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Aaskereija last won the day on November 13 2021

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  1. Because it's not supposed to work like that, it does what it says: making NPCs to Bodyguards for you. if you're looking for something similar like you mentioned, then you should ask on youtube which mod they use but i think they made their own one and probably do not share it.
  2. well, there is. But as you probably found out yourself, this file wasn't updated since august '21 so yes, there are missing NPC's if R* updated it's game with new content. What a surprise... But besides it's very easy to add new names, there's no reason for me to keep the file updated since i don't play it anymore. Feel free to edit it 😉
  3. Spawned legendarys are not recognized by the game as real legendarys, thought i mentioned already somewhere here, but i will add it as a "known bug" to OP.
  4. Then there was a reason to delete the ped afterwards, but i uploaded a new update right now and the ped is added to it.
  5. as far as i know the same action button should stop it too. But i never really used actions, so i can't really tell
  6. as far as i know there is no kissing or singing animation known yet (even if it's maybe in the game)
  7. that's a common bug with this mod because you as a player aren't supposed to be a ped. so just use ped skins with godmode on and everything is fine. My File can't do anything about it since it's just an extended version of the original ist.ini
  8. There are multiple buckskin in the list, but i can't tell you if one of them is a mustang. But you surely can use them in story mode but it's not wise to do so because this mod isn't considered as stable to use while proceeding the story. Corrupted savegames are still a thing
  9. As far is i know, those ped models aren't known yet. But i can give it a shot try finding them out.
  10. This Mod isn't supposed to work online. It's highly possible you can receive a ban while using this. (but you shouldn't because the mod doesn't work anyways)
  11. https://jeanropke.github.io/RDR2CollectorsMap/
  12. i will update this file as long as LST get updates, since this is just a config.file, it isn't necessary for me to update this file "on time" when LMS updates his mod, so you should be able to savely use my config file without any issues. But i will look into, if i can add something or if there is an update needed at all.
  13. Because of the newest Update, i strongly believe it's a bug caused by internal changes and/or LST. is this a fixable bug or no? Please ask this LMS who made Lennys Simple Trainer. i can't do anything about it, because i only edit a config file
  14. finally could test it. Even after the newest 5GB Update, everythings fine on my side: https://prnt.sc/vtwha1 the list is alphabetically ordered, not in the order how i saved it in the file Because of the newest Update, i strongly believe it's a bug caused by internal changes and/or LST.
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