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Matthew Doc

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    United States
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Feller (1/10)



  1. In the latest version, it is not possible to change anything on MP female\male Only the "Change ped skin (can break outfit)" tab works
  2. Thank you very much for your work! Is it possible to add here, the time setting when dead bodies (corpses) begin to disappear,and the ability to control the time of decomposition into bones? After patch v1.03, rockstar did something and the corpses of people no longer decompose and immediately disappear ( As soon as you turn away, 50 meters away from him.) At the time of the game’s release the corpses remained for a long time, even after the game was restarted again. So by the beginning of the second part I already saw the bones of my enemies.This did not work in the missions, and with large numbers of NPCs, and on roads (NPC paths). I also agree about the reload speed )
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