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  1. Good find i have been noticing this issues alot. I hope we can somehow get him to fix more of these annoying issues!
  2. I just tried this, i went to that spot twice and I couldnt spot them. There were other birds and seagulls but no flamingos. Also, I started noticing how few brids there are. But I am comparing this to my memory from my first playthrough (no mods) on xbox. I am going to test without mods, (by deleting every single mod from RDR2 Folder), also maybe with lower resolutions and see. Do you know if the save itself can be ruined, meaning you wont fix this if you uninstall mods. Edit: I tested without mods and was able to spot the flamingos right away. noticed few more birds, but overall population not big difference.
  3. Just sharing my experience incase it helps: I have added / removed alot of mods throughout my current gameplay ( I am in chapter 3. ). I used to have WhyDLC and a few clothing mods and I removed them I have recently added tons of texture mods including: Almost all Upscaled Items Hub mods 4k Story and Side characters Upscaled Animals: Large, medium, small, reptiles BetterFacialAnimations CERR Gun_metal_rework Crime and Law Rebalance RDOffline Terrain Texure overhaul UpscaleTerrain 2k and 4K ImprovementsInBlood and BloodLust PDO Roleplayer's dream Rampage also some small mods like: Gun Tricks nohitmarker horseHolster NobulletTrail TieYourLasso SmokingComplete After adding all above mods, i decided to teleport around using Rampage and test the world to see if I have this bug: - While chilling in Valentine, train came with like 4-6 passengers in each cart and guard standing at the end of it, so i think its normal - Stagecoaches around towns were 50% empty of passengers. I am not sure if they are supposed to always have passengers - Trams in Saint Denis all had 4-6 passengers each. Note: I have not started ANY missions since I installed these mods, just roaming around,. I am not sure if this will trigger the bug or not. Also, I play on 5120x1440 on 3080ti and 5900x. my settings are mix of medium/high/ultra at 38-70 fps depending on place.
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