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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Experience the fastest draw in the Wild West, you'll never be the same cowboy again! Press "X" to use QuickDraw! If you want a more complete experience download QUICKDRAW IMMERSION V2.2!
  2. Version V2.3


    🌟 QuickDraw Immersive V2.2 Update Are you a Red Dead Redemption 2 fan and love mods that enhance immersion? Meet QuickDraw Immersive V2.2! Featuring insane weapon cheats, lightning-fast loot, a streamlined menu, and a new addition: the O'Driscolls gang now roaming the world of RDR2. New: Old: 🔧 About the mod: This mod was created to provide a fully immersive experience, with weapon and gang cheats that bring more life to the world of RDR2. I'm constantly working on improving performance and fixing bugs. ⚙️ Main features of the mod: QuickDraw: Press "X" for a quick draw. Weapon cheats: Press "TAB" to perform weapon cheats. Menu: Press "F7" to access cheats and other options, to exit the menu just go back all the way by pressing "Backspace". New gangs: You can now find the O'Driscolls gang roaming the map. ✨ Recent improvements: The mod no longer activates during missions! Quickdraw has been improved from 4ms to 2ms. Gun tricks have been improved from 9ms to 5ms. Added a function to delete stationary peds! Known bugs are being fixed continuously. Check the menu to see what has been updated! All mods within "QuickDraw Immersive V2.2" will have their own separate versions in the future in case you want to have specific mechanics of the mod. Many thanks to everyone for supporting this project.
  3. Version 1.1.0


    My mod is designed to bring more immersion to Red Dead Redemption 2, giving you that authentic Wild West feel. With this mod, you can have fun creating quickdraw scenes or performing Gun Tricks. You can also change the weather, time of day, and more as updates come in. I'm currently developing this mod to raise money to study programming and learn more about modding. However, by supporting me on Patreon, you'll unlock new features of the mod and gain the ability to help decide what gets added in future releases! Support my work: Click here! To inspect the weapon, hold down "TAB"! To use QuickDraw, press the "X" key. To use Gun Tricks, press "TAB" once. To open the menu, press "F5" and "RB".
  4. Hi, I'm Brazilian, I'm a beginner in programming and I don't have money to take a fullstacks programming course. I'm using ChatGPT to do between 70 and 80% of the code, so don't judge me. My problem is that I'm using "NATIVE_DECL BOOL GET_IS_PED_RESPONDING_TO_NEGATIVE_INTERACTION(Ped ped, Player player) { return invoke<BOOL>(0xA454D234E45BB6E5, ped, player); } // 0xA454D234E45BB6E5 b1207" to identify the interactions of the peds with the player, but I couldn't identify the interactions. I don't know why, but I've tried everything. If someone can help me, I would be very grateful. // Function to detect if the interaction between the player and the Ped is negative bool detectNegativeInteraction(Ped playerPed, Ped ped) { PRINT_INFO("Checking interaction for Ped ID: " + std::to_string(ped)); // Additional debugging: Checking ped model and type Hash pedModel = ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_MODEL(ped); PRINT_INFO("Ped ID model: " + std::to_string(ped) + " is: " + std::to_string(pedModel)); int pedType = PED::GET_PED_TYPE(ped); PRINT_INFO("Ped ID type: " + std::to_string(ped) + " is: " + std::to_string(pedType)); // Status checks if (PED::IS_PED_IN_COMBAT(ped, playerPed)) { PRINT_INFO("Ped ID: " + std::to_string(ped) + " is in combat with the player."); return true; } if (PED::IS_PED_IN_ANY_VEHICLE(ped, false)) { PRINT_INFO("Ped ID: " + std::to_string(ped) + " is in a vehicle."); return false; } if (TASK::_GET_PED_USING_SCENARIO_POINT(ped)) { PRINT_INFO("Ped ID: " + std::to_string(ped) + " is using a scenario."); return false; } // Check if it is responding to negative interactions BOOL isRespondingNegative = invoke<BOOL>(0xA454D234E45BB6E5, ped, playerPed); if (isRespondingNegative) { PRINT_INFO("Ped ID: " + std::to_string(ped) + " is responding negatively."); return true; } // Fallback when there is no recognized interaction PRINT_WARN("Ped ID: " + std::to_string(ped) + " is not responding to positive or negative interactions."); return false; }
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