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Dagger323 last won the day on September 25 2024

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  1. I don't know if it's scripthook and dinput8 that directly cause it (I've also tested with ScriptHookRDR2 V2 as well as the latest version of dinput8, found here: Releases · ThirteenAG/Ultimate-ASI-Loader) or if it's a matter of the spawns breaking after enough mods are loaded into the game. If I test with just scripthook, dinput8 and Railroad Engineer, I get normal spawns. If I add in lml (with two or three other light mods) I seem to get normal spawns. But the more mods that are added the more spawns seem to become impacted, starting with trains. I'll give kudos to the folks that have tried, but I honestly don't think that anyone currently knows what the hell is going on nor what to do about it.
  2. Your findings reinforce my own. Poorly formatted texture mods are not the sole culprit. Instead, this issue is widespread across many different kinds of mods and as of yet there hasn't been any rhyme or reason identified with what triggers it. The file replacement method is largely pointless and doesn't fix it, nor do edits to the gameconfig (I've even seen worsening spawns by installing custom gameconfig files or editing my own that were immediately alleviated by removing them). There hasn't been a single solution presented yet that solves the spawning. And for anyone who has been mislead by what has been incorrectly stated here by others before, train spawns are absolutely still one of the first things that is impacted in a broken game and they should be spawning pretty much a minimum of 8 out of 10 times for a modded game to even be considered near functional. I sound like a broken record repeating what I've said many times before, but I can't stress this enough. If you can come within range of any one of the train icons on the map (using the Railroad Engineer mod to monitor where they are) and not see a train spawn for several times in a row, then your spawns are still malfunctioning, PERIOD. I know this because I've spent more than a year testing it. I'm at the point where after vastly whittling down my mod list to a mere tiny fraction of what it was, and with no large texture mods anymore, I consistently get roseate spoonbills, peds on trollies, vanilla amounts of wildlife, chickens in Valentine... and yet train spawns, especially when in or near towns and settlements, are hit or miss and most of the time miss. Uninstall all mods and they immediately return. After more than a year testing and dealing with these issues, I've given up on modding RDR2 any further unless someone comes along that manages to find a real, proven and reliable solution instead of merely pseudoscience and snake oil.
  3. Not necessarily. I guarantee there are still certain mods that will break the spawns that use large enough textures. Your low resolution just enables you to use more of them without noticing it. But it's still not worth the trade off for me in visuals coming from 4K.
  4. Yeah... your low resolution itself is probably preventing the spawning issues from occurring.
  5. Can't help you with that as I've not experienced that issue myself. You'll need to isolate the conflicting mod(s) by doing a process of elimination. Also, as you said, your issue is not relevant to the topic of this thread. There are other threads that would be more suited to your problem, or you could always just create your own thread. I'd like to keep this discussion on-topic specifically regarding the spawning issues and not start opening up the conversation to random general modding problems. Thanks.
  6. That is not a solution at all. In fact I have tested that very mod extensively before and it actually exasperates the spawning issue because it forces the game to render more high-quality textures further away from the camera. Any LOD set higher than what the in-game settings allow will negatively affect the spawns.
  7. Can you elaborate more on this? What was the conflicting format on Firearm Cosmetics and what did you change it to, and how did you change it?
  8. Have you thoroughly checked for train spawns using the Railroad Engineer mod in different locations other than Valentine? Rhodes, Saint Denis, Annesburg, etc.? If you haven't, please do that and then come back and report your findings.
  9. I can only speak for myself and my own testing; I've not noticed .asi mods affect peds and wildlife much, if at all, but I have had .asi mods reduce trains from the world. Train spawns seem to be incredibly touchy and even light mods can cause them to disappear.
  10. Yeah multiple people have linked that after I originally did and were seemingly unaware that I had done so before. I can confirm that trains are not fixed with that mod, but it did remedy almost all my other spawning issues, so it's definitely worth installing.
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