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  1. Run ModManager in Admin and it work then for me.
  2. Looked into finding a native function for NPC push or attack another and I cant find anything. I think most higher functioning mods will only come after OpinIV can open and mod all the files like in GTA 5. But this mod is a fantastic peace of work with what RDR 2 mods are limited to at this time. Keep it coming man.
  3. Ok it seems to be working now they now get back up after fist fights. The only thing I noticed and I cant remember if it is a vanilla behavior but they dont like to get back up if your right next to them, walk just a little ways away and they get up and stagger off. But that was the only thing, everything else works as well. Well done mod man. One thing I wanted to ask could it be possible to get npc to get into random fights in-town like a fist fight in the middle of the street, or in a tavern? Maybe some how make them bump into each other if they are close to one another, not sure a little bone shove would do it. I dont know how an npc would react to another bumping into them. If the player dose it enough they will react. Just an idea anyway if possible, your mod is good as is man, just throwing a thought out there. Thanks for your hard work.
  4. Thanks I'll play with it first thing tomorrow and let you know how it goes.
  5. Implementing a check for only letting npc go to dying state from lethal's is an excellent idea. What your talking about is exactly what is happening. After playing around with it yesterday for some time, its just like u said punch them until they are weak enough and they stay down indefinitely. It was just that it happened with 100% all fights. They either died or stayed down. So Making so that everything but fist fighting can do this should work. I had played around with the numbers but the end result was always the same, and thanks for the reply.
  6. Ok played with it some more paying closer attention with first person cam. It seems I'm not knocking out most npc's I'm killing them. There was one that was hit by a wagon funny, he did move a little moan and groan I could insult him or be nice while he was on the ground to funny. Most ones I fought where dead. One though was on the ground eyes blinking and breath coming from his mouth, his mouth moved also but he wasn't moving or making any sound like the one hit with the wagon. This mod is cool, just trying to not kill npc in fist fights lol. Been playing with the numbers but haven't fond anything that lets the npc get back up after a small amount of time and stagger off like they use too. Its not a big deal rely just trying to figure it out.
  7. What script plugin do you need for this if any. Edit Never mind you just put them in the folder sorry.
  8. Well in my game what I noticed is npc that spawn and then come into town if they see a dead body they will say something, not all of them mind you but several will. If someone is just knocked out they'll run over them with the wagons if there in the way, funny but I have seem them do it. I had 7 or 8 npc lying in the roads at Valentine and no npc was paying them any mind. Because I think they were just knocked out, but sense they were not getting back up the bodies were starting to pill up so to speak. Not that I'm saying anything bad about your mod, I love the mod. Im just trying to figure out if possible how to get a npc that is knocked out to get back up after a time like they use to do is all. But thanks for the mod, and the replies.
  9. Also another thing I noticed is that npc treat them as if they are knocked out pretty much ignoring them. Not like if they were dead where they freak out like they do sometimes.
  10. No they just lay there, u can loot them as is the norm, or pick them up. I tried to get them to move or make a sound by pushing there bodies around, but they just acted like a corpse.
  11. Well played a little today with 1.41 and core depletion works great thank you. One ? when fist fighting, after I knock them out, they seem to stay down never getting back up like before. is this a bug or does it take a relay long time for them to get up?
  12. Fond that also, it is good the Cores deplete now, but can you also make it so all cores deplete to the red on death? That will make dying cost more then just time and a reload of a save.
  13. I can second what mache82 said having all cores drain on death does make food and consumables more of a must have Hardcore Difficulty may it R.I.P did this and some of what this mod does as far as damage increase, but I loved it for the core drains. This mod does more then it did, and adding core drain to it will be icing on the cake, making it a must have mod for any play-through. Thanks for all your work on this mod guys.
  14. This mod is great is my new go to mod as Hardcore Mod is no longer working and this can do some of the same things plus more. As your fixing things and adding new features, if you could make it to ware your player cores dont regen on death, have them drain completely this will make using consumables more of a necessity. Also lower stamina and health regen rates again putting more need on cooked foods and elixirs. Thanks for your work on this.
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