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  1. Thanks you for the quick reply. I just thought it would be possible via steam manifests download. I am aware of the other online Versions from previous Title Update of the Game. I took into account to try those if I am honest. But you safe me a long download time without any improvement. Thanks again. I understand now that only a fix would help everyone. I also use the Heap Adjuster.asi and the Packfile Limiter for GTA V which are already mentioned in this thread. I agree it would be essential to have those helper files for RDR 2. But it´s ok for me. Better to know that Problem with the mods mentioned as playing with days of modding and collecting mods and having a broken Core Game mechanics. I will follow your advice by testing my desired mods one by one and if they are break the Game or not. Related to a possible fix, the hope dies last! We will see.
  2. Hi Guys, this topic comes yesterday to my attention during my attempt to pick up some heavy mods for my playthrough. Downloaded the Game again from my Epic Store Account after 1,5 years later since my last time playing the Game. I only played the Game once but wasn´t to be able to finish it 1,5 years ago. Now by reading in that topic about mods breaking the Core Game I am not ready to overseen that when I mod the Game like I usually would do but with the attention now that I play a half soulless Game. I love mods which are great for immersion and of course Visual enhancement. So I wanna come to my point now why I post this here. I completly don´t know where to start now? I mod GTA V since the release on PC, do it still, but decided to play RDR 2 finally complete from start to end. I don´t know if it make sense without Texture mods while I am running only a RTX 2070 and a AMD Ryzen 7 5700 G?! I am aware I DLSS and other helper for such an old GPU helps me in most Games to enjoy them also. My question to you Guys which have more experience is: There are some mods which I can apply without forcing the Games core mechanism to break? Forgive my ignorance, I read only Page 1, 2, 7 of this thread. There are so many advices and info to bear in mind that I am a bit lost today where to start? If it is better to play without mods I would try just because I know that the Game is great. But we all love mods for Games, so I would like to have some recommendations. Don´t get me wrong, I don´t want a complete Mod List from you Guys. I will test some mods of course with your instructions by reading again the threads posts. What I didn´t understand in a wider way is, did the non spawning correctly issue exists from day one of the Game, speaking about before that Rockstar update 2022? Or was it always there? I am asking because with the Steam Version of the Game it should be possible to roll back to a previous Version of the Game. There is a Tool at github which let you download "manifests" from older Game Titles in general. I do this always when I wanna play a.e. FIFA on a lower Title Update. It´s using the Steam DB online for downloading older Title Updates of Games. Anyway, just a question which comes to my mind. But I guess it doesn´t matter which RDR 2 Game Version I am running?! I am not enough experienced with Game engines and how they work. But I understand the core topic of this thread and why this thread is appeared. So sorry for this long first post of mine, but I really want both, at least some mods like Visuals and some for immersion if this is possible, but on the other hand i don´t want empty areas and less Game core immersions like the nature/animals despawn etc. Thanks in Advance for any advice!
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