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Lonewulv13 last won the day on April 11

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  1. Scroll up to weapon damage as well as health values. Show me what they are.
  2. Yeah these aren't bugs but are simply the settings in the ini file. Arm and leg damage is set to 1 by default so that NPCs aren't killed by a few arm or leg shots. You can adjust these however you like. Setting them to 0 puts them at their default state though if you're going for more realism you want to keep them low as it takes quite a few shots to the leg/arm to kill someone (unless you hit an artery though the game does not include arteries in limbs). I am experiencing bugs where the game isn't reacting to the way my settings are adjusted, resulting in unusual behavior such as health dropping to 4 and then staying there causing odd behavior such as NPCs getting back up and just standing there motionless until they randomly die and fall back down. Or health will drop way faster than what they are set to. I will try to help you figure out how to adjust your settings in the ini file: Open the file titled PedDamageOverhaul.ini: To change the arm/leg damage scroll down to the following lines: Change those numbers to whatever you like. 0 sets them to the game's vanilla value as does setting them to 100. Setting them to 50 would make them do half the amount of damage as the vanilla game. To change leg shot behavior such as tripping and falling, scroll down to the following lines: I set mine very high as in reality when you get shot in the leg you're definitely not going to be able to run so they end up tripping and falling every one or two steps. Read the settings above and below and adjust those settings accordingly such as LegsHitThreshold. I set mine to 1 so one shot in one or both legs will cause them to start tripping and falling as they would in reality. Unfortunately Rockstar didn't animate a limping animation like the first game for some odd reason which would make it even more realistic so this is the best we can achieve. I'll provide you with my ini file which is set about as realistically as it can be I think. Mind you, most weapons will down NPCs in one or two shots to the torso as they would in reality. Feel free to adjust the torso and head damage below the arm and leg damage shown above or lower the weapon damage which is located above the body damage settings: PedDamageOverhaul.ini Hopefully you don't experience the same bugs that I am. My bugs could be happening due to another mod though I've tried removing all the ones that affect health and damage or combat behavior and the issues still persist.
  3. There are settings which determine how many leg shots it takes to down someone and the chance of them falling from leg shots. You probably just have to adjust those.
  4. I may have figured out the issue. It seems if the bleeding chances are set too low PDO gets confused sometimes and health stops dropping. Though now I'm getting yet another issue where NPCs seem to be ignoring dying states completely even though dyingtstatechance is set to 100. Despite being under the dying state threshold NPCs will continue to move around and shoot. Also I'm not sure if this is an unavoidable issue though I've kind of just lived with it but when NPCs get disarmed often times they will point at me with nothing in their hand as if they're aiming a pistol and trying to shoot. Also the playerinvincibility feature is not working.
  5. I had it working properly for like a second, slightly tweaked a couple values and it's back to standing around. All the settings that effect bleedouts are just highly HIGHLY sensitive for me for some reason. It's like everything has to be set at a very specific number or it breaks. I'm losing my mind. I'm convinced there's like some little gremlin hiding in my pc just screwing with me at this point. Going to try again later. For now I'll leave my tweaked ini in it's current state here for you to analyze. I'm just trying to achieve the most realistic behavior possible. So NPCs usually going down in 1-2 shots and occasionally running away bleeding out for 3-10 seconds, leg shots cause constant stumbling, rare stumbling when below dying state threshold. I'm also using WERO, Headbleed and All Shots Cause Bleedouts (though only while setting up the PDO ini as I don't want every body shot to cause running bleedouts during regular play) PedDamageOverhaul.ini
  6. Unfortunately nothing seems to have changed. In fact it seems health is dropping very quickly again as well as standing there bleeding once health reaches 4...
  7. So the rapid health dropping issue is fixed though the standing around and bleeding out is back... When their health reaches exactly 4 it stops dropping, they stop running and just stand there bleeding until it randomly decides to drop to 0 and they die instantly. Would it be possible to make them drop to the ground once they pass the final stage of dying states? That should fix the standing around issue as well as have them bleed out on the ground a bit longer rather than just dropping dead which is immersion breaking.
  8. Thanks a lot man! I'll test it out and let you know how it works.
  9. It's very strange because I've only recently started having this issue. Health used to drop at a slower rate though running bleeds were just more rare. Now it is the opposite. Though I would also experience that issue with NPCs standing there while bleeding out. Would you mind making a custom ini file that achieves the effect I'm going for? That way I'll have the values for reference when tweaking. Just the occasional 10-15 second running bleed would be great.
  10. So I'm having a really frustrating issue where PEDs are bleeding out incredibly fast once they stand up. Even though BleedingValue is set to 1 the health drops by like increments of 7 and their health goes from about 55 to 0 in about 3 seconds. I want some to run around bleeding for llike 10-20 seconds but every one drops in about 3 seconds. Been tweaking all values to no avail.
  11. All spawning related issues occur from the very beginning of the game though most notably in Saint Denis as all trolleys are devoid of passengers. Trains rarely if ever spawn outside of missions. Few passengers in carriages. Rare animals don't seem to spawn ever.
  12. A quote from OmdeHoek from Nexus who made a bunch of game fix mods: "you would need a scripter to extend something memory related with an .asi" An inch closer to resolving the issue. They also confirmed that it is mostly due to the YTD files in the stream folder that increase Arthur's/John's textures. I've removed the 4k coat and hat textures though I haven't tested it out in Saint Denis yet.
  13. The mod is open source and since both games run on the same engine I can't imagine it would be that difficult.
  14. Many prefer Arthur's closed Shotgun Coat though it turns out the closed feature is actually tied to the gun belt. Unobtainable Items in Wardrobe mod restores this feature by replacing the upgraded gun belt with the prologue belt- allowing the Shotgun Coat to be closed. It also gives you the option to use this belt with other outfits. While it clips through most other coats it actually looks great on jacket-less outfits. It sits much higher- including the holster. You realize how ridiculously droopy the vanilla belts fit. The problem is many features get broken. The knife/sheath and offhand holster/weapon turn invisible (not a huge deal), bullets don't show up on the belt and gun spinning is disabled. Though the biggest problem which basically makes the mod unusable is whenever you have this belt equipped it automatically replaces Arthur's regular belt on every other saved outfit- causing clipping. So if you have one outfit equipped with the prologue belt (upgraded belt) and every other outfit equipped with Arthur's regular belt and go to change on your horse they'll all change to the prologue belt. It doesn't make any sense. Would it be possible to make this belt a stand alone belt while also retaining all the vanilla belt features? Or at least knife/sheath, visible bullets in loop and gun spinning (invisible offhand is fine as it wouldn't really look right).
  15. Didn't even occur to me until reading this. I've just spent a month adding and optimizing a ton of mods and just now I'm realizing- yeah I haven't been seeing peds on trams. This is utterly bullshit. I can't go back to vanilla after experiencing the joy of all these mods... Surely some tech savvy modder can bypass the engine bottleneck and force peds to spawn normally. Surely it can't be that difficult...
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