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Libra Cherry

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Modding Wiki

RDR2 Native Database

RDR2 Native Parameters

RDR2 Player Clothes Database

RDR2 Ped Voices Database

RDR2 Ped Speech Lines

RDR Modding Tutorials

RDR2 Ped Model Database

RDR2 Animations Database

RDRFR Changelog

RDRFR Installation Guide

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Everything posted by Libra Cherry

  1. I’ve sorted it now. I bought the game from epic games and now it’s there. The mods are now installed.
  2. Hi! I’ve been trying to get setup to mod reddead but I’m having issues because the root file isn’t showing up where I need it to. Is it because I’ve got windows 11? Also, I bought red dead from CD KEYS on my PC, not from steam, rockstar launcher or epic games. Could that be the issue? Please be kind, I’m usually an Xbox gamer!!
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