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Dagger323 last won the day on July 5

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  1. That's really not relevant to this thread's topic at all. This thread is specifically about the Train/NPC/Wildlife spawning issues, not other random bugs from mods you have installed and haven't tested out one by one to find the root of your issue.
  2. That just sounds like you changed something that altered how the trains are spawning and don't know what you did to make that happen. You would need to conduct a lot more thorough testing to narrow down what precisely was/is affecting your train spawns rather than purely wild guessing, which really isn't helpful in the slightest.
  3. Go back and read my posts detailing how to check for train spawns. I've reiterated it too many times already to go to the trouble of typing it all over again. Spoonbills alone are not a reliable way to check for the problem as they only really serve as a generalized indication of normal wildlife spawns and do not necessarily signify normal ped counts in stagecoaches, wagons, and trolleys, and certainly provide no accurate representation of correct regular train spawning, which is one of the first aspects that breaks in the game and easily the most difficult thing to try and resolve.
  4. I've stayed away from the "Longer Days" mod because of the numerous reported issues it has with train scheduling/speed and other reported spawning problems. After testing the "Timescale" mod for some time, it seems to evidently be bug-free, and I haven't noticed any apparent issues with it affecting spawns. It will slightly change the train scheduling; since trains are loosely tied to time schedules, they will show up at a different frequency relative to real-world time in some scenarios, though this is totally acceptable and expected behavior for a mod that makes timescales longer. Overall trains spawn about the same with it installed, they will just not be showing up as often in real-world time due to the length of time it takes for in-game hours to pass (which will also change based on which version of the mod you use). The mod seems to have no effect on train speed though unlike the way "Longer Days" apparently affects them, making them move around the map at a snail's pace. Based on all the negative reports I've read regarding Longer Days, and my own experience using Timescale, I'd recommend sticking with wickedhorseman's Timescale as it is a newer mod that uses a native solution as opposed to script files and should cause far less problems as a result.
  5. Glad to hear it's improved things for you. If only there was a way to completely fix the train spawns in settlements, I'd be quite satisfied…
  6. Yes it does. It shows blips of train routes all over the map, which will turn white indicating a train has spawned in once that blip comes close enough to the player.
  7. Vestigia, from my experience, caused persistent FFFFFF errors, at least when using the optional gameconfigs that increased ped pools. I believe it far too radically edits the game's pools to the point of instability. What did seem to help for me was installing the "An Experimental Game Config to Help with the pop-in and spawn issue" mod from AbdelrahmanMahmoud on Nexus, which I linked before in this thread, but I will link again here for convenience: An Experimental Game Config to Help with the pop-in and spawn issue at Red Dead Redemption 2 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com) After having used it for a considerable amount of time, I can confirm that it absolutely has improved the ped and wildlife spawns in my game while seeming to be very stable and causing no notable crashes. Your mileage may vary, but it has been effective for me at returning my ped/wildlife spawns almost completely back to vanilla. The only thing it doesn't solve is the train spawns; it may help slightly with them, but it isn't a complete solution in that regard by any means. Trains still seem to be the most stubborn problem to resolve. Test the mod for yourself and see what results you get from it. Granted, it's not going to automatically allow you to just go in and start adding back tons of problematic mods again, because they will still break the spawns if enough of them are installed (or if certain ones are installed that cause enough of a problem on their own), so don't count on that. But from my experience it definitely helps compensate for a lot of what you're probably still not getting in terms of vanilla levels of ped and wildlife populations.
  8. That single scenario is not nearly enough to determine whether your spawns are working or not. You still very easily could have a lack of trains spawning in other locations, and may very well still have minimal numbers of trains in Valentine (merely seeing one pull in with passengers could easily be a rare fluke, as it was with me until I removed enough problematic mods to see them more frequently). Go back and read what I said about witnessing regular trains pulling in at all stations, especially in every settlement. Rhodes is an important one, as is Saint Denis and Annesburg (not including the two trains that are regularly refueling sitting in the Annesburg depot). Comparing your current spawning frequency to vanilla is also imperative.
  9. I have only ever used Smoking Complete and Realistic Gun Metals out of those mods you listed. I haven't personally experienced spawning issues with them installed. But you need to test each and every mod you use for yourself, one by one. Only you can determine if they're causing you issues. Do not just rely on the testimonies of others. Certain combinations of mods might also be affecting things for you that without that specific mod list may not affect someone else's game. TEST EVERYTHING FOR YOURSELF.
  10. The majority of the fixes in that mod don't seem to have any negative effects on spawns, including increases to pedLodBias, which I have personally also tested by manually editing that and even the vehicleLodBias values in the system.xml. However, the same cannot be said for the LOD scale (which if I remember right is not altered by that mod at all). I mentioned previously in this thread that any increase in the LOD scale will immediately have detrimental effects on spawns due to the fact that you are rendering many more high resolution textures further away from the camera, straining the game's resources. I recommend staying away from any changes to the LOD scale for this reason.
  11. I have never once experienced lingering spawning issues that persist affecting saves themselves after problematic mods are removed, so I don't personally believe this is something to worry about. To be safe and thorough though, using a fresh save file as a baseline during troubleshooting might be a good idea.
  12. I don't see that being very beneficial. Neither I nor anyone else actively troubleshooting this issue is an advanced coder of any sort. We're merely modders who (mostly) know how to test for spawning issues and identify problematic mods, not how to fix them. Hastening to find a conclusion with the knowledge and tools we currently have available is futile. The most effective methods right now for troubleshooting and identifying spawning bugs have, in my opinion, already been presented. And the best place for presenting potential new info is still in this thread. This isn't going to get solved by a group in private voice chat going over the same things that are already being discussed in this thread. At the end of the day, people still have to test for themselves. I have no way to know what specific mod lists people are trying to use, and with the amount of variables involved, there is no quick easy method for troubleshooting. Nor will there be. The best option is simply to be thorough and cover all bases, making sure to test for train spawns as I mentioned before and combining that with the script monitoring that koazzz777 described. In addition, testing mods one by one is also crucial. The most you can hope for right now is simply to mitigate the spawning issues as much as possible by removing problematic mods you've identified and make compromises for what you're willing to deal with if you still want to use certain mods. I realize that you and many others want this problem resolved, as do I. But without more advanced technical coding knowledge and an extensive understanding of how the game's engine works, or without someone with that experience involved, this situation is not going to be concluded any time soon. Or ever. Which is a reality we may have to come to terms with. Though I hope not.
  13. The last thing we need is yet another discord server. This is the problem that numerous users replying here have already pointed out with this community: everything's hidden behind discord servers, not out in the open where people can find the information easily and accessibly. It's the very reason I made this forum thread the way that I did. If people have information to share, there is absolutely no reason why they shouldn't be sharing it here.
  14. That's exactly what I'm trying to do. If you read my previous comment, I explained to koazzz777 that his testing method was incomplete, because he left out a very important aspect of troubleshooting that is critical to perform in order to cover all bases. If he'd done that, then I'd say his testing method would have been the most thorough presented so far. Instead he dismissed it and made excuses for why there's "too many variables" to test for trains in settlements, despite apparently not thinking there were too many variables to check train spawns in the wilderness previously as per my suggestion, even going so far as to confirm that my method was "foolproof". The "back and forth" is me trying to ensure thoroughness and consistency in testing methodology; nothing more. I'm not going to just not say anything if I recognize a blatant aspect of troubleshooting that someone isn't doing. It's also a bit difficult to "come together" to solidify testing methods when the person you're responding to randomly decides to leave the thread as soon as you ask them to verify something they missed.
  15. I'll see what I can do later when I get the time but frankly it seems unnecessary. There's no reason you shouldn't be seeing them if you've cleaned your game folder of all mods and are visiting Emerald Station at the approximate times I mentioned before. Use the Railroad Engineer mod to help monitor when the train icons are approaching Emerald Station and wait for them by the station to pull into the stop. If those icons remain grayed out and pass by the station without a train showing up, then something is still inhibiting your spawns.
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