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  1. So is supose we need this native: void_SET_PED_COMPONENT_VARIATION( Ped ped, Hash componentHash, Hash variationHash, BOOL updatePed, BOOL isMpComponent, Any p5 ) So i have some questions, on gtav i think this was different i remember we need two more native, to get the variationsHash, and the component. Or what i need to doe? So i try with this hat: So for example, i put on componentHash, the Hash of the HAT. But how i get the variationHash. Any help with this?
  2. Hello, any idea how make a camera zoom? I have my script camera for the object create on my map. But some times object are to big or small and i need to adjust the zoom level. Or other case, the gameplay camera (my camera character) is any way to zoom out and in?
  3. Hello i have this code for my raycast.cpp: But when i hit a entity with the IntersectOptions on int 12. My game crash any idea why? I use like this: if (features::activateRaycast) { Entity target; Vector3 camPos = Position(); Vector3 camDir = DirectionFromScreenCentre(); auto ray = RaycastResult::Raycast(camPos, camDir, 20000.0f, IntersectOptions::Peds1, features::myPed()); if (ray.DidHitEntity()) { auto hitEntity = ray.HitEntity(); printf("Entity id: %d", hitEntity); } } Raycast.cpp RaycastResult::RaycastResult() : mResult(0), mDidHit(false) { } RaycastResult::RaycastResult(const RaycastResult& handle) : mResult(handle.mResult), mDidHit(handle.mDidHit), mHitEntity(handle.mHitEntity), mHitCoords(handle.mHitCoords), mSurfaceNormal(handle.mSurfaceNormal) { } RaycastResult::RaycastResult(int handle) { int hitsomething = 0; int enthandle = 0; Vector3 hitCoords, surfaceNormal; this->mResult = SHAPETEST::GET_SHAPE_TEST_RESULT(handle, &hitsomething, &hitCoords, &surfaceNormal, &enthandle); this->mDidHit = hitsomething != 0; this->mHitCoords = hitCoords; this->mSurfaceNormal = surfaceNormal; if (ENTITY::DOES_ENTITY_EXIST(enthandle) && (ENTITY::IS_ENTITY_A_PED(enthandle) || ENTITY::IS_ENTITY_A_VEHICLE(enthandle) || ENTITY::IS_ENTITY_AN_OBJECT(enthandle))) { this->mHitEntity = enthandle; } else { this->mHitEntity = 0; } } int RaycastResult::Result() { return this->mResult; } bool RaycastResult::DidHitEntity() { return mHitEntity != 0; } bool RaycastResult::DidHitAnything() { return this->mDidHit; } Entity RaycastResult::HitEntity() { return this->mHitEntity; } Vector3 RaycastResult::HitCoords() { return this->mHitCoords; } Vector3 RaycastResult::SurfaceNormal() { return this->mSurfaceNormal; } RaycastResult RaycastResult::Raycast(const Vector3& source, const Vector3& target, IntersectOptions options, Entity ignoreEntity) { return RaycastResult(SHAPETEST::_START_SHAPE_TEST_RAY(source.x, source.y, source.z, target.x, target.y, target.z, static_cast<int>(options), ignoreEntity, 7)); } RaycastResult RaycastResult::Raycast(const Vector3& source, const Vector3& direction, float maxDistance, IntersectOptions options, Entity ignoreEntity) { Vector3 target = source + (direction * maxDistance); return RaycastResult(SHAPETEST::_START_SHAPE_TEST_RAY(source.x, source.y, source.z, target.x, target.y, target.z, static_cast<int>(options), ignoreEntity, 7)); }
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