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File Comments posted by DickHertz

  1.  @HughJanus Yes atm I’m working on adding snow to Tall Trees, adding passenger trains/increasing the frequency of them, adding fast travel points to Gaptooth/Plainview, turning Pike’s Basin into a gang hideout, and if I can get larger YMAPs working correctly - adding houses to the Ranches, Thieves Landing, etc. There’s a lot I still want to add these are just things I know are possible with file edits alone

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  2. 21 hours ago, VictorShade said:

    This truly is the Golden Age of RDR modding. Very good work, just one question. Are you going to be reviving (for lack of a better word) other places, like Cornwall Kerosene and Tar, Tanner's Reach, or Wapiti Reservation? Or even Guarma, like removing the debris from the Fort, or unlocking the doors for the Plantation and Town? Very excited to see continual updates for this mod.

    Thanks man! And yea Tanners reach should be in the next update but Cornwall and Wapiti will take a little more time.  I started on Guarma already and plan on making the fort into a gang hideout.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Krokx said:

    Ok, got to map editor to work. (Num Lock could not be activated on my laptop, only after unchecking a box in the settings which changed the numlock from mouse it started to work.)

    Still when loading the map, the weather changes but the character cries and dies probably?

    Do I have to load the map every time I fire up the game?

    The people in Colter can't be talked to?


    -Ok so that problems solved.. 👍

    -What do you mean exactly by "dies probably", did you try playing? Mine also screams when I load it but he doesn't die.

    -Yes there's an autoload feature coming

    -And no that's also coming in the future

  4. 4 hours ago, Krokx said:

    sorry to say that, but the mod is extremely buggy, map editor doesn't close, num pad 0 doesn't work, every time I load the map in the map editor the character in the game cries and then dies, after he is dead I can move the camera in free roam and I see that colter is really populated (which is intended) but I can't close the map editor and I can't get the character back again into play. So right now the mod is very interesting, but absolutely unplayable.


    Eaasy my man you probably have another mod that interferes with it, I haven't heard of anybody else having problems so far

    Lenny's Simple Trainer

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    On 7/26/2020 at 8:21 AM, Plut00 said:

    idk if its just my computer being shit but its really laggy whenever i go into a town but outside of towns its not laggy at all

    If you have the Bank robbery mod installed with this then thats probably why

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