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  1. I'll be honest, I actually hadn't tested the Timescale mod because I assumed it would just be the same situation as the Longer Days mod... This is intriguing..... Clearly there are ways of getting around these spawning and train related issues. The comically slow trains when using the Longer Days mod was always a massive issue for me when playing.
  2. I've given up on the game until a solution is found. I'm about 50% of the way through the story. I personally have doubts that any gameconfig alone will fix the issue, although I commend the modders for trying. Similar issues have occurred in the past with GTAV. I'm unsure if it's the fact the engine simply can't cope, or the way the game was designed. But... At present, the RDR2 modding scene isn't huge. So I have doubts this will ever get fixed. I think people have made good points regarding inconsistencies with mods etc. But I would seriously seriously recommend before claiming this is also happening in vanilla for people to do a full clean of their folders, including mod folder and documents folder etc.. Otherwise this is just going to add unnecessary confusion to the mix. I have previously dabbled with train mods and know for a fact if you have any mods that mess with how fast time travels, this will effect trains, and potentially break them alltogether so they don't spawn at all. Side note: I also worry... GTAVI, once released on PC, could also be effected.
  3. You seem to think we're trying to create a witch hunt against mod creators, at least I think that's what your asserting, although to be honest I'm finding quite it hard to understand what your overall point actually is, "besides we're all just unknowledgable idiots!..". This threads purpose is simply to warn people of this issue, investigate it further and attempt to find an overarching solution.
  4. You state that mod is, " not being loaded correctly to avert the spawning bug". And that, "it works" so that would indicate what Cratthorax is saying is in fact right?
  5. Can you actually post a link to these comments, otherwise it makes it difficult to ascertain the validity of what you're saying.
  6. How are we forcing content creators to create workarounds...? You realise just a single 4k upscale mod can break your game right..? And they don't list this anywhere on their modpages. At the least all we're trying to do is spread the word so people know what's going on, at best hopefully a modder or two with greater experience with the game engine will be able to advise us on a universal potential fix.
  7. Currently no workaround unfortunately... We're mostly just trying to get the word out there about this problem. It's highly likely WhyEms DLC is the culprit, or it would at least be one of the anyway. Using any kind of 4k texture mod however will break it, so don't put them back.
  8. Thanks for putting in the time to make this. I'm hoping more people are gonna take note now. I think a great comparison would have been base RDR2 with all the settings cranked up vs with a DLC pack or 4k/2k texture mods. I've actually tested this out by loading a save multiple times and testing out the differences. Some of it is hard to capture as obviously RDR2 is an ambient non-linear world and there are going to be changes even loading the same save, but there are definitely obvious differences in the spawning of rare animals and the spawning of ambient events when comparing base to modded.
  9. https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/3728 The author of this mod seems to be releasing some very substantial fixes to the game. I'm wondering if maybe we could try and get him on board perhaps...
  10. Not any mod, but the limit before you start having problems is extremely low if you want to max out everything at 4k. WhyemsDLC and other large content mods, texture mods (particularly 4k ones) and some other random mods that effect how much the engine produces will cause it. A single 4k texture mod will trigger it, you might get away with one or two 2k ones, but it varies.
  11. That's great, but the real final test is whether or not rare animals are correctly spawning or not. I often test this using the flamingos that hang around outside St Denis. It's not bulletproof, but if they're spawning that you might have found a sweetspot. You can find them West of St Denis alongside the traintracks heading in: red dead redemption 2 flamingos - Google Search
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