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  1. Thanks. But isn't such just replacing lst trainer with the rampage one? do they share the same features, like the large array of weapons, double wielding unique weapons like the one's of Falco, Granger, Calloway, Ottis Miller, Albernon snub nose? and also being able to spawn weapons like the M1899, the Lietchfield repeater, the lemat, carcano rifle, rolling block, rare rb, rare double barrel shotgun on the fly in any earlier chapter? God mode, horse stamina and invencibility, infinite red eye and players stamina, honor? I've searched for info for the rampage trainer (details it may have) but I was unable to find one explaining what it does offer like in this description, I just read a lot, including on reddit, that is an excelent trainer and many people usually advise it's use above this one - they surely can't coexist. But before changing I would like to know if rampage covers all points that matters the most for me and present in the LST trainer already and that would be like deal breakers if not present on rampage. Sorry for disturbing your peace again, but as you surely notice I'm truly a newbie to mods (just used for some games wemod, but it's very poor compared to this one and, it seems, to rampage). I do appreciate your patience and again thank you in advance.
  2. Hi there. Forgive my ignorance, but is there any list for horses as there is for weapons (there's a file attached with the name of the weapons to add to the ini file)? (for example I would like to spawn a Missouri Fox Trotter Silver Dapple Pinto) Thank you in advance.
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