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  1. Hmm. That's a shame. Hopefully this can be solved in the future. For the time-being, I'll probably just do my next playthrough of the game without the mod. Was only really looking to be able to use the Navy Revolver, but oh well.
  2. Is it possible to update this mod to make it work with scripthook? Right now, it requires version.dll, which produces various bugs like your character getting stuck if you tackle someone with the machete.
  3. It's the same res as the vanilla texture.
  4. We've now got a proper RDR1-style face.
  5. Perfect, thanks. The ranch pants model is ugly as shit, but the textures themselves are good.
  6. I think the jeans & everyday overshirt work better than the standard cowboy outfit clothes. However, they need some texture adjustments. Are you able to give some advice on how to find the relevant textures, then implement them after making the edits?
  7. Right-parted fade haircut length 7 is the better match for his RDR1 look when wearing a hat. Also, are there any plans to provide a compatibility option for Red Dead Offline? Or at least to integrate its edits to make the Navy Revolver & Elephant Rifle available in the shops?
  8. So I've noticed that epilogue John's face texture with his vanilla hairline is lower-res than his npc texture. That might be a big part of why his facial hair looks too light. Is there a way to integrate that higher-res texture? And I'm using the vanilla hairline because I think that hairstyle is a better match for his RDR1 look than the longer npc hair.
  9. Could you elaborate? As I said, OpenIV doesn't seem to have support for editing YTDs. At least, I don't currently see a way of importing new textures into them.
  10. Ok, thanks. BTW, what's the method used for editing textures? AFAIK, OpenIV doesn't currently have support for modifying YTDs.
  11. I just want to clarify exactly what the latest version of this mod does. 1) Adds a retextured version of John's ammunition belt when equipping Arthur's gun belt. 2) Same as above, but for the Nuevo Paraiso belt. 3) Texture adjustments to Arthur's gun belt. Is that all correct? Also, can the ammunition belts be toggled on/off in-game without changing gunbelts? Since they do clip with certain clothing items, primarily the vests (only exception being John's cowboy outfit vest IIRC). If not, would having them replace talismans again potentially be a useful alternative option?
  12. Do the added weapons still have the familiarity stat? And if so, is it possible to give them slots in the compendium so they can be viewed?
  13. Are you able to add stuff like npcs using grabs/tackles when fighting? Some enemies during gunfights will sprint and tackle you, wondering if that same AI could be applied during fistfights with normal npcs, as they don't really make use of the full moveset.
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