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finesseq1023 last won the day on October 3

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    United States

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  1. hi guys, I know this thread is not for this problem but please forgive me, I have a problem where I get softlocked in sadie adler mission in the bounty an honest day labor, I read it is version.dll but I do not have version.dll only the dinput8.dll and that is it beside my lml mods and no asi mods, I thought it only happened due to version.dll. Do I need to just remove everything or something is wrong on my end? as I saw a modded playthrough on youtube and he passed the mission with mods which is weird, kindly help me if you can Thank you
  2. I do not have version.dll only the dinput8.dll and that is it beside my lml mods and no asi mods, I thought it only happened due to version.dll. Do I need to just remove everything or something is wrong on my end? Thank you
  3. How can I get or edit hooded stirrups to be black? A mod on nexus does that called eastern epics, But I was hoping to know how can I make it without using this mod Thanks
  4. Can you kindly share with us what programs do we need to use to change texture format and also to downscale texture resolution like you did? Thank you
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