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Jim Jam Banana Slam

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  1. @HughJanus No worries! Another bug, Jamie needs to be added to the exceptions as well because shooting the gun out of his hand in the mission makes him run from you 😄
  2. @fitfondue A couple more bugs if you aren't aware of them yet: With NPCs on horseback, if you shoot their horse, the NPC will sometimes not get back up, they'll just lay there until you shoot them and then they will stand. I thought it was due to the fall damage setting but it doesn't seem to make a difference what it's set at. I assume it's to do with the NPCs dying when knocked out bug, but any time you stow an NPC on a horse or carry them, they tend to die. So the mission at the beginning with Rev. Swanson, the one where Jules gets his leg bit by the alligator, Bronte getting knocked out, and all the bounty hunter missions are affected. I also noticed that the random event with the people getting bit by snakes, they tend to just drop dead as well, virtually any time someone is injured or knocked out. I have the BleedWhenDying on and I think that might be the cause but I haven't had time to check yet.
  3. @Frizio I've been playing with 1.3 hotfix and I'm not getting that bug. It's triggered by just shooting civilians you say?
  4. I haven't tried the hotfix but Jules and Bronte both died randomly in missions the other day, so might want to add them to the exceptions as well.
  5. @Maro That's the hands up animation bug I described earlier, thanks for getting a video of it! Btw you probably want to tag @fitfondue instead of me, he's the other co-author, I'm just some guy who reported some bugs without being asked 😆
  6. @Maro Everything is working for me, must be something on your end? @HughJanus As far as the disarming, sometimes they get stuck repeating the beginning of the hands up of animation over and over, if that makes sense. Also for the behaviour where they draw a knife after being disarmed, (nice touch btw) if you disarm them again, they'll just keep pulling more knives over and over, I'm not sure if it's every time but I got it to happen several times in a row. They also sometimes still think they have a pistol after you disarm them, as seen in the attached screenshot.
  7. @HughJanus Awesome, thanks. Seems to be working. And will do!
  8. @HughJanus Oh perfect, Sean and Charles as well. The train robbery mission with them in chapter two is one of the problem missions. EDIT: Also Eagle Flies. And maybe his friend Paytah. Hercule Fontaine and Leon Fuentes might need to be excluded as well.
  9. Just so you guys know, the stumbling when shot in the leg is a problem for the story missions since gang members count as peds. Not only is it fairly likely that one of them is going to take a bullet to the leg at some point in a lot of missions and then faceplant over and over until they die, but apparently the StumbleThreshold still takes effect on horseback if the ped was shot in the leg prior to mounting the horse, so they'll just continuously fall off their horse until they die lol. This is obviously a problem for any mission where you fight on foot and then are supposed to flee the scene on horseback while being chased. It's still possible to use the StumbleChance settings so far but you'll be repeating a lot of checkpoints. There are also a few parts where gang members will consistently be killed if you're using the realistic .ini settings. I've been able to use dead eye to stop it from happening in every case so far, but it's pretty much physically impossible to stop it otherwise. Bumping the NPCHealth up to 90 has also worked in every case so far. I can upload a video of this stuff if you need it. 🙂
  10. @fitfondue There was a hitman in the Old West days named Killer Miller and he wore a steel plate under his coat, reminds me of that lol.
  11. @fitfondue I actually posted that before Hugh put out the 1.2 release, I was just using the latest file he had uploaded in the comments here and the .ini file you uploaded in the comments. I'm sure it was your .ini but I might have put the wrong ASI file in or something. It's a lot better with the proper 1.2 files installed, here's a quick video of that. PS: I have a trainer with never wanted on and GeForce Experience makes my game stutter a bit apparently lol
  12. @fitfondue I was just using the Cattleman and regular ammo, I just kept getting the bright red kill indicator after one torso shot, so I wasn't getting all the falling down and other fun stuff. It was somewhat realistic like that though and the revolvers were a bit weak in vanilla for my taste. I was just shooting civilians at close range though, that might be why lol. It's better now with the new release anyway. I'm doing a fresh playthrough of the story and your gang members are a lot more likely to die on you so you have to cover them more, which is actually pretty awesome, but I will say it's a bit rough (but hilarious) when Micah takes a bullet to the leg and starts falling down every couple of feet lol. Nothing game breaking so far, I'm still early in the game though.
  13. @HughJanus Thanks for posting this stuff publicly. I did some tweaking of my own with the .ini in 1.1 but couldn't get it quite right. I've tried out the new version and the settings @fitfondue has there, I like everything except I put the NPC health and knockbackthreshold at 100 instead of 70. I found people were dying in one shot a lot so I wasn't seeing the effects of the mod as much. Just my opinion. Thanks guys.
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