERAL_STRING", sText), x, y)
  9. ok, so, i believe you was talking about the camera_photomode script? i take a look and tried almost everything, finally found the solution, we need to use the method SET_CAM_PARAMS to determine position and rotation 🙂 thanks for the tip the final code for moving and pointing the camera is: Native.Function.Call(Native.Hash.SET_CAM_PARAMS, freeCam, freeCamPos.X, freeCamPos.Y, freeCamPos.Z, freeCamRot.X, freeCamRot.Y, freeCamRot.Z, 50.0F, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0)
  10. So, when we create a custom camera in game and manually set the rotation to point where we want or when we strafe the camera to one side, the Anti Aliasing seems to be temporary disabled and we can notice big visual changes, example: Stopped camera X Moving camera Anyone know how to avoid this in custom cameras?
  11. im having same issue with my custom cameras 😞 to reduce the issue i temporary set the following graphics settings: TAA: Medium FXAA: On MSAA: Off TAA Sharpening: Minimum possible
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