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  1. Version 1.0.1


    reduces taa intensity use msaa on low resolutions
  2. @MYBOY its most likely not a bug with this mod do you use anything like whyem or jmrp or like rdoff they dont work with this you need to merge them, the mod shouldnt have any bugs at all if does its a conflict or caused by another mod
  3. i can't order drinks as sadie she says "let's see" or "i'll take what i can carry" i can order food though edit: it was in tumbleweed saloon if it affects anything
    this mod looks great, feels great, and has 0 issues 👍👍
  4. this causes the game to crash
  5. @Johhny marston im pretty sure its because you have too many texture mods in stream also terrain texture mods cause that so avoid using them it used to happen to me in third person and first person it should fix it if not then you have shop_items.ymt conflicts
  6. i disabled shadows on my personal graphics mod that makes it look actually good and i got the idea of making this mod
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This Disables Shadows Except Ped Shadows Because I Don't Know How To Disable That Please Use The system.xml Provided For The Same Look This Gives you 3-15 fps more or not any at all depending on your hardware You Can Also Use This If You Want A Somewhat "old" Game Look But It's Made To Improve Performance On Low-End Computers
  8. @sieunhan i didnt mistake it i put the javier code into the ymt that also has johns code for it so theyre both in the same file so the optional file basically adds it to the base mod because its not a full version of the mod its like a addon for the main mod basically
  9. @tuesday yeah but i feel like you know but you need to have the mod the folder is named after and install the mod then add the lml from my mod to you root because it edits the shop_items of the mod of your choice which is jmre whyem and whyem+eee merge
  10. @AlexanderPeirce you need another clothing mod like eee+whyem or jmre for the model to work and put the lml in there the textures are in stream which dont require other mods but the model does require another mod i was gonna originally make a standalone version but the shop_items.ymt was encrypted so i couldnt tell what was what
  11. @AlexanderPeirce you can use rampage and go to "character stats/items/talismans and then add it to inventory
  12. @bongokingbull here are the link for all of them John Marston Restored And Enhanced https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/2050 Whyems DLC Standard edition https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/671 Whyems DLC Easterns Epic Extras https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iF9rR97T6OQ9ZXJNSa4o_W6jSOmD6X8H/view you can decide what you want i dont care its your opinion but i wouldnt go for whyems standard i recommed jmre u could get whyems+eee if you really want the clothes
  13. @bongokingbull you need a clothing mod because the shop_items.ymt is responsible for what models the talismans use. i recommend getting john marston restored and enhanced because its made for john marston and the poncho fits the best on john it also fits arthur but with arthur you need to use the union suit to avoid clipping and whyems and whyemss+eee cause crashes and ruin the lods so just go for john marston restored and enhanced because its a rdr1 poncho made for john
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