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AnymYo last won the day on June 27

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  1. Here is a preview of the headshot styles from the update which is in the works: Cineastic headshot vs. more realistic headshots (liveleak inspired) (The pistol is causing cineastic headshots, the revolver is causing realistic headshots) headshotcomp.mp4
  2. Copy the "CERR 2.0" folder to your "lml" folder and start Lennys mod loader. Make sure C.E.R.R. is checked, so its enabled in RDR2. Make sure you dont use any other euphoria mod simultan.
  3. I started from scratch and used all my knowledge from the former CERR project to create a whole new tuning. I really dont know when its finished but its in a good state 😄 I created a cineastic and realistic headshot preset which I will release when its finished.
  4. Is this feature implemented? Im asking because this button isnt available, no matter if the game is running or not.
  5. Previously I thought that I could increase the fire writhe time with some modifications in explosion.ymt but unfortunately that was not the case so I decided to remove it from the mod. It doesnt matter if you have mutliple mods which are using the same files because to my information, lml is just picking the mod with the highest priority and use the files from it (loadorder). So it doesnt matter if its using the weapons.ymt file from RDOFF or CERR because both files are the same. So lml will always load the weapons.ymt file which is compatible with CERR, no matter if its using the one from RDOFF or from CERR. But it can be problematic when lml loads a weapons.ymt file from a complete different mod.
  6. If you want to merge the weapon.ymt file from CERR with a weapons.ymt file from another mod, you need to take over all lines and sections which I have commented with <!--CERR-->. As I said, Ill try to make it work with "weapons_mp.meta" in the future.
  7. Hi! This is new to me. The game is using a bunch of RIG presets which are affecting the ragdoll slightly (big, thin, small, male, female). In addition to this, the game differentiates between armed and unarmed NPCs as well as NPCs which are holding a single handed or a two handed weapon. You also need to take into account that all weapon and ammo types are affecting the ragdoll behavior of any NPC. Besides that, bleeding shots are disabled for story NPC by default. This could cause the game to unload the bleedout preset which could affect the ragdoll a little but not in a way that its complete different or extreme noticable...
  8. Thanks! The problem is that these two mods are sharing the same file (weapons.ymt). I will put my weapon.ymt changes in a file called "weapons_mp.meta" in the future. When certain conditions are matched, the game should be able to combine all values from weapons_mp.meta and weapons.ymt but I really cant tell if the mod will work properly with that. The reason why as good as nobody wants to make compatibility patches is that you have to maintain your patches in case that the creator of the other mod is releasing a update. We will see what the future brings 🙂
  9. @Gunter Severloh Just played the first hosea hunting mission and got ambushed by bandids while I was sitting on the campfire and crafting stuff. I saw that there is a setting in the .ini file called "DISABLE_DURING_MISSIONS". When I set this to 1, do I have to restart the game after each completed mission to re-enable the hideouts?
  10. @Dragon Ziggy CERR is affecting the bleeding ragdoll behavior, not the bleeding chance. Unfortunately I dont know how to fix this 😕
  11. In "CTaskNMControl__Tunables" you can set "0x98458144" to false. But that can result in a T-Pose.
  12. I finished the physicstaks.ymt file for C.E.R.R 2.0. A detailed changelog will be published with the official release. I havent started yet to tune each weapon and ammo for this version. So the first release wont include any weapon changes. This preview shows you the new amount of variety in balancing and falling. This is one of the main features in C.E.R.R 2.0. This version was created with the vanilla weapons.ymt file. Please make sure that you use the vanilla weapons.ymt file, otherwise it's not guaranteed that all reactions work properly. CERR 2.0.zip
  13. Is it possible to add the blood textures on clothes (which are occuring when you hit a NPC critical and the bleeding starts) by default? I think the normal (non critical) bullet wounds are pretty clean. Would be nice to have these blood soak and blood textures on the cloth also with normal hits by default!
  14. Thanks! Im working on it at the moment but the fine tuning is pretty time consuming. I also found a solution for compatibility issues when other mods also using "weapons.ymt" and think about releasing a "flying when get hit by horse"-fixed C.E.R.R 1.08 version because C.E.R.R 2.0 will feel a bit differend compared to 1.08 and at the end, its a matter of taste.
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