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  1. I've been following what you've been doing including your YouTube videos and have even implemented many of your suggestions. They work like a charm by the way. I also understand why you've done what you've done. I was just simply throwing out another idea that may work for those that do not want to give up the weapon sounds. The vanilla (and modded) Schofield sounds leave much to be desired. The Navy is what I usually use to replace it and without the Navy available, I can't do it. I didn't mean to throw shade at anyone, just voicing my opinion and observations. Anyone trying to solve this problem deserves all the kudos possible, including energidaan.
  2. I have recently discovered that version.dll does not have the spawning issues that OCU has. Now, I realize that version.dll has its own issues, but it may be more beneficial to try and fix that instead of messing around and trying to fix OCU. That way weapon mods still work that utilize online content. I'd try it myself, but my programming skills = "I took two classes in Object Oriented Programming in college." I'm content with using version.dll and dealing with its issues (if it can't be fixed for whatever reason), but I'm not content with a broken OCU or a reduced features version that takes out weapons (though I am appreciative of the effort to fix it). I'm just passing on my discoveries to any that wish to take them and run with them.
  3. 1. Yes, it does use the streaming method. 2. No, I have not tried modifying it with the replacement method. It's way too time consuming to go through such a tedious process when I'm not having any problems. 3. I haven't had any problems with spawning when using 1899 Firearms. I just don't use Firearms Cosmetics despite it being listed as a requirement because that mod does cause spawning issues.
  4. Yes, you can use 1899 Firearms without Firearms Cosmetics. That's what I run. Just know that some glitching may occur and the custom grips and such will not show up. I overlook these issues as I find 1899 Firearms essential to my play style. I wish this game could handle the textures, but at present it cannot.
  5. I realize that this post is old, but I was also looking for a way to do this and found the answer. You have to edit the associated weapon.ymt file for the gun audio that you want to change. I did this with Maverick Weapons, but this should work with any mod's .ymt file as long as the one you're editing isn't being overridden by another mod. I also downloaded the mod Online Weapons in Story Mode https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/2195 because the .ymt files it has contain the code for the audio for the various weapons. All you need to do is copy the line of code for the audio you want and paste it into the code block for the weapon's audio that you want to change. A tutorial is also provided by the mod author on the mod page.
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