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  1. I only asked for more details on that testing and at which chapter. otherwise we might compare apples to oranges. It's interesting you draw conclusions of deception out of that, as if there is something to be gained. I already posted I tried the mod, shared findings and explained why testing train spawns using a train script mod is ill advised. I ran your tests and went further. The engine is very complex and there is lots to acount for. Just like for wildlife it isn't enough to see one or few more different species, but all of them in the area you test. Which you can look up on wikis. All I post is simply in attempt to find the best possible way to benchmark with numbers, that allows anyone to test for themselves and not rely on what others say. Or can you spot 30+ scripts and 100+ peds just by eye? It was never about anyones mod list. The only infos about trains in this game is that they are for fast traveling and robbing. Thats why you can spend ages waiting at train stations. They run purely on scripts and get spawned as needed. there are no train schedules because there can't be any with how the game works. Wanna know how reliable trains are? Load up the clean chapter 2 save in Vanilla. ride straight to valentine station and wait by the tracks for a while. after couple minutes you hear a train headed to Oil Field. Curios, how thats possible? Ride there, check, you will see it. Head back and wait again. It will repeat itself. And again. Game just spawns a train that should have passed you several times in a row. Anyhow, I'm out and done with this topic. Thank You Dagger for posting this much needed thread.
  2. Half-arsed is bitching and moaning while adding nothing. If you don't understand importance of monitoring scripts and setting up a test envoirnment then don't comment on it. I didn't claim anything, I said I think I got a modlist working and that V2 should be used, because more native scripts were running in my benchmark. If i forgot to include something, shit happens. What bugs you had or not doesn't matter for other peoples bugs. Enough time wasted on you.
  3. OK, to fully understand train spawns more precise data is needed. Do you need to have reached a certain story point for that to happen? For example, if you use a clean chapter 2 start save without progess, you haven't done the train mission yet. The game has flags called world states. Where are you waiting, in the train station or simply near it is enough? Do you have a range for regularly? Is 2 enough, or 3 or 4? If you test a modded version with RaildroadEngineer, you would need to know what RE is doing/causing. To many variables. The blips alone might or might not be correct. I still think it's not suited to validate results.
  4. The goal here imo is to make aware of the problem and how to test reliably, If you want to know which mods run with native systems working as intended. For that you need a test suite with reproducible results and compare numbers. Monitoring scripts, pool sizes and know which entities to get spawning. At set weathers, times and locations. That can be done if you combine Daggers tests with my approach. There won't be a magical solution. Play vanilla, assured everything works like it should. Mod only after you done everyting and go wild. Or go the dark souls route. Have fun
  5. This is a crude oversimplification of what I was about. Just like the thread started, it's also about all variations of entities spawning: NPCs, Vehicles, Objects/Pick-ups, wildlife species including subspecies. Just in this small area here you can spot at absolut minimum 14 animal types, same for the Bayou spot
  6. I retried my benchmark again and could replicate results. With trains. Did my script monitor check in heartlands, then did Daggers train route. Trains at ~10AM and ~11AM around Flatneck Station ; ~1-2PM Wallace Station Btw there will basically always be birds on bridges (just another visual indicator) after that I run my test for flatneck described here (direct post link) again trains passing at around 1am,12am,0am with 150ms and force update checked. 22-27script count (with horse). if the engine runs all its scripts even after i teleported and change game minute timing, I don't know what else is supposed to benchmark and stress test it. And trains you hear in the game world aren't "fake" ambient sounds. Plus don't forget that trains are by default a high variance entity in the game (inconsistent schedule, mostly reactive to player actions). Relying on a train script mod to check if vanilla train scripts run correctly isn't optimal if we can't guarantee it's 100% reliable. Not saying the mod causes issues, I had good tests with it. Again, every train runs on the script "trainrobbery_ambient". Including the ones you buy a ticket for. It's not about herbs, it's about vanilla scripts loading! they are the one clear benchmark. The entity counts are a result of vanilla scripts executing, not the other way around. Same goes for pick-ups like herbs. Every area has a "population" script with accompanying ambient scripts as a baseline. And again, I thought i get the right results with same modlist when using AB's SH and all being ok, but noticed inconsistencies after looking at unmodded vanilla. Script count now is higher on average. Also everything being exactly the same, buying a train ticket resulted in FFFFF with AB and no issue with V2. Rampage showing 0 ped count and reduced script amount on latest version with AB isn't just a stat bug, it's an indicator of something going wrong. Ramapge dev/debug tools and ease of use are excellent for benchmarking and isn't listing scriptmods you using.
  7. My benchmark method with monitring through Rampage. There's always some variance, but you can establish a range which can be hit consistently. After a few trial runs you see the same stuff. You can verify first by checking vanilla vs SH+Rampage. See if same stuff and events spawn, then take numbers and compare what you get with mods running. V2 scripthook is advised as ABs been struggling with pool management for a while. clean document folder and a recent clean chapter 2 savegame from nexus. no old saves, no cloud saves. Delete cache files. I check script count and ped pools, example: 1) Leaving camp on horse around 9am, sunny weather. heading to the area in screenshot right after the tracks. getting always 6 herb spawn scripts and around 26-32 scripts overall; 120-130 ped count average. Check animal species. look up a wiki that lists them for an area. 2) ride to valentine. buy a train ticket to St.Denis. If it loads without crashing and has passengers, head to the Bayou, compare scripts/ped amounts and animal species. ESP in rampage ped manager greatly helps tracking stuff, especially small animals. edit: 3) trains see discussions before and later To get vanilla ped counts and events, native scripts have to run as intended as they control world events, chance encounters, wildlife, pick-ups etc.
  8. Hate to be that guy, but does R* officially support modding? Are there official mod tools and/or documentions? They offer a product and it works correctly as provided. It's in the responsibility of mod authors to understand the engine they're modifying and make sure it's working. Not just the mod itself, but the game as a whole. This issue shows that there isn't a deep enough understanding how RDR2 works. And that users of mods don't know about possible downsides. But thanks to this thread at least people can be aware of what to look for. I'd still wish there would be a proper and clinical debugging way of testing with actual benchmarks and numbers, but gotta make due with what we have.
  9. I'm also experimenting with it. Other than getting a slight performance boost using dev values for <aiTextureMaxMem>, other stuff doesn't appear to change much. Tried suggested values by dominatorGT on nexus comments. Anyhow, there are dozens of entries for pools sizes alone, textures and scripts(!), and who knows where else definitions might be set besides gameconfig.xml. They are all intertwined and entities have to register properly in the game engine while considering pool sizes.
  10. I was testing train spawns on the fresh Chapter 2 savegame and AB's SH. I can't find a way to be really sure because there is no definiteve explanation on how the train spawns work and test with consistency. I experimented without and with RailroadEngineer as suggested. There are no real train schedules but exist in a lmited way, the game has to adjust to the player when a ticket is bought so therefore has to adjust on the fly, the game spawns trains in certain locations reacting to player presence (just like the trams in St.Denis). Interesting was: I used Rampage to set the game minute to 150ms and standing near Flatneck where I marked in attached screenshot. Regularly trains where passing me. I also stand in the triangle of tracks at Emerald like this. Also got regularly trains. Under ScriptMonitor in Rampage I've noticed that the game always started a script called TrainRobbery. Game also starts animal behaviours (and spawns?) thorugh scripts and all the other dynamic stuff we notice breaking. Scripts are a big part of how the world functions. Makes the impression to me that a lot of issues are tied to it. Maybe certain textures have to register in a way so the scripts the game runs natively can execute properly. But that's way over my head, can only share observations.
  11. Daggers323's method is definitely detailed enough to check the claims and is foolproof. I tested it like this with several start-overs. I even had NPCs in StDenis trains once with WhyEm DLC but then animals didn't spawn correctly. But again, please be thorough when testing and don't install dozen mods at a time but go one by one. If you have an older install and save files, start fresh. - Purge your entire RDR2 folder under Documents (make a backup) - Download a fresh copy, make a back up of the original you can revert to - Set full access in Windows to your RDR2 install folder for your user account (right click - properties - security) Otherwise some script mods can't work correctly - Savegame: On nexus someone recently uploaded a clean fresh chapter 2 save file
  12. Simply keep spreading the information will help. This thread is evidence. One can only speculate, I think modding gets influenced negatively when monitization got involved through stuff like Patreon, Reward programs and similar. Plus nowadays everyone cooking up their own Discord server instead of teaming up to form a centralized community and sharing knowledge. The mentioned attidude of some authors is an example of ego getting in the way, reading it as a personal attack instead of an academic discussion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Once someone got a successful modding list going, I encourage to share it in detail including which Scripthook version. Sometimes it's a combination of mods instead of a single one that might work isolated. I settled for AB's Scripthook + OCU for now which is outdated, but most mods are programmed for it and V2 backwards compatibility doesn't always work out. Can you please tell me which issues RampageTrainer has? So far I haven't noticed them but would be good to know what to look at. I only noticed that the PedCounter only works correctly with V2. So far regarding Ped Spawns, I appear to have a correctly running game with EE+BasicNeeds+TempOverhaul; RDO+OCU; WERO and a few leightweight stuff for VFX and GUI. Still testing tho.
  13. OK, forget the timelapse idea, it doesn't affect how fast the trains get served. once they arrive and stop at the station, they have their own timer for when to take off again which obviously doesnt work while you speed up everything around. While the modding issues annoy the hell out of me and are way to timeconsuming, i gotta say it's amazing to see how organic the game world is and how many scripts run in the background while studying the game 😄
  14. About trains, I tried to look up schedules online, but it's all over the place. Several different lines, and they have a week schedule. I see that at stations there are schedules hanged out, but some are so low res they aren't readable. Plus, after i took a train to riggs station, got out and chilled there, the clerk started shouting the train is behind schedule. When you buy a ticket, the game spawns one for you. And with these particular circumstances we dealing, I'm not sure we should use a mod that controls trains and their spawns as a benchmark tool 😉Ideally there is a place where the most trains pass through and could do a conservative timelap for evaluation. I noticed Rampage also shows the scripts that the game is running under Misc. I guess there is a pool for peds,vehices,objects and scripts that share resources and communicate with each other while having to load within a certain timeframe for everything to work correctly.
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