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DylanAndElsa last won the day on January 27

DylanAndElsa had the most liked content!

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    United States
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Feller (1/10)



  1. Changed Character Name to Jeb_
  2. Actually, I was thinking, you could focus on any ped, and when pressing a key, your own player character would use their currently held weapon, and go around automatically, fighting the ped, not controlled by the player, and it could be stopped with another key press. Please oh please someone make this mod a reality for me.
  3. Can someone please make a new animation mod in which the player John's revolver/pistol Aiming Animation looks like that of Peds? The closest Animation dictionary I discovered (please uses real one shown in gif) ai_combat@aim_sweeps@cowboy@near@upperbody@1h I attached a gif of what I want the player to be able to act like. I been wanting this to become a reality since I became a fan of RDR2 and its combat peds. Actually, I was thinking, you could focus on any ped, and when pressing a key, your own player character would use their currently held weapon, and go around automatically, fighting the ped, not controlled by the player, and it could be stopped with another key press. Please of please someone make this mod a reality for me.
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