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Feller (1/10)



  1. I have tried that, and some other things but it doesnt work for me, for some reason. I really need this awesome mod! 🙂 Nvm, it works! 🙂
  2. Ive got the same problem, i also dont see the MP-clothes/weapons, [the SP items do view, which is cool though, thank you for making the mod Senexis 🙂]
  3. Hello guys, I was replaying RDR2 but when the epilogue started i had a weird bug (my character was respawning rapidly and the screen looked funny, dont know why), so i downloaded a savegame that started a little further into the epilogue. But the thing is, i am playing as John (normal xD) BUT, had Arthurs beard, I shaved it and then it changed to John's facial hair. Thats not it, i also hear Arthurs voice when talking to peaple and my horse but sometimes also have John's voice in some cases.. ? I tried to fix this with save editor by switching model to Arthur and back to John but that did not help. Its funny, i have sort of a John/Arthur hybrid xD
  4. Does this mod really not exist? Well, then i assume that it is very hard to make such a mod? bummer 😞
  5. Hello peaple, Is there a mod that makes it possible to play as Arthur without TB through the whole storymode?
  6. Do you have the latest scripthook installes? maybe thats it 🙂
  7. O and also, i would like to be able to rob, tie up, threaten and beat the crap out of everyone IN camp 🙂
  8. Is it possible to make it so you can play through the whole storymode with healthy Arthur? I would really like that 😞
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