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Cuddlecreeper8 last won the day on April 26 2020

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  1. Just redownload the mod (and scripthook if needed), and make sure the game itself isn't broken either.
  2. You can either rename it and then change the file extension (the name/letters after the .) or just redownload the file and delete the broken one.
  3. The GTA Equivalent can be played in SP, as can this mod too.
  4. I'm sorry what? -20 FPS? That's not possible, you cannot get negative frames per second.
  5. This is just a mod to overhaul ped behaviour, and health if you want, it does not control the amount of peds in missions.
  6. Always use the latest version (1.49 currently) of Ped Damage Overhaul as it comes out, I Have Native Trainer that comes with Script Hook, JediJosh920's Trainer, Photomode Enhancer and TieYourLasso
  7. Changing NPC Health appears to not change anything, I still 3 shot people when NPC Health is set to 1000, this shouldn't happen. It worked perfectly on an old version of the mod.(forgot which though.)
  8. surviving dismemberment was done in a fallout 4 mod before, but then again completely different engine.
  9. Please shorten the length of the rope. It's too long and NPCs keep tripping and glitching because of the length.
  10. Well this isn't much of a problem anymore for mods that aren't using RagePluginHook. I always have preferred ScriptHook to be honest, but RagePluginHook does have some great mods like RDRFR.
  11. With the Rockstar Launcher it is possible since you can disable automatic updates, problem is someone needs to upload a backup of the previous version which would be huge to just download.
  12. As anyone has noticed ScriptHook and RAGE Plugin Hook have been broken by the latest update. Is there anyway to revert to the previous version of RDR2? I know this has been done with previous Rockstar Games such as GTA IV.
  13. Simple Answer: Rockstar Launcher. DRMs like Steam and EGS seem to cause some issues (Mostly EGS but who wants to buy stuff there anyway). Rockstar Launcher is also better since shortcuts don't need to open Steam or EGS, then Rockstar then the game. I have had many issues with GTA IV and V because of Steam opening then Rockstar and sometimes it just gets stuck. Best Idea is to buy it directly from Rockstar.
  14. Let me guess this is for Micah?
  15. It seems that Ped Damage/Reaction Editing is just drops FPS on Rockstar games, I believe on Gunshot Wound 2 (another Ped damage/health/reaction mod for GTA V) one of the change logs was improved performance, and I remember reading something where you could set the radius that peds would be effected since it could lag the game if too large. Rockstar just has really weird things that if you change it lags.
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