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  1. I am actually, I'll have to check to make sure I'm up to date! Thanks @LMS and @HughJanus
  2. Yes Arthur or John get tied up. Actually happened quite a few more times since I've reported it. It gives me the multiplayer button mashing prompts to break free.
  3. They don't owe you a thing! Take you're ungrateful; self elsewhere 🙂
  4. So strange happenings... happened twice now so seems pretty rare but sometimes when I go to tie someone up, I get tied up and they run away... pretty funny but worth mentioning.
    By far the most ambitious mod available in RDR2 to date. HughJanus has continued to update it and take feedback from the community and deserves praise for what they have accomplished thus far! This mod adds a level of immersion and realism that rivals the high-end Skyrim mods of the game's golden years for modding which has been unheard of in RDR2. Also, big shout out to Fitfondue for their assistance in the development of this mod, I'm sure Hugh appreciates you very much!
  5. @HughJanus I see that you've added a friendly fire option in the ini. Very excited for when that starts working 🙂 Thanks so much!
  6. @HughJanus I get where you're coming from. However in my opinion, a knife may not, but a tomahawk probably would and this affects both. It's also more noticeable with the tomahawk because it is more likely to kill on a body shot than the knife, and this bug only seems to take place on killing shots. With it the way it is, none of the cool euphoria physics kick in, which means no stumbling and no grabbing at the area of impact, just dropping like a sack of potatoes. I'd say it's most noticeable when you hit a ped with a throwable while they are running because they just lose all momentum and drop which looks a bit odd. Ultimately, it's up to you. But that's my input!
  7. @HughJanus Thanks so much! I tested it for a few minutes and it seems to have fixed the issue. Cheers! Edit: Got to play and test a little more. It's almost fixed. If someone is killed with a body hit of a thrown weapon they still drop unnaturally, while the bow seems to work well and killing shots to the head or non fatal shots to the body look to be working again.
  8. It happens with any lethal thrown weapon so throwing knives or tomahawks/axes, as well as the bow. I can tell you I've only noticed it since I've installed the latest patch so I'm assuming it has something to do with that. I did change a few values, although I don't remember all of them (mainly to do with disarming reactions and underwater breathing times) I do use other mods, although not much mainly just trainers, and they haven't changed since I've updated. I'll post my ini if you feel like looking through it: ;_________________________________________________________________ ; ; ;!!!!!THE VALUES BELOW ARE INTEGER VALUES -> DONT USE COMMAS!!!!! ; ;_________________________________________________________________ [PedDamageConfiguration_Basic] ;ToggleKey is the F-key you want to use to activate the mod (so 7 would set it to F7) ToggleKey = 9 ;EnableScriptByDefault can be set to 1 or 0, depending if you want to have to enable the script manually or it should be active by default EnableScriptByDefault = 1 ;NPCHealth is the standard health for an NPC NPCHealth = 100 ;KnockbackThreshold is the health threshold under which an NPC can be knocked down KnockbackThreshold = 90 ;DyingMovementThreshold is the health threshold under which NPCs wont be able to get back up again when knocked down (still moving on the ground) - if DyingMovment is disabled (in the advanced section), ;the behavior under this threshold is the same as for the DyingThreshold DyingMovementThreshold = 65 ;DyingMovementThreshold2 is the health threshold under which NPCs wont be able to get back up again when knocked down (still moving on the ground, less agile than the first threshold) - if DyingMovment is ;disabled (in the advanced section), the behavior under this threshold is the same as for the DyingThreshold DyingMovementThreshold2 = 27 ;DyingThreshold is the health threshold under which NPCs wont be able to get back up again when knocked down (just lying on the ground, not moving) DyingThreshold = 7 ;LassoDisarms can be set to either 0 or 1 - if set to 1, lasso-ing someone disarms them LassoDisarms = 1 ;HogtyingDisarms can be set to either 0 or 1 - if set to 1, hogtying someone disarms them HogtyingDisarms = 1 ;Disarming can be set to a value between 0 and 100 - this is the percentage chance of NPCs being disarmed when shot in the right forearm or hand ;every NPC can be disarmed (even lawmen), but dropped weapons from disarms will look partially invisible (its only optical, you can pick them up and use them as usual) DisarmingChance = 100 [PedDamageConfiguration_Advanced] ;ModEffectRange is a value which describes the number of NPCs which are affected by the mod (USE ONLY IF YOU HAVE PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS - THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL!) ModEffectRange = 1024 ;ExcludeStoryNPCs can be set to either 0 or 1 - if set to 1, the mod will not affect story NPCs ExcludeStoryNPCs = 1 ;StoryNPCHealth sets the health of story NPCs to the given amount - only works if ExcludeStoryNPCs is set to 1 (otherwise they will get the health value from NPCHealth) - 0 disables the feature StoryNPCHealth = 450 ;Playerinvincibility is the setting for the player to be invincible (values: 0 or 1) PlayerInvincibility = 0 ;Chances for disarming behaviors - if the summed chances are not exactly 100, they will be ignored and the default values will be set DisarmFleeingChance = 15 DisarmAttackChance = 5 DisarmHandsUpChance = 40 DisarmCowerChance = 40 ;SpecialWeaponModifier - since NPCs have more health, some weapons should do more damage - this is the modifier for weapon damage (200 = 200% = twice the normal damage) (shotguns, sniper rifles, dynamite arrows, improved arrows and tomahawks will be affected by this) SpecialWeaponModifier = 85 ;WeaponModifier - the weapon modifier for all "non-special weapons" (50 = 50% = half the normal damage) WeaponModifier = 75 ;MeleeModifier - the damage modifier for all melee damage - 100 disables it, it counts as percentage (50 = 50% = half the normal damage) MeleeModifier = 100 ;KnifeModifier - the damage modifier for the following knives: normal knife, miner knife, bear knife, vampire knife, civil war knife, machete KnifeModifier = 100 ;NPCWeaponModifier - the damage modifier for all NPC weapon damage - 100 disables it, it counts as percentage (50 = 50% = half the normal damage) NPCWeaponModifier = 100 ;NPCMeleeModifier - the damage modifier for all NPC melee damage - 100 disables it, it counts as percentage (50 = 50% = half the normal damage) NPCMeleeModifier = 100 ;NPCAccuracy alters the accuracy of NPCs (0 disables the feature, so any value above 0 will set the accuracy to that) NPCAccuracy = 0 ;Bodypart Damage Modifiers - regulate the amount of damage certain body parts take (100 is 100%, 50 would be 50% so half the damage is done when this body part is hit) LegDamageModifier = 50 ArmDamageModifier = 50 TorsoDamageModifier = 100 HeadDamageModifier = 100 NeckDamageModifier = 100 ;DyingStatesForMelee enables or disables the dying states for NPCs who have only been damaged by fists (can be set to either 0 or 1) -> if enabled, knocked out NPCs wont get up again if under any dying threshold DyingStatesForMelee = 0 ;MeleeDyingStateKnockout makes NPCs ragdoll into the DyingStates when in melee combat and their health crosses the DyingMovementThreshold (DyingStatesForMelee has to be enabled for this feature to work) - can be set to either 0 or 1 MeleeDyingStateKnockout = 0 ;FireSurvivalChance is the percentage chance of an NPC surviving a fire if burning (values: integers between 0 and 100) FireSurvivalChance = 50 ;FireHealth is the health value an NPC gets when it is burning, if it is NOT supposed to survive the fire (if this value is set too high, the NPC might still survive the fire) FireHealth = 300 ;UnderWaterTime is the time an NPC can survive under water (is affected by other values as well, so changing it might not lead to the expected result) UnderWaterTime = 25 ;KnockbackChance is the percentage chance (from 0 to 1000, so you can set it more precisely) of a knockdown occuring when the NPCs health is under the KnockbackThreshold (values: integers between 0 and 100) KnockbackChance = 20 ;FallTimeDown is the time in milliseconds an NPC has to be falling to be incapacitated afterwards FallTimeDown = 1100 ;FallTimeDeath is the time in milliseconds an NPC has to be falling to be dead afterwards FallTimeDeath = 1850 ;UseAnimChance is the chance of animations being used instead of the random dying movement during dying stage 1 ;Be aware of two things: ;1. The animations (if activated) may prevent the use of the "running around with blood spilling out of an artery wound" animations during dying stage 1 ;2. When downing someone who is in cover or on horseback, the animations may still play (wheter you activated them or not) UseAnimChance = 100 ;TransitioningDelta represents the time delta between an NPC going down in dying state 1 and transitioning to the wounded animation (UseAnimChance must be set to see results) TransitioningDelta = 1200 ;DyingStateHogtie can be set to either 1 or 0. If enabled (= set to 1), NPCs in dying stages who are playing a writhing animation will be automatically bound on wrists and ankles as soon as you lasso them. ;Explanation: normally NPCs in writhing animations can't be lasso-ed without instantly dying - this method circumvents that. DyingStateHogtie = 1 ;DSEuphoriaStumble makes NPCs stumble around when weak (DyingMovementThreshold crossed) and not on the ground DSEuphoriaStumbleChance = 30 ;StumbleChance is the "percentage" chance of stumbling or falling when an NPC was hit in the leg (values: integers between 0 and 1000 (so it can be tweaked more precisely => so a value of 30 would equal 3%)) StumbleChanceBothLegs = 50 StumbleChanceOneLeg = 15 ;RunningThreshold is the velocity of the NPC - if the NPC runs faster than this velocity, the stumble chance kicks in (stumbling can happen) RunningThresholdBothLegs = 30 RunningThresholdOneLeg = 50 ;OnlyBleedOnTorsoShot can be set to either 0 or 1 - if set to 1, NPCs will only bleed (= bleeding effects below) if they are shot in the torso ;(this comes in handy if you want to catch a wanted NPC alive -> legs can be shot without having to fear the bleedout) OnlyBleedOnTorsoShot = 1 ;BleedWhenDying can be set to either 1 or 0, if set to 1 an NPC will continuously lose health when under the DyingThreshold BleedWhenDying = 1 ;BleedingChanceDying is the "percentage" chance of bleeding per script iteration (= every ~millisecond) when NPC is under the DyingThreshold (values: integers between 0 and 1000 (so it can be tweaked more precisely => so a value of 30 would equal 3%)) BleedingChanceDying = 13 ;BleedingValue is the value of health an NPC loses when bleeding is applied (= one of the bleeding chances kicks in) BleedingValue = 2 ;BleedWhenDying can be set to either 1 or 0, if set to 1 an NPC will continuously lose health when under the KnockbackThreshold BleedWhenShot = 0 ;BleedingChanceDying is the "percentage" chance of bleeding per script iteration (= every ~millisecond) when NPC is under the KnockbackThreshold (values: integers between 0 and 1000 (so it can be tweaked more precisely => so a value of 30 would equal 3%)) BleedingChanceShot = 21 ;CoreDepletion enables or disabled the depletion of cores (can be set to either 0 or 1) CoreDepletion = 0 ;CoreDepletionAmount is the value which gets deducted from the cores when the CoreDepletionTime has passed (full cores have a value of 100, empty cores a value of 0) CoreDepletionAmountHealth = 6 CoreDepletionAmountStamina = 6 CoreDepletionAmountDeadeye = 6 ;CoreDepletionTime is the amount of seconds after which CoreDepletionAmount gets deducted from all cores (in milliseconds, so a value of 10000 would mean that every 10 seconds the cores get decreased by the CoreDepletionAmount) CoreDepletionTime = 300000 ;CoreDepletionAfterDeath will deplete all cores entirely if the player dies, if enabled (can be set to either 0 or 1) CoreDepletionAfterDeath = 0 ;DyingStateChance is the chance of DyingStates being used (if that chance doesnt trigger, vanilla behavior will occur) - the value must be between 0 and 100 (0 disables DyingStates completely) DyingStateChance = 100 ;________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; below values are direct inputs for methods - tweaking them may result in unwanted behaviors ;________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;stumbling BothLegsStumbleForcePushX = 0 BothLegsStumbleForcePushY = 375 BothLegsStumbleForcePushZ = 0 OneLegStumbleForcePushX = 0 OneLegStumbleForcePushY = 320 OneLegStumbleForcePushZ = 0 IsDirectionRelativeOneLeg = 1 IsForceRelativeOneLeg = 0 IsDirectionRelativeBothLegs = 1 IsForceRelativeBothLegs = 0 ;This only works if "DSEuphoriaStumble" is set to 1 ;Pushing in dying mode works like this: if the dyingthreshold has been crossed, a random number betweed 0 and 999 is calculated, if this number is under the DyingPushChance, a new logic is triggered. ;This logic randomly decides whether the x, y or z axis of the NPC will receive the push (if you only want one axis pushing, set the other ones to 0) - the push is then applied to the center mass of the NPC DyingPushChance = 360 DyingForcePushX = 28 DyingForcePushY = 0 DyingForcePushZ = 0 ;ZValueForHeadBone is used for checking the z-value of the vector returned by | ENTITY::GET_WORLD_POSITION_OF_ENTITY_BONE(peds, 21030) | -> peds is the current NPC and 21030 is the bone ID of its head ;if the z-value of the head is below this value, the dyingpush does not trigger ZValueForHeadBone = 350 ;ZValueForHipBone is used for checking the z-value of the vector returned by | ENTITY::GET_WORLD_POSITION_OF_ENTITY_BONE(peds, 14415) | -> peds is the current NPC and 14415 is the bone ID of its lower spine ;if the z-value of the hip is above this value, the dying movement does not trigger ZValueForHipBone = 500 ;DyingMovementForceOffsetX - X-offset for dying force to be applied to the bones (where on the bones) - is divided by 10 before inserted into method (so a value of 5 becomes 0.5) DyingMovementForceOffsetX = 1 ;DyingMovementForceOffsetY - Y-offset for dying force to be applied to the bones (where on the bones) - is divided by 10 before inserted into method (so a value of 5 becomes 0.5) DyingMovementForceOffsetY = 1 ;DyingMovementForceOffsetZ - Z-offset for dying force to be applied to the bones (where on the bones) - is divided by 10 before inserted into method (so a value of 5 becomes 0.5) DyingMovementForceOffsetZ = 1 ;DyingMovementPush - strength of the force applied for dying movement (on the corresponding axis) - is divided by 10 before inserted into method (so a value of 5 becomes 0.5) - first stage, can be quite agile ;right calf DyingMovementPushX_Legs01 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Legs01 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Legs01 = 3 ;right thigh DyingMovementPushX_Legs02 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Legs02 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Legs02 = 5 ;left calf DyingMovementPushX_Legs03 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Legs03 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Legs03 = 3 ;left thigh DyingMovementPushX_Legs04 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Legs04 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Legs04 = 5 ;left forearm DyingMovementPushX_Arms01 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Arms01 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Arms01 = 10 ;right forearm DyingMovementPushX_Arms02 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Arms02 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Arms02 = 10 ;spines 01 - 05 (vertebras) DyingMovementPushX_Spine01 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Spine01 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Spine01 = 2 DyingMovementPushX_Spine02 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Spine02 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Spine02 = 2 DyingMovementPushX_Spine03 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Spine03 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Spine03 = 4 DyingMovementPushX_Spine04 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Spine04 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Spine04 = 2 DyingMovementPushX_Spine05 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Spine05 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Spine05 = 2 ;neck 01 - 05 (vertebras) DyingMovementPushX_Neck01 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Neck01 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Neck01 = 5 DyingMovementPushX_Neck02 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Neck02 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Neck02 = 0 DyingMovementPushX_Neck03 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Neck03 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Neck03 = 4 DyingMovementPushX_Neck04 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Neck04 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Neck04 = 0 DyingMovementPushX_Neck05 = 0 DyingMovementPushY_Neck05 = 0 DyingMovementPushZ_Neck05 = 4 ;pushing values for alternating x-push ;right calf DMPushXLeg01 = 0 ;right thigh DMPushXLeg02 = 0 ;left calf DMPushXLeg03 = 0 ;left thigh DMPushXLeg04 = 0 ;left forearm DMPushXArm01 = 6 ;right forearm DMPushXArm02 = 6 ;spines 01 - 05 (vertebras) DMPushXSpine01 = 2 DMPushXSpine02 = 0 DMPushXSpine03 = 2 DMPushXSpine04 = 0 DMPushXSpine05 = 2 ;neck 01 - 05 (vertebras) DMPushXNeck01 = 4 DMPushXNeck02 = 0 DMPushXNeck03 = 2 DMPushXNeck04 = 0 DMPushXNeck05 = 3 ;bDyingMovementPush - strength of the force applied for dying movement (on the corresponding axis) - is divided by 10 before inserted into method (so a value of 5 becomes 0.5) - second stage, should be less agile ;pushing values for alternating x-push (spine and arm pushes are also applied to the z-axis) - stage 2 ;right calf bDMPushXLeg01 = 0 ;right thigh bDMPushXLeg02 = 0 ;left calf bDMPushXLeg03 = 0 ;left thigh bDMPushXLeg04 = 0 ;left forearm bDMPushXArm01 = 7 ;right forearm bDMPushXArm02 = 7 ;spines 01 - 05 (vertebras) bDMPushXSpine01 = 4 bDMPushXSpine02 = 2 bDMPushXSpine03 = 0 bDMPushXSpine04 = 0 bDMPushXSpine05 = 0 ;neck 01 - 05 (vertebras) bDMPushXNeck01 = 4 bDMPushXNeck02 = 2 bDMPushXNeck03 = 0 bDMPushXNeck04 = 0 bDMPushXNeck05 = 0 ;booleans for dying movement IsDyingMovementForceRelative_Arms = 0 IsDyingMovementForceRelative_Legs = 0 IsDyingMovementForceRelative_Spine = 0 IsDyingMovementForceRelative_Neck = 0 IsDyingMovementDirectionRelative_Arms = 0 IsDyingMovementDirectionRelative_Legs = 0 IsDyingMovementDirectionRelative_Spine = 1 IsDyingMovementDirectionRelative_Neck = 1 IgnoreDyingMovementUpVector = 0 ;Booleans for enabling dying movement for body parts, stage 1 DyingMovementLegsEnable = 1 DyingMovementArmsEnable = 1 DyingMovementSpineEnable = 1 DyingMovementNeckEnable = 1 ;Booleans for enabling dying movement for body parts, stage 2 bDyingMovementLegsEnable = 1 bDyingMovementArmsEnable = 1 bDyingMovementSpineEnable = 1 bDyingMovementNeckEnable = 1 ;DyingMovementEnableWhenSpeedLowerThan - if DyingMovement is enabled, the NPC has to be slower than the given speed value to get the DyingMovement applied DyingMovementEnableWhenSpeedLowerThan = 10 ;DyingMovementChance - is the chance of dyingmovement to kick in (randomizer value between 0 and 999) - stage 1 DyingMovementChance = 550 ;DyingMovementPushTime - time for how long should be pushed (in milliseconds) - stage 1 DyingMovementPushTime = 0 ;DyingMovementWaitTime - time the waiting windos until the next push (in milliseconds) - stage 1 DyingMovementWaitTime = 750 ;DyingMovementBuildUpTime is the time between WaitTime and PushTime which is used to prepare the push by slightly pushing the NPC for this time interval already DyingMovementBuildUpTime = 3800 ;DyingMovementBuildUpCount is the amount of times the push is divided and applied during the DyingMovementBuildUpTIme DyingMovementBuildUpCount = 100 ;DyingMovementXRollChance is the chance of an x roll occuring while dying movement is active (if its not xroll, zroll will be triggered - so if the chance is 60, the chance for zroll is 40) DyingMovementXRollChance = 76 ;DyingMovementAudioChance is the chance per script iteration (~millisecond) that pain audio is played in stage 1 of DyingMovement, the audio 01, 02 and 03 are the sounds which are played (decided by chance) DyingMovementAudioChance = 80 DyingMovementAudio01 = 4 DyingMovementAudio02 = 5 DyingMovementAudio03 = 9 ;bDyingMovementChance - is the chance of dyingmovement to kick in (randomizer value between 0 and 999) - stage 2 bDyingMovementChance = 10 ;bDyingMovementPushTime - time for how long should be pushed (in milliseconds) - stage 2 bDyingMovementPushTime = 0 ;bDyingMovementWaitTime - time the waiting windos until the next push (in milliseconds) - stage 2 bDyingMovementWaitTime = 100 ;bDyingMovementBuildUpTime is the time between WaitTime and PushTime which is used to prepare the push by slightly pushing the NPC for this time interval already - stage 2 bDyingMovementBuildUpTime = 5000 ;bDyingMovementBuildUpCount is the amount of times the push is divided and applied during the DyingMovementBuildUpTIme - stage 2 bDyingMovementBuildUpCount = 100 ;booleans for the dyingpush method (not dyingmovement) IgnoreUpVector = 1 IsDyingForceRelative = 0 IsDyingDirectionRelative = 1 ;PanicChance is the chance of NPCs audibly panicking when taking damage from the player PanicChance = 2 ;PanicChanceHelpless is the chance of NPCs audibly panicking when taking damage from the player or being threatened by the player (like pointing a gun) while not being able to defend themselves (e.g. being in ragdoll) PanicChanceHelpless = 3 ;FemalePushModifier is the value the normal push value is divided by when pushing is applied to female NPCs (because they are lighter than male NPCs) FemalePushModifier = 3
  9. Reporting possible bug: When an npc is hit with a throw-able or arrow that kills them, they just drop with zero force. Its as if the euphoria physics don't kick in at all, they just go limp. If you are having issues understanding what I mean, I might be able to record it. Let me know!
  10. @HughJanus Sweet, thank you! I've been following this mod from the beginning and it has improved soooo much! Can't imagine playing without it at this point.
  11. @HughJanus Do you think it would be possible to have a "friendly fire" option added so there is no limit to who i can kill when? I've been searching forever to find a mod that does this but can't. 😞
  12. Those are all very good ideas, I second these! Best RDR2 mod to date. Very impressed and excited to see where it goes! Thank you so much Hugh Janus and Fitfondue!!!
  13. Since I downloaded this mod, I die in two hit from fists. Anyone else have this problem?
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