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    (translated) I play RDR2 again and again because it's one of the best games of all time in terms of immersion and I can't play any other game without being disappointed at how little effort other game developers take for their games. With this mod (overhaul version), this immersion is taken to a new level. The new features (playing the mod since the beginning) to reduce the time to bleed for missions etc. are a good thing. Before you had to deactivate the whole mod if you got stuck in a mission. It wasn't too bad either, but you can tell that a lot of effort was put into this mod, thank you very much for that. (original) Ich spiele RDR2 immer wieder, weil es eines der besten Spiele aller Zeiten ist was die Immersion angeht und ich nun kein anderes Spiel mehr spielen kann ohne enttäuscht zu sein, wie wenig mühe sich anderen Spieleschmieden für ihre Spiele nehmen. Mit dieser Mod (overhaul version) wird diese Immersion nun noch mal auf eine neue Stufe gebracht. Die neuen Funktionen (spiele die Mod schon seit beginn) um für Missionen die Zeit bis zum ausbluten zu verringern etc. sind eine gute Sache. Vorher musste man die gesamte Mod deaktivieren wenn man in einer Mission nicht weiter gekommen ist. War auch kein großes übel aber man merkt einfach das sich bei dieser Mod sehr viel mühe gegeben wurde, vielen dank dafür.
  1. This is my personal configuration for this great mod. Result: More realism with the same gore effects. Thanks for this great modification ;_________________________________________________________________ ; ; ;!!!!!THE VALUES BELOW ARE INTEGER VALUES -> DONT USE COMMAS!!!!! ; ;_________________________________________________________________ [PedDamageConfiguration] ;ToggleKey is the F-key you want to use to activate the mod (so 7 would set it to F7) ToggleKey=9 ;EnableScriptByDefault can be set to 1 or 0, depending if you want to have to enable the script manually or it should be active by default EnableScriptByDefault=1 ;Playerinvincibility is the setting for the player to be invincible (values: 0 or 1) PlayerInvincibility=0 ;FireSurvivalChance is the percentage chance of an NPC surviving a fire if burning (values: integers between 0 and 100) FireSurvivalChance=20 ;FireHealth is the health value an NPC gets when it is burning, if it is NOT supposed to survive the fire (if this value is set too high, the NPC might still survive the fire) FireHealth=80 ;NPCHealth is the standard health for an NPC NPCHealth=150 ;KnockbackThreshold is the health threshold under which an NPC can be knocked down KnockbackThreshold=80 ;KnockbackChance is the percentage chance of a knockdown occuring when the NPCs health is under the KnockbackThreshold (values: integers between 0 and 100) KnockbackChance=10 ;DyingThreshold is the health threshold under which NPCs wont be able to get back up again when knocked down DyingThreshold=40 ;StumbleChance is the "percentage" chance of stumbling or falling when an NPC was hit in the leg (values: integers between 0 and 1000 (so it can be tweaked more precisely => so a value of 30 would equal 3%)) StumbleChance=5 ;SpecialWeaponModifier - since NPCs have more health, some weapons should do more damage - this is the modifier for weapon damage (shotguns, sniper rifles, dynamite arrows, improved arrows and tomahawks will be affected by this) SpecialWeaponModifier=1
  2. it is possible to implement the disarming of every PED etc. Vanilla can only be successfully disarmed by civilians by firing on the weapon
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